The present document includes the pre-processing steps to read the
intensive longitudinal data collected with the Qualtrics platform
(Qualtrics, Seattle, WA, USA) and prepare them from the analyses. The
data were collected from a sample of full-time workers (mainly office
workers) that responded to a preliminary questionnaire
followed by a one- or two-week daily diary protocol
Here, we remove all objects from the R global environment, and we set the system time zone.
# removing all objets from the workspace
# setting system time zone to GMT (for consistent temporal synchronization)
The following R packages are used in this document (see References section):
# required packages
packages <- c("lubridate","ggplot2","gridExtra","plyr","labourR","data.table","magrittr")
# generate packages references
knitr::write_bib(c(.packages(), packages),"packagesProc.bib")
# # run to install missing packages
# xfun::pkg_attach2(packages, message = FALSE); rm(list=ls())
First, we read preliminary questionnaire
data exported from Qualtrics (available upon request
to the main author).
# loading preliminary questionnaire dataset (skipping first two lines including unuseful information))
prelqs <- read.csv("DATI/WHLSM2021 - prelQS.csv",
na.strings="")[3:nrow(read.csv("DATI/WHLSM2021 - prelQS.csv")),]
# removing 1 case with missing values to all items
prelqs <- prelqs[!$gender),]
# removing 1 case with no e-mail address (i.e., no identification code)
prelqs <- prelqs[!$RecipientEmail),]
Second, we read the diary
datasets exported from
Qualtrics as CSV files with numeric values (available upon request to
the main author). A separate diary survey (resulting in a separate
dataset) was used for afternoon _a
, evening
, and morning _m
diaries, respectively.
Moreover, a separate survey was used for Saturday morning
), and surveys sometimes (i.e., in case of techical
problems with the smartphones), they administered by sending anonymized
links including an e-mail field: _mail
# loading diary datasets
diary_a <- read.csv("DATI/WEEK40/WHLSM2021_DiaryAfternoon.csv",
na.strings="")[3:nrow(read.csv("DATI/WEEK40/WHLSM2021_DiaryAfternoon.csv")),] # diary_a = Afternoon (after work)
diary_e <- read.csv("DATI/WEEK40/WHLSM2021_DiaryEvening.csv",
na.strings="")[3:nrow(read.csv("DATI/WEEK40/WHLSM2021_DiaryEvening.csv")),] # diary_e = Evening (bedtime)
diary_m <- read.csv("DATI/WEEK40/WHLSM2021_DiaryMorning.csv",
na.strings="")[3:nrow(read.csv("DATI/WEEK40/WHLSM2021_DiaryMorning.csv")),] # diary_m = Morning (before work)
diary_m_sat <- read.csv("DATI/WEEK40/WHLSM2021_DiaryMorning_sat.csv",
na.strings="")[3:nrow(read.csv("DATI/WEEK40/WHLSM2021_DiaryMorning_sat.csv")),] # diary_m_sat = Saturday Morning
# loading diary datasets with e-mail field (used in cases of technical problems)
diary_m_mail <- read.csv("DATI/WEEK40/WHLSM2021_DiaryMorning_mail.csv",
diary_a_mail <- read.csv("DATI/WEEK40/WHLSM2021_DiaryAfternoon_mail.csv",
diary_e_mail <- read.csv("DATI/WEEK40/WHLSM2021_DiaryEvening_mail.csv",
diary_m_sat_mail <- read.csv("DATI/WEEK40/WHLSM2021_DiaryMorning_sat_mail.csv",
Second, we recode the two datasets by removing unuseful columns, by
re-setting variable labels and classes, by renaming relevant columns,
and by merging the diary
Here, we remove the unuseful columns, and we rename and sort the
relevant columns of the prelqs
# removing unuseful columns
"DistributionChannel","UserLanguage","consent")] <- NULL
# renaming variables
colnames(prelqs)[1:4] <- c("start","end","ID","recruiter.ID") # participant's identifier (e-mail)
colnames(prelqs)[1:which(colnames(prelqs)=="children_1")] <- # removing question numbers from column names
colnames(prelqs)[which(substr(colnames(prelqs),1,2)=="EX")] <- paste("EX",1:7,sep="_") # recoding question numbers for EX scale
Then, we change the classes of the relevant variables by converting
dates as POSIXct
(the R format for dates and times),
categorical variables as factor
, and quantitative variables
as integer
or numeric
# time (POSIXct variables): start, end
prelqs$start <- as.POSIXct(prelqs$start)
prelqs$end <- as.POSIXct(prelqs$end)
# integer: age, WHLSM, WA, OC, WE, EX, WL, WFC, OWC, TS, NA
prelqs[,c(which(colnames(prelqs)=="age"),which(colnames(prelqs)=="WHLSM_1"):which(colnames(prelqs)=="NA_4"))] <-
# numeric: weekHours, weekHours_remote
colnames(prelqs)[which(substr(colnames(prelqs),1,4)=="week")] <- c("weekHours","weekHours_remote")
prelqs[,c("weight","height","weekHours","weekHours_remote")] <-
# factors: all other variables
"disfunctions_1","disfunctions_2","position","sector")] <-
We also recode the levels and values of sociodemographic variables as we preregistered (see preregistration here).
# gender: F, M, (Other)
prelqs$gender <- as.factor(gsub("1","M",gsub("2","F",gsub("3","Other",prelqs$gender))))
if(nlevels(prelqs$gender)==2){ cat("Recoding as M/F since nobody chose gender='Other'")
prelqs$gender <- factor(prelqs$gender,levels=c("F","M")) }
## Recoding as M/F since nobody chose gender='Other'
# education: highschool or lower vs. university or higher
prelqs$edu <- as.factor(gsub("1","highschool-",gsub("2","highschool-",gsub("3","university+",prelqs$edu))))
# children: yes/no
prelqs[prelqs$children!=0,"children"] <- 1
prelqs$children <- as.factor(gsub("0","No",gsub("1","Yes",prelqs$children))) # having a children
# home situation: alone, partner, children, parents, others
prelqs$home <- gsub("1","partner",gsub("2","parents",gsub("3","children",gsub("4","alone",gsub("5","others",prelqs$home)))))
prelqs$home <- factor(gsub("partner,alone","partner", # partner and alone = partner
gsub("partner,others","partner", # partner and others = partner
gsub("partner,children","children", # if children = children
gsub("alone,others","others", # alone and others = others
gsub("partner,parents","partner",prelqs$home))))), # partner and parents = partner
# children in the household: yes/no
prelqs$home_child <- as.factor(gsub("alone","No", #
# marital status: single, partner, divorced, widowed
prelqs$mStatus <- factor(gsub("1","single",gsub("2","partner",gsub("3","divorced",gsub("4","widowed",prelqs$mStatus)))),
# having a partner
prelqs$partner <- as.factor(gsub("single","No",
# living with partner
prelqs$home_partner <- as.factor(gsub("alone","No", # living with partner
# smoking status: Yes/No
prelqs$smoker <- factor(gsub("1","Yes",gsub("2","Quit_less",gsub("3","Quit_more",gsub("4","No",prelqs$smoker)))),
prelqs$smoker <- as.factor(gsub("Quit_less","Yes",gsub("Quit_more","No",prelqs$smoker)))
# drugs/medications
colnames(prelqs)[which(substr(colnames(prelqs),1,5)=="drugs")] <- c("bp_drugs","horm_drugs","psy_drugs") # drugs/medications
prelqs$bp_drugs <- as.factor(gsub("1","Yes",gsub("2","No",prelqs$bp_drugs)))
prelqs$horm_drugs <- as.factor(gsub("1","Yes",gsub("2","No",prelqs$horm_drugs)))
prelqs$psy_drugs <- as.factor(gsub("1","Yes",gsub("2","No",prelqs$psy_drugs)))
# cardiovascular and sleep dysfunctions
colnames(prelqs)[which(substr(colnames(prelqs),1,5)=="disfu")] <- c("cv_dysf","sleep_dysf")
prelqs$cv_dysf <- as.factor(gsub("1","Yes",gsub("2","No",prelqs$cv_dysf)))
prelqs$sleep_dysf <- as.factor(gsub("1","Yes",gsub("2","No",prelqs$sleep_dysf)))
# job position: employee or project vs. manager or self-employed/employer
prelqs$position <- factor(gsub("1","Manager/Employers",
# job sector: public vs. private
prelqs$sector <- as.factor(gsub("1","Public",gsub("2","Private",prelqs$sector)))
# remotePlace (open-ended question -> making it categorical)
prelqs$remotePlace <- factor(gsub("casa","home",
gsub("\\.","",gsub(" ","",tolower(prelqs$remotePlace)))))))))))))),
# from height and weight to BMI
prelqs[prelqs$height<3,"height"] <- prelqs[prelqs$height<3,"height"]*100 # correcting heights reported in meters
prelqs$BMI <- prelqs$weight/(prelqs$height/100)^2 # BMI = kg/m^2
prelqs <- prelqs[,c(1:which(colnames(prelqs)=="age"), # removing height and weight
Here, the job.recode()
function is used to recode the
open-ended job
item responses by using the ISCO-08
classification of occupations (level 2) (Ganzeboom, 2010). The function is based on the
package integrated with some manual recoding. The
open-ended responses are then removed for privacy reasons.
job.recode <- function(data){ require(labourR); require(data.table); require(magrittr)
# creating corpus data
corpus <- data.table(ID=data$ID,text=data$job,edu=data$edu,pos=data$position,lang="it")
languages <- unique(corpus$language) # language classes
# first screening based on the labourR::classify_occupation() function
suggestions <- classify_occupation(corpus=corpus,id_col="ID",text_col="text",lang="it",isco_level=2,num_leaves=10)
corpus <- plyr::join(corpus,suggestions,by="ID",type="left")
# adjusting automatic classification based on manual screening
corpus[corpus$text%in%c("Responsabile sistemi informativi",
"Responsabile di un piccolo museo e operatrice museale e teatrale nelle scuole"),
"preferredLabel"] <-
"Legal, social and cultural professionals"
corpus[corpus$text%in%c("Funzionario Tecnico pubblica amministrazione "),
"preferredLabel"] <-
"Legal, social and cultural professionals"
corpus[corpus$text%in%c("Banca - Responsabile Organizzazione",
"addetta amministrazione e amministratore di azienda in proprio",
"preferredLabel"] <-
"Business and administration professionals"
corpus[corpus$text%in%c("Lavoro nella segreteria di una Scuola Secondaria di Primo Grado come amministrativa. Mi occupo di questioni burocratiche e organizzative, gestisco soprattutto circolari e domande di iscrizione, nulla osta, ecc. Al momento gestisco anche il controllo dei Green Pass e le varie procedure da seguire.",
"Attività amministrativa di ufficio e front Office ",
"impiegata commerciale",
"impiegata nel settore amministrativo",
"Addetta back office presso agenzia di somministrazione"),
"preferredLabel"] <-
"Business and administration associate professionals"
corpus[corpus$text%in%c("direzione piccola azienda",
"Dirigente d'azienda ",
"Dirigente multinazionale digital marketing",
"Founder brand moda ",
"Imprenditore nel settore degli alberghi, gestione di un hotel di 45 camere più sala ristorante. Gestione di 9 dipendenti, rapporti con fornitori e piattaforme online. Gestione della contabilità. Occasionalmente docente presso Cescot Rimini, corsi di formazione.",
"Imprenditore di carpenteria metallica ",
"preferredLabel"] <-
"Chief executives, senior officials and legislators"
corpus[corpus$text%in%c("attività di ricerca presso università",
"Dottorando di Ricerca",
"Dottorato di ricerca",
"Sono un geometra contabile. Il mio lavoro consiste nel tenere traccia di tutte le lavorazioni che svolgono gli operai sui vari cantieri, dopodiché realizzo dei report fotografici e contabili per il mio datore di lavoro. \nGli operai mi inviano giornalmente le foto per realizzare i report, dalle foto ne ricavo le misure delle lavorazioni eseguite. In base alle misurazioni effettuate eseguo dei disegni contabili e realizzo un computo metrico dove controllo i costi delle lavorazioni eseguite e verifico che non superiamo il budget prefissato.",
"Artigiano idraulico elettricista",
"Geometra libero professionista"),
"preferredLabel"] <-
"Science and engineering associate professionals"
corpus[corpus$text%in%c("radiologo, analisi immagini alla workstation (computer) alternato a periodi di studio al computer e esecuzione di ecografie ",
"riabilitazione della voce e della deglutizione per adulti operati delle corde vocali",
"Psicoterapeuta presso il mio studio privato. L'attività che svolgo si rivolge ad adulti e adolescenti, quasi esclusivamente in presenza, in sedute di circa 1 h ciascuna. A ciò si aggiunge il lavoro di fatturazione, formazione e aggiornamento, gestione pratica dello studio (Back office)",
"infermiere coordinatore",
"Psichiatra psicoterapeuta "),
"preferredLabel"] <-
"Health professionals"
corpus[corpus$text%in%c("Odontotecnico da libero professionista, ",
"operatore socio sanitario",
"Tutor ABA: mi occupo dell'applicazione di procedure e strategie comportamentali per bambini con Disturbo dello spettro autistico, all'interno di un rapporto 1:1.\nDurante la sessione di lavoro è necessario costruire una buona relazione con il bambino con spettro autistico e la sua famiglia; prendere a mano note per ciascuna sessione, inserire i dati in un database; osservare il comportamento del bambino e quindi applicare una strategia idonea; monitorare gli esiti dell’intervento da condividere successivamente con il supervisore ABA, nell'ottica di una riformulazione della programmazione da implementare per quel bambino.\n"),
"preferredLabel"] <-
"Health associate professionals"
corpus[corpus$text%in%c("Coordinatore unità operativa in un servizio di integrazione socio sanitaria in salute mentale. Coordinatore unità operativa per soggetti svantaggiati e disabili nel cooperativismo. Consigliere CDA in Cooperativa. Cultore della materia in facoltà universitaria.",
"Psicologa infantile, Progettista sociale, Coordinatrice Centro Famiglie",
"Traduttrice, addetta stampa, content creator",
"project manager e consulente aziendale rispetto alla psicologia clinica, psicologia organizzazioni e psicologia emergeza"),
"preferredLabel"] <-
"Legal, social and cultural professionals"
corpus[corpus$text%in%c("Energy Back Office Specialist (Addetto al Billing Gas)",
"Solgo 2 lavori:\nLibera professione, svolgo attività di impresa nelle società con mio fratello nel campo architettura, immobiliare e turistico \nResponsabile ricerca e sviluppo (con orari flessibili) x un quartiere fieristico"),
"preferredLabel"] <-
"Science and engineering professionals"
corpus[corpus$text%in%c("Doposcuola ",
"Educatrice all'interno di una scuora superiore."),
"preferredLabel"] <-
"Teaching professionals"
corpus[corpus$text%in%c("TITOLARE DI IMPRESA DI PULIZIE"),
"preferredLabel"] <-
"Personal service workers"
"Coach di E-Sports, alleno dei giocatori di videogiochi attraverso dei campioni professionistici"),
"preferredLabel"] <-
"Information and communications technology professionals"
# merging corpus with data
corpus$ID <- as.factor(corpus$ID)
data <- plyr::join(data,corpus[,c("ID","preferredLabel")],by="ID",type="left")
# replacing original job with recoded job categories
data$job <- as.factor(data$preferredLabel)
data$preferredLabel <- NULL # removing preferredLabel
data$ID <- as.factor(data$ID)
# summarizing info
cat("Recoded job variable into",nlevels(data$job),"categories:\n")
return(data) }
prelqs <- job.recode(prelqs)
## Recoded job variable into 22 categories:
## Administrative and commercial managers
## 2
## Assemblers
## 1
## Business and administration associate professionals
## 21
## Business and administration professionals
## 17
## Chief executives, senior officials and legislators
## 6
## Customer services clerks
## 2
## Electrical and electronic trades workers
## 1
## Handicraft and printing workers
## 1
## Health associate professionals
## 3
## Health professionals
## 9
## Hospitality, retail and other services managers
## 4
## Information and communications technology professionals
## 5
## Legal, social and cultural professionals
## 17
## Legal, social, cultural and related associate professionals
## 1
## Metal, machinery and related trades workers
## 2
## Personal service workers
## 3
## Production and specialised services managers
## 6
## Sales workers
## 2
## Science and engineering associate professionals
## 13
## Science and engineering professionals
## 14
## Stationary plant and machine operators
## 2
## Teaching professionals
## 17
Then, we recode the workTime
variable, which was
measured with an open-ended question as well.
# all lower case letters
workTimes <- wt.min <- wt.max <- tolower(prelqs$workTime)
# categorizing work start time
wt.min[grep("6:",wt.min)] <- # ............. # 6/7 = starting between 6:00 AM and 7:59 AM
wt.min[grep("6.",wt.min)] <-
wt.min[grep("7:",wt.min)] <-
wt.min[grep("7.",wt.min)] <- "6/7"
wt.min[grep("8:",wt.min)] <- # ............... # 8 = starting between 8:00 AM and 8:59 AM
wt.min[grep("8.",wt.min)] <- "8"
wt.min[grep("9:",wt.min)] <- # ............ # 9/10 = starting between 9:00 AM and 9:59 AM
wt.min[grep("9.",wt.min)] <-
wt.min[grep("10:",wt.min)] <-
wt.min[grep("10.",wt.min)] <- "9/10"
wt.min[grep("15-",wt.min)] <- # ............. # PM = starting in the afternoon
wt.min[grep("15.",wt.min)] <-
wt.min[grep("14.",wt.min)] <- "PM"
# categorizing work end time
wt.max[grep("19:",wt.max)] <- # ............. # 19/21 = ending between 7:00 PM and 6:59 PM
wt.max[grep("19.",wt.max)] <-
wt.max[grep("-19",wt.max)] <-
wt.max[grep("- 19",wt.max)] <-
wt.max[grep("- 20",wt.max)] <-
wt.max[grep("- 21",wt.max)] <- "19/21"
wt.max[grep("17:",wt.max)] <- # ............. # 17/18 = ending between 5:00 PM and 6:59 PM
wt.max[grep("17.",wt.max)] <-
wt.max[grep("-17",wt.max)] <-
wt.max[grep("- 17",wt.max)] <-
wt.max[grep("18:",wt.max)] <-
wt.max[grep("18.",wt.max)] <-
wt.max[grep("-18",wt.max)] <-
wt.max[grep("- 18",wt.max)] <- "17/18"
wt.max[grep("15.",wt.max)] <- #............. # 15/16 = ending between 3:00 PM and 4:59 PM
wt.max[grep("15:",wt.max)] <-
wt.max[grep("-15",wt.max)] <-
wt.max[grep("16.",wt.max)] <-
wt.max[grep("16:",wt.max)] <- "15/16"
wt.max[grep("12:",wt.max)] <- # ............. # 12/14 = ending between noon and 2:59 PM
wt.max[grep("12.",wt.max)] <-
wt.max[grep("13:",wt.max)] <-
wt.max[grep("13.",wt.max)] <-
wt.max[grep("_13",wt.max)] <-
wt.max[grep("/13",wt.max)] <-
wt.max[grep("-13",wt.max)] <-
wt.max[grep("14:",wt.max)] <-
wt.max[grep("14.",wt.max)] <-
wt.max[grep("/14",wt.max)] <-
wt.max[grep("-2.",wt.max)] <-
wt.max[grep("- 02",wt.max)] <- "12/14"
# joining start and end time
wt <- paste(wt.min,wt.max,sep="_")
wt[grep("PM_",wt)] <- "PM only" # correcting some cases and merging categories with few cases
# replacing workTime variable with recoded work times
prelqs$workTime <- as.factor(wt)
## 6/7_12/14 6/7_15/16 6/7_17/18 6/7_19/21 8_12/14 8_15/16 8_17/18
## 2 11 29 4 13 3 38
## 8_19/21 9/10_12/14 9/10_15/16 9/10_17/18 9/10_19/21 PM only
## 15 5 3 5 18 3
Here, we merge and recode the daily diary
Here, we filter trial responses, we remove unuseful columns, and we
rename and sort the relevant columns of the diary
# filtering trial/preview responses
diary_m <- diary_m[diary_m$DistributionChannel=="email",]
diary_m_sat <- diary_m_sat[diary_m_sat$DistributionChannel=="email",]
diary_a <- diary_a[diary_a$DistributionChannel=="email",]
diary_e <- diary_e[diary_e$DistributionChannel=="email",]
# removing unuseful variables
toRemove <- c("","Status","IPAddress","Progress","Finished","RecordedDate","ResponseId",
diary_m[,toRemove] <- diary_a[,toRemove] <- diary_e[,toRemove] <- diary_m_mail[,toRemove] <-
diary_a_mail[,toRemove] <- diary_m_sat[,toRemove] <- diary_m_sat_mail[,toRemove] <- diary_e_mail[,toRemove] <- NULL
Then, we merge each diary
dataset with the corresponding
data obtained by directly e-mailing participants (i.e., in case of
technical/schedule problems).
# joining 'ordinary' datasets with datasets e-mailed datasets
diary_a_mail$RecipientEmail <- diary_a_mail$Q22_1 # afternoon
diary_a_mail$Q22_1 <- NULL
diary_a <- rbind(diary_a,diary_a_mail)
diary_e_mail$RecipientEmail <- diary_e_mail$e.mail_1 # evening
diary_e_mail$e.mail_1 <- NULL
diary_e <- rbind(diary_e,diary_e_mail)
diary_m_mail$RecipientEmail <- diary_m_mail$Q30_1 # morning
diary_m_mail$Q30_1 <- NULL
colnames(diary_m) <- gsub("\\.","",colnames(diary_m))
diary_m <- rbind(diary_m,diary_m_mail)
diary_m_sat_mail$RecipientEmail <- diary_m_sat_mail$Q11_1 # Saturday morning
diary_m_sat_mail$Q11_1 <- NULL
diary_m_sat_mail <- diary_m_sat_mail[!$RecipientEmail),] # removing trial entries
diary_m_sat <- rbind(diary_m_sat,diary_m_sat_mail)
diary_m_sat$dayOff_today <- diary_m_sat$AWL_1 <- diary_m_sat$AWL_2 <- diary_m_sat$AWL_3 <- NA # no AWL values on Saturday
diary_m <- rbind(diary_m,diary_m_sat)
# sorting and renaming columns
diary_m <- diary_m[,c(1:which(colnames(diary_m)=="ExternalReference"),which(colnames(diary_m)=="dayOff_today"),
colnames(diary_m)[1:9] <- colnames(diary_a)[1:9] <- colnames(diary_e)[1:9] <- c("start","end","ID","recruiter.ID","dayOff_today",
colnames(diary_a)[5] <- colnames(diary_e)[5] <- "dayOff" # differentiating afternoon/evening from morning dayOff values
colnames(diary_a) <- gsub("WHLSM1","WHLSM",gsub("WHLSM2","WHLSM",colnames(diary_a)))
Here, we merge the four datasets into a single long-form
dataset. The diaryType
variable is
created for discriminating among M
fternoon, and E
vening diaries.
# adding diaryType column
diary_m$diaryType <- "M" # Morning diary
diary_a$diaryType <- "A" # Afternoon diary
diary_e$diaryType <- "E" # Evening diary
# Merging diary data (LONG dataset)
diary <- plyr::join(plyr::join(diary_m,diary_a,type="full"),diary_e,type="full")
cat("sanity check:",nrow(diary) == nrow(diary_m) + nrow(diary_a) + nrow(diary_e))
## sanity check: TRUE
Then, we rename diary
variables, we change the classes
of the relevant variables, and we recode the levels of categorical
(factor) variables consistently what we preregistered (see preregistration here).
# renaming columns
colnames(diary)[which(colnames(diary)=="lateWorkHours_1")] <- "lateWorkHours" # renaming column
colnames(diary)[which(colnames(diary)=="workHours_1")] <- "workHours" # renaming column
colnames(diary)[which(colnames(diary)=="waketime_16")] <- "wakeTime" # renaming column
colnames(diary) <- gsub("_","",colnames(diary))
colnames(diary)[grepl("SQ",colnames(diary))] <- paste("SQ",1:4,sep="")
colnames(diary)[which(colnames(diary)=="WL4")] <- "WL3"
colnames(diary)[grepl("WHLSM",colnames(diary))] <- paste("WHLSM",1:6,sep="")
colnames(diary)[which(colnames(diary)=="EE5")] <- "EE4"
colnames(diary)[grepl("R.det",colnames(diary))] <- paste("R.det",1:3,sep="")
colnames(diary)[grepl("R.rel",colnames(diary))] <- paste("R.rel",1:3,sep="")
colnames(diary)[grepl("R.mas",colnames(diary))] <- paste("R.mas",1:3,sep="")
# time (POSIXct variables)
diary$start <- as.POSIXct(diary$start)
diary$end <- as.POSIXct(diary$end)
# numeric
nums <- c(which(colnames(diary)=="SBP1"):which(colnames(diary)=="DBP2"),
diary[,nums] <- lapply(diary[,nums],as.numeric)
# recording location
diary$where <- factor(gsub("1","workplace",
# dailyHassles
diary$dailyHassles <- as.factor(gsub("2","No",gsub("1","Yes",diary$dailyHassles)))
# diary type
diary$diaryType <- factor(diary$diaryType,levels=c("M","A","E"))
# dayOff_today & dayOff_yesterday as factor (recoding levels as FALSE = no, TRUE = yes)
diary$dayOff <- as.logical(as.numeric(diary$dayOff)-1)
diary$dayOfftoday <- as.logical(as.numeric(diary$dayOfftoday)-1)
diary$dayOffyesterday <- as.logical(as.numeric(diary$dayOffyesterday)-1)
# teleWork
diary$teleWork <- factor(gsub("1","teleWork",
# confounders
diary$confounders <- gsub("1","coffee",
The confounders
variable is processed by using the
function in order to separate the different
confounding factors.
checklist_sep <- function(data=NULL,varName=NULL,sep=",",nOptions=4,
checklist <- data.frame(checklist_var=data[,varName])
checklist$checklist_var <- as.character(checklist$checklist_var)
for(i in 1:nOptions){ checklist$new.col <- NA
if(!is.null(labels)){ colnames(checklist)[i+1] <- labels[i] } else { colnames(checklist)[i+1] <- paste("item",i,sep="") }}
for(i in 1:nrow(checklist)){
if(![i,1])){ checklist[i,2:ncol(checklist)] <- 0
if(checklist[i,1]!="0"){ selected <- unlist(strsplit(checklist[i,1],sep))
for(k in 1:length(selected)){ checklist[i,selected[k]] <- 1 }}}}
checklist[,2:(nOptions+1)] <- lapply(checklist[,2:(nOptions+1)],as.factor)
# adding new variables to data (excluding the category without confounders)
data <- cbind(data[,1:which(colnames(data)==varName)],checklist[,2:(ncol(checklist)-1)],
# recoding the original variable as logical (TRUE=any confounder category, FALSE=none)
data$originalVar <- data[,varName]
data[,varName] <- NA
data[!$originalVar),varName] <- TRUE
data[!$originalVar) & data$originalVar=="0",varName] <- FALSE
data$originalVar <- NULL
# printing summary
# printing percentages
out <- paste("\n\nPercentage of",varName,"over total number of occasions with non-missing values:\n")
for(SC in labels){ colnames(checklist)[which(colnames(checklist)==SC)] <- "Var"
out <- paste(out,"- ",SC,": ",
round(100*nrow(checklist[!$checklist_var) & checklist$Var == "1",])
colnames(checklist)[which(colnames(checklist)=="Var")] <- SC }
# number and percentages for each confounder
diary <- checklist_sep(data=diary,varName="confounders", = TRUE)
## checklist_var coffee smoke sport meal
## Length:2940 0:2700 0:2748 0:2843 0:2740
## Class :character 1: 240 1: 192 1: 97 1: 200
## Mode :character
## Percentage of confounders over total number of occasions with non-missing values:
## - coffee: 8.16%
## - smoke: 6.53%
## - sport: 3.3%
## - meal: 6.8%
# overall No. of cases with one or more confounders (604 TRUE, 2336 FALSE, 153 NA)
## logical 2336 604 153
Then, we recode the wakeTime
variable, which was
measured with an open-ended question.
# recoding wakeTime
wakeTimes <- diary$wakeTime
wakeTimes <- gsub("\\;",":",gsub("\\.","\\:",gsub("\\,","\\.",gsub("e",":",gsub(" ","",wakeTimes)))))
wakeTimes[! & nchar(wakeTimes)==1] <- paste("0",wakeTimes[! & nchar(wakeTimes)==1],":00",sep="")
wakeTimes[! & nchar(wakeTimes)==2] <- paste(wakeTimes[! & nchar(wakeTimes)==2],":00",sep="")
wakeTimes[!$wakeTime) & wakeTimes=="0615"] <- "05:15"
wakeTimes[!$wakeTime) & wakeTimes=="0800"] <- "08:00"
wakeTimes[!$wakeTime) & wakeTimes=="0830"] <- "08:30"
wakeTimes[!$wakeTime) & wakeTimes=="0700"] <- "07:00"
wakeTimes[! & nchar(wakeTimes)==4] <- paste("0",wakeTimes[! & nchar(wakeTimes)==4],sep="")
wakeTimes[! & wakeTimes=="630"] <- "06:30"
# wakeTime as POSIXct & hhFromAwake
## Attaching package: 'lubridate'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:data.table':
## hour, isoweek, mday, minute, month, quarter, second, wday, week,
## yday, year
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
## date, intersect, setdiff, union
diary$wakeTime <- as.POSIXct(paste(substr(Sys.time(),1,10),wakeTimes),format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M",tz="GMT")
diary$hhFromAwake <- as.numeric(difftime(as.POSIXct(paste(substr(Sys.time(),1,10),substr(diary$start,12,16)),
format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M",tz="GMT"),diary$wakeTime,units="hours"))
# showing some example
Third, participants’ ID
(currently their e-mail
addresses) are anonymized (i.e., replaced with
alphanumeric code from S001
to Snnn
Before anonymizing ID
values, we filter cases only
included in one but not in the other dataset.
# preparing prelqs data
prelqs$ID <- tolower(prelqs$ID) # all e-mails in lower capital
prelqs.IDs <- levels(as.factor(prelqs$ID)) # saving original IDs
# excluding pre-pilot diary data with the main author
diary <- diary[!(grepl("ini.job",diary$ID)|grepl("varo@st",diary$ID)|grepl("tti@stu",diary$ID)|grepl("tti@un",diary$ID)),]
diary$ID <- tolower(diary$ID) # all e-mails in lower capital
# correcting wrongly reported e-mail addresses in diary data
diary$ID <- gsub("","",diary$ID)
diary$ID <- gsub("uzziell2","uzziello",diary$ID)
diary$ID <- gsub("uzziello@hotmail","uzziello@unibo",diary$ID)
diary$ID <- gsub("riarosa.m","rosa.m",gsub("","",diary$ID))
diary$ID <- gsub("","",diary$ID)
diary$ID <- gsub("gmsil","gmail",diary$ID)
diary$ID <- gsub("gmail.con","",diary$ID)
diary$ID <- gsub("lli.robo@","lli.robi@",diary$ID)
diary$ID <- gsub("officia","officina",diary$ID)
diary$ID <- gsub("@liberi","@libero",gsub("@lidero","@libero",gsub("@llibro","@libero",diary$ID)))
diary$ID <- gsub("fcibien","f.cibien",gsub("","",diary$ID))
IDs <- levels(as.factor(diary$ID))
# sanity checks
cat(length(IDs),"participants in diary data,",length(prelqs.IDs),"in prelqs data\n",
length(IDs[!(IDs%in%prelqs.IDs)]),"cases in diary but not in prelqs\n",
length(prelqs.IDs[!(prelqs.IDs%in%IDs)]),"cases in prelqs but not in diary")
## 151 participants in diary data, 149 in prelqs data
## 4 cases in diary but not in prelqs
## 2 cases in prelqs but not in diary
# removing cases only included prelqs but not in diary
memory <- prelqs
prelqs <- prelqs[prelqs$ID %in% IDs,]
prelqs.IDs <- levels(as.factor(prelqs$ID))
cat("Removed",nrow(memory)-nrow(prelqs),"participants only included in prelqs data")
## Removed 2 participants only included in prelqs data
# removing cases only included in diary but not in prelqs
memory <- diary
diary <- diary[diary$ID %in% prelqs.IDs,]
IDs <- levels(as.factor(diary$ID))
"observations only included in diary data")
## Removed 4 participants, 4 observations only included in diary data
# sanity checks
cat(length(IDs),"participants in diary data,",length(prelqs.IDs),"in prelqs data\n",
length(IDs[!(IDs%in%prelqs.IDs)]),"cases in diary but not in prelqs\n",
length(prelqs.IDs[!(prelqs.IDs%in%IDs)]),"cases in prelqs but not in diary")
## 147 participants in diary data, 147 in prelqs data
## 0 cases in diary but not in prelqs
## 0 cases in prelqs but not in diary
We also correct a number of issues with diary
points due to participants answering to the wrong link.
# correcting surveys taken at wrong time points
diary[substr(diary$ID,15,27)=="" &
as.character(diary$start) %in% c("2021-10-26 21:26:43","2021-11-02 21:21:51"),
"diaryType"] <- "E" # participant who responded twice to Afternoon diary in Evening time (keeping only BP values)
diary[substr(diary$ID,15,27)=="" &
as.character(diary$start) %in% c("2021-10-26 21:26:43","2021-11-02 21:21:51"),
which(colnames(diary)=="WL1"):which(colnames(diary)=="WE3")] <- NA
diary[substr(diary$ID,8,13)=="" & # participants that responded to a link open on the previous day
!$WHLSM3) & as.character(diary$start)=="2022-01-25 10:45:00",
"start"] <- as.character(as.POSIXct(diary[substr(diary$ID,8,13)=="" & !$WHLSM3) &
as.character(diary$start)=="2022-01-25 10:45:00","end"]) -
mean(as.numeric(difftime(diary[substr(diary$ID,8,13)=="" & diary$start!="2022-01-25 10:45:00","end"],
diary[substr(diary$ID,8,13)=="" & diary$start!="2022-01-25 10:45:00","start"],units="secs"))))
diary <- diary[!(substr(diary$ID,8,13)=="mo@mda" & diary$start%in%c("2022-01-25 16:39:22","2022-01-26 20:00:21")),] # double resp
diary[grepl("aia79",diary$ID) & as.character(diary$start)=="2022-03-10 07:25:32","diaryType"] <-
"M" # participant that responded to the Evening diary in Morning time (keeping only BP values and changing as Morning)
diary[grepl("aia79",diary$ID) & as.character(diary$start)=="2022-03-10 07:25:32",
which(colnames(diary)=="EE1"):which(colnames(diary)=="workHours")] <- NA
diary <- # participant that responded twice to the Morning diary
diary[!(grepl("basso87",diary$ID) & as.character(diary$start)=="2022-03-07 19:53:47"),]
# correcting wrongly reported BP values
diary[substr(diary$ID,18,32)=="" & as.character(diary$start)=="2021-11-25 19:17:27","SBP2"] <-
133 # reported as 88133
Here, we anonymize prelqs
# replacing participants' e-mail with alphanumeric code (e.g., S001)
prelqs <- prelqs[order(prelqs$ID),] # sorting by ID
for(ID in prelqs.IDs){ id <- paste("S",which(prelqs.IDs==ID),sep="")
if(nchar(id)>2){ if(nchar(id)>3){ prelqs[prelqs$ID==ID,"ID"] <- id
} else { prelqs[prelqs$ID==ID,"ID"] <- gsub("S","S0",id) }
} else { prelqs[prelqs$ID==ID,"ID"] <- gsub("S","S00",id) }
prelqs[prelqs$ID==ID,"ID"] <- ifelse(nchar(id)==3,id,paste("S0",which(prelqs.IDs==ID),sep=""))}
prelqs$ID <- as.factor(prelqs$ID)
# sanity check
## [1] "S001" "S002" "S003" "S004" "S005" "S006"
cat(nlevels(prelqs$ID),"participants,",nrow(prelqs),"observations") # 147, 147
## 147 participants, 147 observations
Here, we anonymize diary
# replacing participants' e-mail with alphanumeric code (e.g., S001)
diary <- diary[order(diary$ID,diary$start),] # sorting by ID and start time
for(ID in IDs){ id <- paste("S",which(IDs==ID),sep="") # replacing participants' e-mail with alphanumeric code (e.g., S001)
if(nchar(id)>2){ if(nchar(id)>3){ diary[diary$ID==ID,"ID"] <- id
} else { diary[diary$ID==ID,"ID"] <- gsub("S","S0",id) }
} else { diary[diary$ID==ID,"ID"] <- gsub("S","S00",id) }
diary[diary$ID==ID,"ID"] <- ifelse(nchar(id)==3,id,paste("S0",which(IDs==ID),sep=""))}
diary$ID <- as.factor(diary$ID)
# sanity check
## [1] "S001" "S002" "S003" "S004" "S005" "S006"
cat(nlevels(diary$ID),"participants,",nrow(diary),"observations") # 147,3077
## 147 participants, 3075 observations
As a final pre-processing step, we process diary
data by
including a day
variable, by inspecting and recoding
(blood pressure) and BMI
(body mass index)
data, by switching from the current long form to a wide
form with one row per day, by merging the diary
and the prelqs
datasets, and by inspecting cases of
incoherent/inconsistent responses in the considered variables.
First, we create the variable day indicating the day for participation (i.e., 1 = Monday, 2 = Tuesday, 3 = Wednesday, 4 = Thursday, 5 = Friday, 7 = Monday week II, 8 = Tuesday week II, 9 = Wednesday week II, 10 = Thursday week II, 11 = Friday week II). Note that this variable is recoded to be referred to the previous day in cases of Evening diaries filled after 00:00, and in all Morning diaries. We also remove 5 unexpected responses on day 6 and 12 (Saturday afternoon or Sunday).
# creating day
diary$day <- as.POSIXlt(diary$start)$wday
# adding 6 days to the second week
for(i in 2:nrow(diary)){
if(diary[i,"ID"]==diary[i-1,"ID"] & diary[i,"day"] < diary[i-1,"day"]){ diary[i,"day"] <- diary[i,"day"] + 6 }}
# correcting evening days when start is after midnight
for(i in 1:nrow(diary)){
if(diary[i,"diaryType"]=="E" & diary[i,"start"] < as.POSIXct(paste(substr(diary[i,"start"],1,10),"07:00:00"))){
diary[i,"day"] <- diary[i,"day"] - 1 }}
# subtracting one day to all Morning diaries
diary[diary$diaryType=="M","day"] <- diary[diary$diaryType=="M","day"] - 1
# checking cases with unexpected values (6 or 12 = Morning on Mon, Evening/Afternoon on Sat)
## 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
## 387 410 398 378 371 4 232 232 230 221 211 1
# inspecting cases with unexpected values (6 or 12 = Morning on Mon, Evening/Afternoon on Sat)
diary <- diary[!diary$day%in%c(6,12),] # removing 5 unexpected responses
# sanity check
Here, we visually inspect the distributions and temporal trends of
blood pressure BP
values against
normative values and separately by the period
of the day. Then, we process the signal, and we compute the
aggregate BP
First, we prepare the data for the inspection and processing, by
creading a long form dataset with one row for each
# preparing dataset
diary_long <- data.frame(ID=rep(diary$ID,4),measure=c(rep("SBP1",nrow(diary)),rep("SBP2",nrow(diary)),
Here, we visualize BP
distributions by plotting them
against normative values.
First, we inspect the distribution of the observed BP
measurements, accounting for the cut-off values recommended by the ESH/ESC Guidelines (2018). We can see that
values are quite normally distributed (although with
some cases showing bimodal distribution) and centered below the cut-offs
for hypertension, with a small proportion of measurements (~
9-11%) above the cut-offs. Higher SBP
is showed in participants reporting suffering from
cardiovascular dysfunctions and/or taking BP medications. Slightly
higher systolic BP
is reported by men compared to women,
and during afternoon compared to morning and evening. Overall, the data
look realistic, although diastolic BP looks bounded at 40
library(ggplot2); library(gridExtra)
# preparing dataset
diary_long <- data.frame(ID=rep(diary$ID,4),measure=c(rep("SBP1",nrow(diary)),rep("SBP2",nrow(diary)),
grid.arrange( # plotting sistolic and diastolic BP measurements
ggplot(na.omit(diary_long),aes(x=measure,y=BP,group=measure)) + geom_point(color="gray",position=position_jitter()) +
geom_violin(alpha=0.4) + geom_boxplot(alpha=0.4,outlier.alpha=0) + ylab("Blood pressure (mmHg)") +
geom_hline(yintercept = c(135,85),color="red",lty=2), # adding 2013 ESH/ESC Guidelines cut-offs for hypertension
ggplot(na.omit(diary_long),aes(x=measure,y=BP,fill=gender)) + geom_point(color="gray",position=position_jitter()) + # by gender
geom_violin(alpha=0.4) + geom_boxplot(alpha=0.4,outlier.alpha=0) + ylab("Blood pressure (mmHg)"),
ggplot(na.omit(diary_long),aes(x=measure,y=BP,fill=cv_d)) + geom_point(color="gray",position=position_jitter()) +
geom_violin(alpha=0.4) + geom_boxplot(alpha=0.4,outlier.alpha=0) + ylab("Blood pressure (mmHg)"), # by cv_dysf & bp_drugs
ggplot(na.omit(diary_long),aes(x=measure,y=BP,fill=diaryType)) + geom_point(color="gray",position=position_jitter()) +
geom_violin(alpha=0.4) + geom_boxplot(alpha=0.4,outlier.alpha=0) + ylab("Blood pressure (mmHg)"),nrow=2) # by time of day
# No. and % of SBP > 130 mmHG
ns <- nrow(diary_long[!$BP)&diary_long$measure%in%c("SBP1","SBP2")&diary_long$BP>135,])
nd <- nrow(diary_long[!$BP)&diary_long$measure%in%c("DBP1","DBP2")&diary_long$BP>85,])
cat(ns,"(",round(100*ns/nrow(diary_long[!$BP),]),1),"% ) SBP values above 130 mmHg\n",
nd,"(",round(100*nd/nrow(diary_long[!$BP),]),1),"% ) DBP values above 85 mmHg\n")
## 1030 ( 8.7 % ) SBP values above 130 mmHg
## 1343 ( 11.4 % ) DBP values above 85 mmHg
# minumum diastolic BP
## [1] 40
Here, we compare the observed BP values with normative values from Weisser et al (2000), based on self-measured and office BP from 503 healthy Swiss adults. Red lines indicate the 35°, 58° and 76° percentile for office (solid) and self-measured (dotted) systolic BP, and the 50°, 67° and 78° percentile for diastolic BP, respectively. White dotted lines indicate the corresponding percentiles in the current sample. We can see that the observed values are quite similar to the normative ones, with greater similarities with home (~3-5 mmHg) compared to office normative values (~9 mmHg). It is confirmed that DBP is bounded at 40 mmHg, with a peak of cases corresponding to the lower limit.
for(BP in c("SBP1","DBP1","SBP2","DBP2")){ hist(diary[,BP],main=BP,xlab="BP (mmHg)",breaks=50,col="black")
abline(v=quantile(diary[,BP],na.rm=TRUE,probs=c(.35,.58,.76)),col="gray",lwd=2,lty=2) # observed quantiles
if(substr(BP,1,1)=="S"){ abline(v=c(114.3,124.1,132.6),col="red",lwd=2,lty=2) # normative quantiles (systolic, home)
abline(v=c(120,130,140),col="red",lwd=3) # normative quantiles (systolic, office)
} else { abline(v=c(75.1,79.9,85.8),col="red",lwd=2,lty=2) # normative quantiles (diastolic, home)
abline(v=c(80,85,90),col="red",lwd=3) }} # normative quantiles (diastolic, office)ì
Then, we compare BP values obtained from Morning and Evening measures with those reported by Asayama et al (2019) for morning and evening BP self-measured by 308 hypertensive patients. Red lines indicate normative mean ± 2 SD, whereas gray dotted lines indicate the observed mean +/- 2 SD from the current sample. Again, data look ‘realistic’.
for(BP in c("SBP1","SBP2","DBP1","DBP2")){ hist(diary[,BP],main=BP,xlab="BP (mmHg)",breaks=50,col="black")
if(substr(BP,1,1)=="S"){ abline(v=c(128.0,128.0+9.4*2,128.0-9.4*2),col="red",lwd=2)
} else { abline(v=c(70.5,70.5+9.7*2,70.5-9.7*2),col="red",lwd=2) }} # normative mean +/- sd (diastolic)
Here, we visualize the distribution of Systolic BP values in Morning (M), Afternoon (A) and Evening (E) recordings, while also showing individual patterns of change. It is hard to determinate the prevalence of an increasing or decreasing pattern for both variables, although most cases seem to increase from Morning to Afternoon and decrease from Afternoon to Evening.
# plotting SBP
diary$IDday <- as.factor(paste(diary$ID,diary$day,sep="_")) # adding ID x day factor
grid.arrange(ggplot(data=diary,aes(x=diaryType,y=SBP1)) + geom_line(aes(group=IDday,col=IDday)) + geom_violin(alpha=.4) +
geom_boxplot(alpha=0.5,width=0.3,outlier.alpha=0) + theme(legend.position="none"),
ggplot(data=diary,aes(x=diaryType,y=SBP2)) + geom_line(aes(group=IDday,col=IDday)) + geom_violin(alpha=.4) +
geom_boxplot(fill=rgb(1,1,1,alpha=.4),width=0.3,outlier.alpha=0) + theme(legend.position="none"),nrow=1)
# plotting DBP
grid.arrange(ggplot(data=diary,aes(x=diaryType,y=DBP1)) + geom_line(aes(group=IDday,col=IDday)) + geom_violin(alpha=.4) +
geom_boxplot(fill=rgb(1,1,1,alpha=.4),width=0.3) + ggtitle("Diastolic BP 1") + theme(legend.position="none"),
ggplot(data=diary,aes(x=diaryType,y=DBP2)) + geom_line(aes(group=IDday,col=IDday)) + geom_violin(alpha=.4) +
geom_boxplot(fill=rgb(1,1,1,alpha=.4),width=0.3) + ggtitle("Diastolic BP 2") + theme(legend.position="none"),nrow=1)
Then, we use the plotBP
function to visualize daily
fluctuations in BP values. For each recording, the first and second
entered value are showed in light and dark blue, respectively. The red
triangles show cases in which the second measurement was 10 mmHg higher
or lower than the second one, whereas the blue dotted line indicates the
ESH/ESC Guidelines (2018) cut-off for hypertension.
For both systolic and diastolic BP time series, we flag
problematic cases based on the visual inspection of steep BP
increases/decreases compared to the others values from that
plotBP <- function(data=NULL,BP="S",ncol=3,flagged=NA,what=NA,meanVal=NA){ require(ggplot2)
# creating TIME by joining day and diaryType
data$TIMElab <- paste(data$day,data$diaryType,sep="")
data$TIME <- as.numeric(gsub("M",".0",gsub("A",".33",gsub("E",".66",data$TIMElab))))
# setting graphic parameters
cols <- colnames(data)[substr(colnames(data),1,3)==paste(BP,"BP",sep="")] # columns to be plotted
maxScore <- max(data[,cols],na.rm=TRUE)
data$disc <- abs(data[,cols[1]]-data[,cols[2]])
data$disc10 <- FALSE
data[!$disc) & data$disc>=10,"disc10"] <- TRUE
# plotting
p <- ggplot(data,aes_string(x="TIME",y=cols[1])) +
geom_line(colour="lightblue") + geom_point(colour="lightblue") +
scale_x_continuous(breaks=seq(1.33,12.66,length.out=11),labels=paste(1:11,"A",sep=""),position="top") +
geom_line(aes_string(y=cols[2]),colour="blue") +
geom_point(aes_string(y=cols[2],shape="disc10"),size=2,color="blue") +
geom_point(data=data[!$disc) & data$disc>=10,],aes_string(y=cols[2],shape="disc10"),size=2,color="red") +
facet_wrap("ID",strip.position = "right",ncol=ncol) +
ggtitle(paste("Daily fluctuations in",ifelse(BP=="S","Systolic","Diastolic"),
"blood pressure (light blue = 1st recording, dark blue = 2nd recording, red triangles = discrep. > 10 mmHg)")) +
xlab("Day of week") + ylab(paste(BP,"BP (mmHg)",sep=""))+
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size=9,angle = 45),legend.position="none")
# marking flagged cases
if(!{ data$flag <- data[,flagged]
p <- p + geom_point(data=data[!$flag) & data$flag==TRUE,],aes_string(y=cols[2]),size=4,shape=1) +
geom_text(data=data[!$flag) & data$flag==TRUE,],aes_string(y=paste(cols[2],"+10"),label=what)) }
# showing average value
if(!{ data$meanVal <- data[,meanVal]
p <- p + geom_line(data=data[!$meanVal),],aes(y=meanVal),lwd=1.1,color="green") +
geom_point(data=data[!$meanVal),],aes(y=meanVal),color="green") }
Here, we manually flag the cases showing extreme values in the second measurement or both, since we will remove the first measurement when it is more than 10 mmHg lower or higher than the first one (see below). Only these cases are plotted below.
# flagged cases (only second = "2" or "both" measurement)
flagS <- data.frame(ID = c("S006","S007","S011","S011","S030","S030","S033","S058","S061","S065","S077","S077"),
day = c(3, 2, 1, 8, 1, 2, 6, 8, 9, 10, 1, 1),
diaryType= c("A", "E", "A", "A", "A", "A", "M", "A", "E", "M", "A", "E"),
whatS = c("both","both","both","2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2"))
# further flagged cases
flagS <- rbind(flagS,
data.frame(ID = c("s080","s080","s080","S082","S100","S110","S110","S144"),
day = c( 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3, 8),
diaryType= c( "E", "M", "E", "A", "A", "M", "M", "A"),
whatS = c( "both","both","both","both","both", "2", "2", "both")))
# adding information on flagged cases
flagS$SBPflag <- TRUE
diary <- plyr::join(diary,flagS,by=c("ID","day","diaryType"),type="left")
diary[$SBPflag) & !$SBP1),"SBPflag"] <- FALSE
# plotting
Here, we manually flag the cases showing extreme values in the second measurement or both, since we will remove the first measurement when it is more than 10 mmHg lower or higher than the first one (see below). Only these cases are plotted below.
# flagged cases (only systolic = "S" or "both", but not diastolic - see below)
flagD <- data.frame(ID = c(rep("S006",4), "S007","S034","S057","S058","S058","S070","S070",rep("S080",3),"S082"),
day = c( 1, 2, 2, 3, 5, 2, 9, 8, 8, 6, 8, 1,2,2, 1),
diaryType=c( "A","M", "E","M", "E", "M", "E", "A", "E", "M", "M", "E","M","E","A"),
whatD = c("2","inv","2","2", "both", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", rep("both",3),"both"))
# further flagged cases
flagD <- rbind(flagD,
day = c( 9, 2, 3, 7, 6, 9, 2, 8, 11, 1),
diaryType = c("E", "A", "A", "E", "M", "A", "E", "A", "E", "A"),
whatD = c( "2", "inv", "inv", "inv", "2", "2", "2", "both","both", "2")))
# adding information on flagged cases
flagD$DBPflag <- TRUE
diary <- plyr::join(diary,flagD,by=c("ID","day","diaryType"),type="left")
diary[$DBPflag) & !$SBP1),"DBPflag"] <- FALSE
# plotting
Here, we aggregate the first and second measurement of systolic and
diastolic BP.
As pre-registered here, SBP and DBP
aggregated values are computed as the average between the first
and the second (immediately consecutive) BP
recording. In all cases showing discrepancies (i.e.,
absolute differences) between the first and the second recording
equal to or higher than 10 mmHg, only the second recorded
value is considered (i.e., the first recording is
However, we also account for the flagged cases marked as “2” (when the second measurement should be removed), “both” (when both measurements have extreme values in the same direction), and “inv” (when the both have extreme values in opposite directions):
in cases flagged as "2"
, we only keep the first
in cases flagged as "inv"
, we compute the average
(as in any non-flagged case)
in cases flagged as "both"
, we interpolate the
measurement as the maximum value (or the minimum, based on the direction
of extreme values) recorded for that participant.
This is done independently for systolic and diastolic
First, we aggregate SBP
# SBP - printing info
cat("- Averaging",nrow(diary[!$SBPflag) & (diary$SBPflag==FALSE | diary$SBPflag=="inv") &
abs(diary$SBP1-diary$SBP2)<10,]),"cases\n- Excluding",
nrow(diary[!$SBPflag) & abs(diary$SBP1-diary$SBP2)>=10 & diary$SBPflag==FALSE,]),
"first measurments\n- Excluding",nrow(diary[!$whatS) & diary$whatS=="2",]),
"second mesurements\n- Interpolating",nrow(diary[!$whatS) & diary$whatS=="both",]),"measurements")
## - Averaging 2366 cases
## - Excluding 562 first measurments
## - Excluding 10 second mesurements
## - Interpolating 6 measurements
# (1) averaged cases (no flagged, or flagged = "inv", and discrepancies < 10mmHg)
diary[(!$SBPflag) & diary$SBPflag==FALSE & abs(diary$SBP1-diary$SBP2) < 10) |
(!$whatS) & diary$whatS=="inv"),"SBP"] <-
apply(diary[(!$SBPflag) & diary$SBPflag==FALSE & abs(diary$SBP1-diary$SBP2) < 10) |
(!$whatS) & diary$whatS=="inv"),c("SBP1","SBP2")],1,mean)
# (2) cases only based on the second measuremnt (discrepancies >= 10mmHg AND no flags)
diary[!$SBPflag) & diary$SBPflag==FALSE & abs(diary$SBP1-diary$SBP2) >= 10,"SBP"] <-
diary[!$SBPflag) & diary$SBPflag==FALSE & abs(diary$SBP1-diary$SBP2) >= 10,"SBP2"]
# (3) cases only based on the first measuremnt (flagged=TRUE and what = "2")
diary[!$SBPflag) & diary$SBPflag==TRUE & diary$whatS=="2",
"SBP"] <- diary[!$SBPflag) & diary$SBPflag==TRUE & diary$whatS=="2","SBP1"]
# (4) cases interpolated as the maximum value
for(i in which(!$whatS) & diary$whatS=="both")){
diary[i,"SBP"] <- max(diary[diary$ID==diary[i,"ID"],"SBP"],na.rm=TRUE)
} else { diary[i,"SBP"] <- min(diary[diary$ID==diary[i,"ID"],"SBP"],na.rm=TRUE) }}
# sanity check
nrow(diary[(!$SBPflag) &$SBP))|($SBPflag) & !$SBP)),]) == 0
## [1] TRUE
Then, we aggregate DBP values.
# DBP - printing info
cat("- Averaging",nrow(diary[((!$DBPflag) & diary$DBPflag==FALSE) |
(!$whatD) & diary$whatD=="inv")) &
abs(diary$DBP1-diary$DBP2)<10,]),"cases\n- Excluding",
nrow(diary[!$DBPflag) & abs(diary$DBP1-diary$DBP2)>=10 & diary$DBPflag==FALSE,]),
"first measurments\n- Excluding",nrow(diary[!$whatD) & diary$whatD=="2",]),
"second mesurements\n- Interpolating",nrow(diary[!$whatD) & diary$whatD=="both",]),"measurements")
## - Averaging 2292 cases
## - Excluding 629 first measurments
## - Excluding 12 second mesurements
## - Interpolating 7 measurements
# (1) averaged cases (no flagged and discrepancies < 10mmHg, or flagged = "inv")
diary[((!$DBPflag) & diary$DBPflag==FALSE & abs(diary$DBP1-diary$DBP2) < 10) |
(!$whatD) & diary$whatD=="inv")),"DBP"] <-
apply(diary[((!$DBPflag) & diary$DBPflag==FALSE & abs(diary$DBP1-diary$DBP2) < 10) |
(!$whatD) & diary$whatD=="inv")),c("DBP1","DBP2")],1,mean)
# (2) cases only based on the second measurement (discrepancies >= 10mmHg AND no flags)
diary[!$DBPflag) & diary$DBPflag==FALSE & abs(diary$DBP1-diary$DBP2) >= 10,"DBP"] <-
diary[!$DBPflag) & diary$DBPflag==FALSE & abs(diary$DBP1-diary$DBP2) >= 10,"DBP2"]
# (3) cases only based on the first measurement (flagged=TRUE and what = "2")
diary[!$DBPflag) & !$whatD) & diary$DBPflag==TRUE & diary$whatD=="2",
"DBP"] <- diary[!$DBPflag) & diary$DBPflag==TRUE & diary$whatD=="2","DBP1"]
# (4) cases interpolated as the maximum value
for(i in which(!$whatD) & diary$whatD=="both")){
diary[i,"DBP"] <- max(diary[diary$ID==diary[i,"ID"],"DBP"],na.rm=TRUE)
} else { diary[i,"DBP"] <- min(diary[diary$ID==diary[i,"ID"],"DBP"],na.rm=TRUE) }}
# sanity check
nrow(diary[(!$DBPflag) &$DBP))|($DBPflag) & !$DBP)),]) == 0
## [1] TRUE
Then, we replicate the plots generated above by showing the aggregated BP values in green.
## Warning: Removed 126 rows containing missing values (`geom_point()`).
## Removed 126 rows containing missing values (`geom_point()`).
Finally, we replace the raw BP data with the processed (i.e.,
aggregate) values in the diary
dataset and we remove the
variables identifying flagged cases.
# replacing raw BP with aggregate BP
diary <- diary[,c(1:which(colnames(diary)=="dayOfftoday"),which(colnames(diary)%in%c("SBP","DBP")),
# creating new variable summarizing flagged cases
diary$flagBP <- FALSE
diary[(!$SBPflag) & diary$SBPflag==TRUE)|(!$DBPflag) & diary$DBPflag==TRUE),"flagBP"] <- TRUE
diary$SBPflag <- diary$whatS <- diary$DBPflag <- diary$whatD <- NULL # removing variables identifying flagged cases
Here, we inspect the distribution of BMI
values, and we
compare it with the cut-offs proposed by the World Health
Organization (2010). We observe no extreme BMI
values despite a few participants in the underweight (N = 3),
and obesity - class II category (N = 8), and one participant in the
obese - class III category. We have no reasons to
exclude participants based on BMI
hist(prelqs$BMI,xlab="BMI (kg/m^2)",breaks=30,xlim=c(15,40),ylim=c(0,14))
text(x=c(16,21.5,27.5,32.5,37.5),y = 13,
labels=c("Underweight","Normal weight","Pre-obesity","Obesity I","Obesity II"))
Here, we use the day
variable created above to transform
the diary
dataset from the current long form (i.e., one row
per measurement occasion within day and participant) to a daily wide
form (i.e., one row per day within participant, with measurements
collected on the same day being presented in the same line of the
First, we split the diary
dataset back to the three
datasets based on the measurement occasion (i.e., morning, afternoon,
and evening).
# sorting columns
diary <- diary[,c("ID","day","start","end","diaryType","dayOff","dayOfftoday","dayOffyesterday",
# splitting dataset
diary_m <- diary[diary$diaryType=="M",c(1:which(colnames(diary)=="end"),
diary_a <- diary[diary$diaryType=="A",c(1:which(colnames(diary)=="end"),which(colnames(diary)=="dayOff"),
diary_e <- diary[diary$diaryType=="E",c(1:which(colnames(diary)=="end"),which(colnames(diary)=="dayOff"),
# renaming columns sharing the same name in the three datasets
cm <- colnames(diary_m)
ca <- colnames(diary_a)
ce <- colnames(diary_e)
colnames(diary_m)[3:ncol(diary_m)][which(colnames(diary_m)[3:ncol(diary_m)]%in%ca | colnames(diary_m)[3:ncol(diary_m)]%in%ce)] <-
paste(colnames(diary_m)[3:ncol(diary_m)][which(colnames(diary_m)[3:ncol(diary_m)]%in%ca |
colnames(diary_a)[3:ncol(diary_a)][which(colnames(diary_a)[3:ncol(diary_a)]%in%cm | colnames(diary_a)[3:ncol(diary_a)]%in%ce)] <-
paste(colnames(diary_a)[3:ncol(diary_a)][which(colnames(diary_a)[3:ncol(diary_a)]%in%cm |
colnames(diary_e)[3:ncol(diary_e)][which(colnames(diary_e)[3:ncol(diary_e)]%in%cm | colnames(diary_e)[3:ncol(diary_e)]%in%ca)] <-
paste(colnames(diary_e)[3:ncol(diary_e)][which(colnames(diary_e)[3:ncol(diary_e)]%in%cm |
# adding IDday column to join datasets based on ID and day
colnames(diary_m)[ncol(diary_m)] <- colnames(diary_a)[ncol(diary_a)] <- colnames(diary_e)[ncol(diary_e)] <- "IDday"
Second, we look for cases of double responses within
each dataset by using the ID
x day
created above. A total of six double responses are detected.
# diary_m: 1 double response -> taking 1st one
diary_m <- diary_m[!(diary_m$ID=="S025" & as.character(diary_m$end_mor)=="2022-05-03 13:53:34"),]
# diary_a: 2 double responses -> taking 1st or 2d based on submission time
diary_a <- diary_a[!((diary_a$ID=="S040" & as.character(diary_a$end_aft)=="2022-03-08 20:01:01") |
(diary_a$ID=="S060" & as.character(diary_a$end_aft)=="2022-01-25 18:58:10") |
(diary_a$ID=="S113" & as.character(diary_a$end_aft)=="2022-02-28 20:33:41") |
(diary_a$ID=="S113" & as.character(diary_a$end_aft)=="2022-03-01 21:41:58")),]
# diary_e: 3 double responses -> taking 2nd or 1st based on submission time
diary_e <- diary_e[!((diary_e$ID=="S060" & as.character(diary_e$end_eve)=="2022-01-26 19:57:02") |
(diary_e$ID=="S108" & diary_e$dayOff_eve==TRUE)),]
# sanity check
nrow(diary_m[duplicated(diary_m$IDday),]) == 0 & nrow(diary_a[duplicated(diary_a$IDday),]) == 0 &
nrow(diary_e[duplicated(diary_e$IDday),]) == 0
## [1] TRUE
Now we can merge the tree dataset into a daily wide form dataset.
# joining datasets
diary_wide <- plyr::join(diary_a,plyr::join(diary_e,diary_m,by="IDday",type="full"),by="IDday",type="full")
diary_wide <- diary_wide[order(diary_wide$ID,diary_wide$day),] # sorting by ID and day
# sanity check
nrow(diary_wide[!$start_aft),]) == nrow(diary_a) &
nrow(diary_wide[!$start_eve),]) == nrow(diary_e) &
nrow(diary_wide[!$start_mor),]) == nrow(diary_m)
## [1] TRUE
# checking for duplicates
## [1] 0
diary_wide$IDday <- NULL # removing IDday (no longer necessary)
# adding variables to filter missing data
diary_wide[,c("aft","eve","mor")] <- 0
diary_wide[!$start_aft) & !$dayOff_aft) & diary_wide$dayOff_aft==FALSE,"aft"] <- 1
diary_wide[!$start_eve) & !$dayOff_eve) & diary_wide$dayOff_eve==FALSE,"eve"] <- 1
diary_wide[!$start_mor) & !$dayOffyesterday) & diary_wide$dayOffyesterday==FALSE,"mor"] <- 1
diary_wide[,c("aft","eve","mor")] <- lapply(diary_wide[,c("aft","eve","mor")],as.factor)
diary_wide <- diary_wide[,c(1:2,(ncol(diary_wide)-2):ncol(diary_wide),3:(ncol(diary_wide)-3))]
# sorting by ID and day
diary_wide <- diary_wide[order(diary_wide$ID,diary_wide$day),]
rownames(diary_wide) <- 1:nrow(diary_wide)
# showing dataset
Here, we join the demographic and occupational information from the
dataset with the time-varying data included in the
dataset. The resulting diary_wide
dataset has multiple rows reporting the same demographic and
occupational values (level-2) repeated over multiple rows associated
with the same participant. Moreover, we also join the responses to the
raw retrospective workaholism items.
# renaming retrospective workaholism items
colnames(prelqs)[grep("WHLSM",colnames(prelqs))] <- paste0("duwas",1:10)
# joining prelqs variables to diary_wide
diary_wide <- plyr::join(diary_wide,
by="ID",type="left") # merging datasets by ID
# showing examples
Here, we look for cases of incoherent/inconsistent responses in several considered variables.
First, we check the cases of incoherent responses to the
variable across the three daily diaries (e.g.,
participants reporting “today, I did not work” to the afternoon
but not to the evening questionnaire). We can see a few incoherent cases
(2%), mainly between afternoon and morning, in which
participants reported a day-off at the end of the workday but an
incoherent response on the following day. Since we have no criteria for
establishing which was the ‘true’ answer, we assume that (un)voluntary
mistakes were made for dayOff=TRUE
treating them as missing responses. Note that none of
the cases with dayOff_eve=FALSE
# 1) inconsistencies within Evening: dayOff_eve = FALSE but teleWork = "dayOff" (N = 4)
diary_wide[!$teleWork) & diary_wide$teleWork=="dayOff",c("ID","day","teleWork","workHours")]
diary_wide[!$teleWork) & diary_wide$teleWork=="dayOff","teleWork"] <- "office" # recoding as teleWork="office"
# 2) inconsistencies between Afternoon & Evening: dayOff_aft != dayOff_eve (N = 10)
diary_wide[!$dayOff_aft) & !$dayOff_eve) & diary_wide$dayOff_aft != diary_wide$dayOff_eve,
diary_wide[!$dayOff_aft) & !$dayOff_eve) &
diary_wide$dayOff_aft==TRUE & diary_wide$dayOff_eve == FALSE,"dayOff_aft"] <- NA # replacing incorrect dayOff as NA
diary_wide[!$dayOff_aft) & !$dayOff_eve) &
diary_wide$dayOff_aft==FALSE & diary_wide$dayOff_eve == TRUE,"dayOff_eve"] <- NA
# 3) inconsistencies between Afternoon & Evening: dayOff_aft = FALSE but teleWork = "dayOff" (N = 0)
diary_wide[!$dayOff_aft) & !$teleWork) &
diary_wide$dayOff_aft==FALSE & diary_wide$teleWork=="dayOff",
# 4) inconsistencies between Afternoon & Morning: dayOff_aft != dayOffyesterday (N = 4)
diary_wide[!$dayOff_aft) & !$dayOffyesterday) & diary_wide$dayOff_aft!=diary_wide$dayOffyesterday,
diary_wide[!$dayOff_aft) & !$dayOffyesterday) &
diary_wide$dayOff_aft==TRUE & diary_wide$dayOffyesterday == FALSE,"dayOff_aft"] <- NA # replacing with NA
diary_wide[!$dayOff_aft) & !$dayOffyesterday) &
diary_wide$dayOff_aft==FALSE & diary_wide$dayOffyesterday == TRUE,"dayOffyesterday"] <- NA
# 5) inconsistencies between Evening & Morning: dayOff_eve != dayOffyesterday (N = 2)
diary_wide[!$dayOff_eve) & !$dayOffyesterday) & diary_wide$dayOff_eve!=diary_wide$dayOffyesterday,
diary_wide[!$dayOff_eve) & !$dayOffyesterday) & diary_wide$dayOff_eve!=diary_wide$dayOffyesterday,
"dayOff_eve"] <- NA # replacing unexpected value with NA
# 6) inconsistencies between Evening & Morning: teleWork = "dayOff" but dayOffyesterday=FALSE (N = 0)
diary_wide[!$dayOffyesterday) & !$teleWork) &
diary_wide$dayOffyesterday==FALSE & diary_wide$teleWork=="dayOff",
Similarly, we inspect cases of participants reporting working days
but answering “Today I did not work” to the teleWork
in the evening questionnaire, and vice versa. We can note that there are
no cases of incoherent responses related to these
# evening dayOff incoherent to evening telework (N = 0)
diary_wide[!$dayOff_eve) & !$telework) &
((diary_wide$dayOff_eve==FALSE & diary_wide$teleWork=="dayOff") |
(diary_wide$dayOff_eve==TRUE & diary_wide$teleWork!="dayOff")),
# afternoon dayOff incoherent to evening telework (N = 0)
diary_wide[!$dayOff_aft) & !$telework) &
((diary_wide$dayOff_aft==FALSE & diary_wide$teleWork=="dayOff") |
(diary_wide$dayOff_aft==TRUE & diary_wide$teleWork!="dayOff")),
# morning dayOffyesterday incoherent to evening telework (N = 0)
diary_wide[!$dayOffyesterday) & !$telework) &
((diary_wide$dayOffyesterday==FALSE & diary_wide$teleWork=="dayOff") |
(diary_wide$dayOffyesterday==TRUE & diary_wide$teleWork!="dayOff")),
Finally, we inspect all cases with workHours = 0
. We can
see only a few of such cases (2%), all of which show
(also because it was a necessary condition
for responding to the workHours
question) as well as
and dayOffyesterday=FALSE
Due to this incoherence, we ‘trust’ the responses to dayOff
items and we assume that these workHours
responses were
careless responses. Thus, we
interpolate them by assigning the mean No.of
reported by the same participant in the other
occasions. We also note one participant (S137
) that
reported workHours=0
in all occasions. Thus, responses are
interpolated based on the weekHours
question from the
data of the same participant, and we flag this
participant as a potential careless
# inspecting cases of workHours = 0
cat(nrow(diary_wide[!$workHours) & diary_wide$workHours==0,]),"cases of workHours = 0")
## 21 cases of workHours = 0
# inspecting responses to critical variables for such cases
diary_wide[!$workHours) & diary_wide$workHours==0,
# interpolating responses (i.e., assigning the mean No. of workHours for each participant)
IDs <- levels(as.factor(as.character(diary_wide[!$workHours) & diary_wide$workHours==0,"ID"])))
for(ID in IDs[1:(length(IDs)-1)]){
diary_wide[diary_wide$ID==ID & !$workHours) & diary_wide$workHours==0,"workHours"] <-
mean(diary_wide[diary_wide$ID==ID & !$workHours) & diary_wide$workHours!=0,"workHours"])}
# interpolating responses of one participant that always reported workHours=0 based on prelqs weekHours
diary_wide[diary_wide$ID=="S137" & !$dayOff_eve) & diary_wide$dayOff_eve==FALSE,"workHours"] <-
# flagging S137 as a potential careless respondent
prelqs$careless <- FALSE
prelqs[prelqs$ID=="S137","careless"] <- TRUE
diary_wide <- plyr::join(diary_wide,prelqs[,c("ID","careless")],by="ID",type="left") # joining careless to diary_wide
Here, we inspect the distribution of start
times looking
for filtering responses out of time (e.g., morning
diary filled in the evening).
# plotting
With flagged Afternoon responses given after 22:00 (N = 11) :
we keep all responses that were submitted up to one hour before starting the Evening diary (N = 3)
we only consider retrospective items (i.e.,
, WL
) and not momentary items (i.e., confounders and BP are
removed) for responses submitted less than one hour
before starting the Evening diary (N = 6)
we recode momentary items (i.e., BP, confounders) as they were responded in the Evening for all responses submitted later than 22:00 with no subsequent Evening response (i.e., BP values) but with nonmissing afternoon BP (N = 2)
# selecting flagged cases - afternoon (N = 11)
diary_wide$IDday <- paste(diary_wide$ID,diary_wide$day,sep="_") # re-creating IDday
flagA <- diary_wide[!$start_aft) & (as.POSIXct(substr(diary_wide$start_aft,12,16),format="%H:%M") < # A after 22:00
as.POSIXct("15:00",format="%H:%M",tz="GMT") |
as.POSIXct(substr(diary_wide$start_aft,12,16),format="%H:%M") >
flagA[,c("IDday","start_aft","end_aft","start_eve","workHours","lateWorkHours","workTime")] # showing flagged cases
# marking responses
flagA$flag <- NA
flagA[!$start_eve) & difftime(flagA$start_eve,flagA$end_aft,units="hours")>1,"flag"] <- "ok"
flagA[!$start_eve) & difftime(flagA$start_eve,flagA$end_aft,units="hours")<=1,"flag"] <- "momentary.OUT"
flagA[$SBP_eve) & !$SBP_aft),"flag"] <- "toEvening"
table(flagA$flag) # showing No. of cases
## momentary.OUT ok toEvening
## 6 3 2
# filtering responses
diary_wide$flagA <- NA # flagging all flagA cases in the diary_wide dataset
diary_wide[diary_wide$IDday%in%levels(as.factor(flagA$IDday)),"flagA"] <- flagA[,"flag"]
aft_cols <- which(colnames(diary_wide)=="SBP_aft"):which(colnames(diary_wide)=="meal_aft") # afternoon momentary columns
eve_cols <- which(colnames(diary_wide)=="SBP_eve"):which(colnames(diary_wide)=="meal_eve") # evening momentary columns
diary_wide[!$flagA) & diary_wide$flagA=="momentary.OUT",aft_cols] <- NA # removing momentary (N = 6)
diary_wide[!$flagA) & diary_wide$flagA=="toEvening",eve_cols] <- # momentary values to Evening (N = 2)
diary_wide[!$flagA) & diary_wide$flagA=="toEvening",aft_cols[aft_cols!=which(colnames(diary_wide)=="where_aft")]]
diary_wide[!$flagA) & diary_wide$flagA=="toEvening",
aft_cols[aft_cols!=which(colnames(diary_wide)=="where_aft")]] <- NA # removing mom. from those cases
# sanity check
With flagged Evening responses (N = 16) given after 05:00:
we keep all responses that were submitted between 21:00 and 5:00 and up to one hour after submitting the Afternoon diary (N = 8), by assuming that (a) in a few cases participant went to sleep around 21:30 (N = 7), and (b) responses that took 1+ hours (N = 1) were open early by mistake but responded at the right time (i.e., bedtime)
we remove all momentary responses (i.e., BP, confounders) that were submitted less than one hour after submitting the Afternoon diary (N = 2)
we keep all responses submitted between 21:00 and 5:00 with missing Afternoon responses (N = 3)
we remove all responses submitted after 05:00 when followed by the morning surveys with nonmissing BP measurements (N = 2)
we recode momentary items (i.e., BP, confounders) as they were responded in the Morning, while removing retrospective items for responses submitted later than 05:00 with no subsequent Morning response (N = 1)
# selecting flagged cases - evening (N = 16)
flagE <- diary_wide[!$start_eve) & (as.POSIXct(substr(diary_wide$start_eve,12,16),format="%H:%M") < # E after 5:00
as.POSIXct("21:30",format="%H:%M",tz="GMT") &
as.POSIXct(substr(diary_wide$start_eve,12,16),format="%H:%M") >
flagE$wakeTime <- substr(flagE$wakeTime,12,16)
flagE[,c("ID","end_aft","start_eve","end_eve","start_mor","wakeTime","workTime")] # showing flagged cases
# marking responses
flagE$flag <- NA
flagE[!$start_aft) & difftime(flagE$end_eve,flagE$end_aft,units="hours")>=1 & # >21:00 & >1h from Aft (N = 8)
as.POSIXct(substr(flagE$end_eve,12,16),format="%H:%M") > as.POSIXct("21:00",format="%H:%M",tz="GMT") |
as.POSIXct(substr(flagE$end_eve,12,16),format="%H:%M") < as.POSIXct("05:00",format="%H:%M",tz="GMT"),"flag"] <- "ok1"
flagE[!$start_aft) & difftime(flagE$end_eve,flagE$end_aft,units="hours")<1,"flag"] <- "momentary.OUT" # >1h from Aft (2)
flagE[$start_aft) & # >21:00 & without Aft (N = 3)
as.POSIXct(substr(flagE$end_eve,12,16),format="%H:%M") > as.POSIXct("21:00",format="%H:%M",tz="GMT") |
as.POSIXct(substr(flagE$end_eve,12,16),format="%H:%M") < as.POSIXct("05:00",format="%H:%M",tz="GMT"),"flag"] <-"ok2"
flagE[!$SBP_mor) &$flag) & # >5:00 & nonmissing Morning BP (N = 2)
as.POSIXct(substr(flagE$end_eve,12,16),format="%H:%M") > as.POSIXct("05:00",format="%H:%M",tz="GMT") &
as.POSIXct(substr(flagE$end_eve,12,16),format="%H:%M") < as.POSIXct("21:00",format="%H:%M",tz="GMT"),"flag"] <-"OUT"
flagE[$SBP_mor) & # >5:00 & missing Morning BP (N = 1)
as.POSIXct(substr(flagE$end_eve,12,16),format="%H:%M") > as.POSIXct("05:00",format="%H:%M",tz="GMT") &
as.POSIXct(substr(flagE$end_eve,12,16),format="%H:%M") < as.POSIXct("21:00",format="%H:%M",tz="GMT"),"flag"] <-"toMorning"
table(flagE$flag) # showing No. of cases
## momentary.OUT ok1 ok2 OUT toMorning
## 2 8 3 2 1
# filtering responses
diary_wide$flagE <- NA # flagging all flagM cases in the diary_wide dataset
eve_cols.full <- which(colnames(diary_wide)=="start_eve"):which(colnames(diary_wide)=="workHours") # evening full columns
mor_cols <- which(colnames(diary_wide)=="SBP_mor"):which(colnames(diary_wide)=="meal_mor") # morning momentary columns
diary_wide[diary_wide$IDday%in%levels(as.factor(flagE$IDday)),"flagE"] <- flagE[,"flag"]
diary_wide[!$flagE) & diary_wide$flagE=="momentary.OUT",eve_cols] <- NA # removing momentary Evening (N = 2)
diary_wide[!$flagE) & diary_wide$flagE=="OUT",eve_cols.full] <- NA # removing all Evening (N = 2)
diary_wide[!$flagE) & diary_wide$flagE=="OUT","eve"] <- 0
diary_wide[!$flagE) & diary_wide$flagE=="toMorning",
mor_cols[mor_cols!=which(colnames(diary_wide)=="where_mor")]] <- # momentary values to Morning (N = 1)
diary_wide[!$flagE) & diary_wide$flagE=="toMorning",eve_cols]
diary_wide[!$flagE) & diary_wide$flagE=="toMorning",eve_cols] <- NA # removing mom. from those cases
# sanity check
With flagged Morning responses (N = 23) given after 05:00:
we keep all responses started on Saturdays before 15:00 (N = 6)
we keep all responses submitted on Tuesday-Friday before 15:00 and up to three hours before submitting the Afternoon diary (N = 11)
we remove all responses submitted after 15:00 (N = 4)
we remove momentary items from responses submitted less than three hours before submitting the Afternoon diary with nonmissing BP values (N = 1)
# selecting flagged cases - morning (N = 22)
flagM <- diary_wide[!$start_mor) & (as.POSIXct(substr(diary_wide$start_mor,12,16),format="%H:%M") < # M after 12:00
as.POSIXct("23:59",format="%H:%M",tz="GMT") &
as.POSIXct(substr(diary_wide$start_mor,12,16),format="%H:%M") >
# adding next day start_aft (start_aft.nd) when nonmissing
flagM$start_aft.nd <- as.POSIXct(NA)
flagM1 <-,ncol=ncol(flagM)))
for(i in 1:nrow(flagM)){ flagM1 <- rbind(flagM1,flagM[i,])
if(nrow(diary_wide[diary_wide$ID==flagM[i,"ID"] & diary_wide$day==flagM[i,"day"]+1,])>0){
# showing cases
# marking responses
flagM1$flag <- NA
flagM1[flagM1$day%in%c(5,11) & # Saturdays with start <15:00 (N = 6)
as.POSIXct(substr(flagM1$start_mor,12,16),format="%H:%M") < as.POSIXct("15:00",format="%H:%M",tz="GMT"),"flag"] <- "ok1"
flagM1[!flagM1$day%in%c(5,11) & difftime(flagM1$start_aft.nd,flagM1$end_mor,units="hours")>3 & # Tue-Fry <15:00 & >3h from Aft (11)
as.POSIXct(substr(flagM1$start_mor,12,16),format="%H:%M") < as.POSIXct("15:00",format="%H:%M",tz="GMT"),"flag"] <- "ok2"
flagM1[as.POSIXct(substr(flagM1$start_mor,12,16),format="%H:%M") > # submitted >15:00 (N = 4)
as.POSIXct("15:00",format="%H:%M",tz="GMT"),"flag"] <- "OUT"
flagM1[$flag),"flag"] <- "momentary.OUT" # submitted <3h before following Afternoon (N = 1)
table(flagM1$flag) # showing No. of cases
## momentary.OUT ok1 ok2 OUT
## 1 6 11 4
# filtering responses
diary_wide$flagM <- NA # flagging all flagM cases in the diary_wide dataset
mor_cols.full <- which(colnames(diary_wide)=="start_mor"):which(colnames(diary_wide)=="AWL3") # morning full columns
diary_wide[diary_wide$IDday%in%levels(as.factor(flagM1$IDday)),"flagM"] <- flagM1[,"flag"]
diary_wide[!$flagM) & diary_wide$flagM=="momentary.OUT",mor_cols] <- NA # removing momentary Morning (N = 1)
diary_wide[!$flagM) & diary_wide$flagM=="OUT",mor_cols.full] <- NA # removing all Morning (N = 4)
diary_wide[!$flagM) & diary_wide$flagM=="OUT","mor"] <- 0
# sanity check
In summary, we processed diary_wide
responses by
removing those obtained out of the scheduled times and by recoding time
points based on the hour of the day. Specifically, we removed 6
cases (2 Morning, 4 Evening) with response times extremely out
of bounds, we removed momentary item responses from 9
cases (6 Afternoon, 2 Evening, 1 Morning) with BP measurements
too close to the preceding or the following ones, and we recoded
3 cases (2 Afternoon, 1 Evening) by assigning momentary item
responses to the following diary. Here, we re-inspect the distribution
of response times in the processed data.
# creating new variable summarizing flagged cases
diary_wide$flagTime <- FALSE
diary_wide[(!$flagA) & diary_wide$flagA!="ok") |
(!$flagE) & diary_wide$flagE!="ok1" & diary_wide$flagE!="ok2") |
(!$flagM) & diary_wide$flagM!="ok1" & diary_wide$flagM!="ok2"),"flagTime"] <- TRUE
diary_wide$flagA <- diary_wide$flagE <- diary_wide$flagM <- NULL # removing individual flag variables
# plotting
Here, we inspect the distribution of workHours
from the diary_wide
dataset, and
that of weekHours
from the prelqs
looking for cases of unrealistic numbers of working hours. We also
compute the workHours_total
variable as the sum of
and lateWorkHours
However, we can see that the latter variable would be inaccurate as
it might have value > 24h in some cases, implying that a number of
participants did not consider workhours
as mutually exclusive. Thus, we remove it
from the dataset.
Moreover, whereas workhours
seems quite realistic
(ranging from 1h to 15h), lateWorkHours
inaccurately responded by a number of participants that
reported up to 10-20 hours of work after the ‘ordinary’ work schedule.
Thus, we dychotomize lateWorkHours
(lateWorkHours = 0
) or TRUE
(lateWorkHours > 0
# computing workHours_total
diary_wide$workHours_total <- diary_wide$workHours + diary_wide$lateWorkHours
# plotting
par(mfrow=c(1,4)); hist(diary_wide$workHours,breaks=30); hist(diary_wide$lateWorkHours,breaks=30)
hist(diary_wide$workHours_total,breaks=30); hist(prelqs$weekHours,breaks=30)
# removing workHours_total
diary_wide$workHours_total <- NULL
# cases of lateWorkHours > 10
diary_wide[!$lateWorkHours) & diary_wide$lateWorkHours>10,c("ID","day","workHours","lateWorkHours",
# dychotomizing lateWorkHours
diary_wide$lateWorkHours1 <- NA
diary_wide[!$lateWorkHours) & diary_wide$lateWorkHours==0,"lateWorkHours1"] <- FALSE
diary_wide[!$lateWorkHours) & diary_wide$lateWorkHours>0,"lateWorkHours1"] <- TRUE
diary_wide$lateWorkHours <- diary_wide$lateWorkHours1
diary_wide$lateWorkHours1 <- NULL
summary(diary_wide$lateWorkHours) # summarizing cases FALSE=702, TRUE=245, NA=197
## logical 702 245 197
Finally, we observe a number of cases (N = 2-7) with nonmissing
response to the core diary
items (e.g., workaholism,
exhaustion, and sleep items) but missing response to the blood pressure
confounders. Here, we set the confounders = FALSE
for all
of these cases.
# afternoon
cat(nrow(diary_wide[!$WHLSM1) &$confounders_aft),]),
"cases with missing confounders_aft but nonmissing WHLSM1 item score")
## 7 cases with missing confounders_aft but nonmissing WHLSM1 item score
diary_wide[!$WHLSM1) &$confounders_aft),"confounders_aft"] <- FALSE
# evening
cat(nrow(diary_wide[!$EE1) &$confounders_eve),]),
"cases with missing confounders_eve but nonmissing EVE1 item score")
## 2 cases with missing confounders_eve but nonmissing EVE1 item score
diary_wide[!$EE1) &$confounders_eve),"confounders_eve"] <- FALSE
# same thing for flagBP variables
diary_wide[!$WHLSM_1) &$flagBP_aft),"flagBP_aft"] <- FALSE
diary_wide[!$EE_1) &$flagBP_eve),"flagBP_eve"] <- FALSE
Here, we select the observations, participants, and variables to be considered for the subsequent analyses. That is, we discard pilot participants and all related observations, and we remove the variables not considered in the present work.
Here, we subset the data by selecting and sorting the variables to be considered in the following analyses, whereas unused variables are not included.
# diary data # case identification
diary_wide <- diary_wide[,c("ID","day",
# compliance
# data quality
# afternoon diary
"start_aft","end_aft", # starting & ending date & time
"dayOff_aft", # took a day off (missing responses)
"SBP_aft","DBP_aft", # blood pressure
"where_aft","confounders_aft","coffee_aft","smoke_aft","sport_aft","meal_aft", # confounders
paste("WHLSM",1:6,sep=""), # state workaholism
# evening diary
"start_eve","end_eve", # starting & ending date & time
"dayOff_eve", # took a day off (missing responses)
"SBP_eve","DBP_eve", # blood pressure
"confounders_eve","coffee_eve","smoke_eve","sport_eve","meal_eve", # confounders
"teleWork","workHours","dailyHassles_eve", # further confounders/covariates
paste("EE",1:4,sep=""), # emotional exhaustion
paste0("R.det",1:3), # psychological detachment
# morning diary
"start_mor","end_mor", # starting & ending date & time
"dayOffyesterday", # took a day off yesterday or today (missing responses)
"lateWorkHours","wakeTime","hhFromAwake", # confounders/covariates
paste("SQ",1:4,sep=""), # sleep quality
# demographics from the preqls dataset
# Retrospective workaholism items from the prelqs dataset
Here, we subset the data by selecting the cases to be considered in the following analyses. That is, we filter 12 pilot participants that took part in the pilot trial of the study (i.e., before 2021-04-05).
# selecting pilot participants (12)
(pilots <- levels(as.factor(as.character(prelqs[prelqs$start<as.POSIXct("2021-04-05"),"ID"]))))
## [1] "S005" "S013" "S067" "S074" "S089" "S094" "S112" "S121" "S133" "S134"
## [11] "S139" "S141"
# filtering 12 pilot participants from diary data
memory <- diary
memory2 <- diary_wide
diary <- diary[!(diary$ID%in%pilots),]
diary_wide <- diary_wide[!(diary_wide$ID%in%pilots),]
diary$ID <- as.factor(as.character(diary$ID))
diary_wide$ID <- as.factor(as.character(diary_wide$ID))
## Removed 12 participants, 60 days, 149 observations
cat("diary_wide: total No. of responses =",nrow(diary_wide),"from",nlevels(diary_wide$ID),"participants")
## diary_wide: total No. of responses = 1084 from 135 participants
Here, we provide a definition for each variable in the processed
## 'data.frame': 1084 obs. of 86 variables:
## $ ID : Factor w/ 135 levels "S001","S002",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
## $ day : num 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 ...
## $ aft : Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1": 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
## $ eve : Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1": 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
## $ mor : Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1": 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
## $ careless : logi FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE ...
## $ start_aft : POSIXct, format: "2022-01-24 15:42:17" "2022-01-25 15:50:20" ...
## $ end_aft : POSIXct, format: "2022-01-24 15:45:52" "2022-01-25 15:52:14" ...
## $ dayOff_aft : logi FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE ...
## $ SBP_aft : num 130 114 114 120 112 ...
## $ DBP_aft : num 73 75 75.5 78.5 75.5 82 76 83.5 75.5 80 ...
## $ where_aft : Factor w/ 3 levels "home","workplace",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 ...
## $ confounders_aft : logi FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE ...
## $ coffee_aft : Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
## $ smoke_aft : Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
## $ sport_aft : Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
## $ meal_aft : Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
## $ WHLSM1 : num 3 6 5 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 ...
## $ WHLSM2 : num 2 6 6 3 2 3 2 3 2 4 ...
## $ WHLSM3 : num 1 6 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 ...
## $ WHLSM4 : num 2 4 2 1 3 3 2 3 2 3 ...
## $ WHLSM5 : num 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 ...
## $ WHLSM6 : num 1 3 5 2 3 4 2 5 2 5 ...
## $ start_eve : POSIXct, format: "2022-01-24 21:50:17" "2022-01-25 22:17:12" ...
## $ end_eve : POSIXct, format: "2022-01-24 21:53:33" "2022-01-25 22:20:13" ...
## $ dayOff_eve : logi FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE ...
## $ SBP_eve : num 122 108 106 113 112 ...
## $ DBP_eve : num 77 76 66.5 75 74 75.5 80 76 86.5 84 ...
## $ confounders_eve : logi FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE ...
## $ coffee_eve : Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
## $ smoke_eve : Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
## $ sport_eve : Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
## $ meal_eve : Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
## $ teleWork : Factor w/ 4 levels "office","teleWork",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
## $ workHours : num 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 9 6 ...
## $ dailyHassles_eve: Factor w/ 2 levels "No","Yes": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
## $ EE1 : num 5 6 7 4 3 5 5 5 5 5 ...
## $ EE2 : num 5 4 5 3 2 5 4 5 5 4 ...
## $ EE3 : num 4 1 2 2 2 5 3 1 3 1 ...
## $ EE4 : num 2 1 1 2 2 5 1 1 4 1 ...
## $ R.det1 : num 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 4 3 4 ...
## $ R.det2 : num 2 1 3 1 1 2 3 4 3 3 ...
## $ R.det3 : num 6 4 5 1 1 2 4 5 5 6 ...
## $ start_mor : POSIXct, format: "2022-01-25 08:03:06" "2022-01-26 08:01:20" ...
## $ end_mor : POSIXct, format: "2022-01-25 08:05:29" "2022-01-26 08:03:11" ...
## $ dayOffyesterday : logi FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE ...
## $ lateWorkHours : logi FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE ...
## $ wakeTime : POSIXct, format: "2024-05-17 06:45:00" "2024-05-17 06:45:00" ...
## $ hhFromAwake : num 1.3 1.27 1.27 1.68 1.37 ...
## $ SQ1 : num 2 1 1 3 2 2 2 1 2 2 ...
## $ SQ2 : num 3 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 2 1 ...
## $ SQ3 : num 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 ...
## $ SQ4 : num 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 ...
## $ gender : Factor w/ 2 levels "F","M": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
## $ age : int 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 ...
## $ BMI : num 18.8 18.8 18.8 18.8 18.8 ...
## $ edu : Factor w/ 2 levels "highschool-",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
## $ mStatus : Factor w/ 4 levels "single","partner",..: 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
## $ home : Factor w/ 5 levels "alone","partner",..: 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ...
## $ children : Factor w/ 2 levels "No","Yes": 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
## $ home_child : Factor w/ 2 levels "No","Yes": 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
## $ partner : Factor w/ 2 levels "No","Yes": 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
## $ home_partner : Factor w/ 2 levels "No","Yes": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
## $ smoker : Factor w/ 2 levels "No","Yes": 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
## $ bp_drugs : Factor w/ 2 levels "No","Yes": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
## $ horm_drugs : Factor w/ 2 levels "No","Yes": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
## $ psy_drugs : Factor w/ 2 levels "No","Yes": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
## $ cv_dysf : Factor w/ 2 levels "No","Yes": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
## $ sleep_dysf : Factor w/ 2 levels "No","Yes": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
## $ job : Factor w/ 22 levels "Administrative and commercial managers",..: 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ...
## $ position : Factor w/ 3 levels "Employee","Manager/Employers",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
## $ sector : Factor w/ 2 levels "Private","Public": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
## $ weekHours : num 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 ...
## $ duwas1 : int 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
## $ duwas2 : int 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ...
## $ duwas3 : int 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
## $ duwas4 : int 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ...
## $ duwas5 : int 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
## $ duwas6 : int 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
## $ duwas7 : int 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
## $ duwas8 : int 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
## $ duwas9 : int 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
## $ duwas10 : int 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ...
= participant’s identification code
= day of participation (from 1 to 11)
= day including the response to the Afternoon
questionnaire (1) or not (0)
= day including the response to the Evening
questionnaire (1) or not (0)
= day including the response to the Morning
questionnaire (1) or not (0)
Data quality
= responses recoded due to wrong response
timing (i.e., responses given outside the scheduled intervals) (see
section 3.6.2)
- flagBP_eve
= flagged cases
that were reprocessed due to extreme BP values (see section
= participant flagged as a careless
respondent (careless = TRUE
) due to inconsistent responses
in the DayOff
variables (see section 3.4.1) - the same
variable is included in the prelqs
Afternoon questionnaire
= starting time of the Afternoon
questionnaire (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss)
= submission time of the Afternoon
questionnaire (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss)
= logical variable indicating whether the
participant reported working on that day (FALSE) or not (TRUE)
- DBP_aft
= systolic and
diastolic aggregate blood pressure value (mmHg) measured in the
= place where the Afternoon blood pressure
recording was done (“home”, “workplace”, “other”)
= logical variable indicating the
presence (TRUE) or absence (FALSE) of any confounder before the
Afternoon recording
- meal_aft
= variables
indicating the presence (1) or absence (0) of each confounder (i.e.,
cofee, smoke, sport, and meal)
= item scores at the
diary version of the DUWAS (workaholism) (1-7)
Evening questionnaire
= starting time of the Evening
questionnaire (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss)
= submission time of the Evening
questionnaire (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss)
= logical variable indicating whether the
participant reported working on that day (FALSE) or not (TRUE)
- DBP_eve
= systolic and
diastolic aggregate blood pressure value (mmHg) measured in the
= logical variable indicating the
presence (TRUE) or absence (FALSE) of any confounder before the Evening
- meal_eve
= variables
indicating the presence (1) or absence (0) of each confounder (i.e.,
cofee, smoke, sport, and meal)
= factor indicating whether on that day the
participant worked in the “office”, did “teleWork”, or “both”
= number of working hours for that day
= factor indicating whether the
participant reported some daily hassles outside the working time on that
day (“Yes”) or not (“No”)
- EE4
= item scores at the diary
version of the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory (emotional exhaustion)
- R.det3
= item scores at the
diary version of the Recovery Experiences Questionnaire (psychological
detachment) (1-7)
Morning questionnaire
= starting time of the Morning
questionnaire (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss)
= submission time of the Morning
questionnaire (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss)
= logical variable indicating
whether the participant reported working on the previous day day (FALSE)
or not (TRUE)
= logical variable indicating whether
the participant reported working in the previous evening (TRUE) or not
= self-reported waking time (yyyy-mm-dd
= number of hours between waketime and
the response to the Morning questionnaire
- SQ4
= item scores at the diary
version of the Mini Sleep Questionnaire (sleep disturbances)
Retrospective time-invariant variables (measured with the preliminary questionnaire)
= participant’s gender (“F” or “M”)
= participant’s age (years)
= participant’s body mass index
= participant’s education level (“middle”,
“highschool”, “university+”)
= participant’s marital status (“single”,
“partner”, “divorced”, “widowed”)
= family situation (living “alone” or with
“partner”, “children”, “parents”, “others”)
= number of children (No.)
= living with children (Yes/No)
= having a partner (Yes/No)
= living with partner (Yes/No)
Confounders and inclusion criteria
= smoking status (“No”, “Yes”, “Quit_less”,
= participant reporting taking blood
pressure medications (e.g., diuretics, beta-blokkants,
= participant reporting taking hormonal
medications (e.g., birth control)
= participant reporting taking psychiatric
drugs (e.g., antidepressants, anxiety)
= participant reporting suffering from a
cardiovascular disease (e.g., hypertension, ischemia, strokes)
= participant reporting suffering from a
sleep-related disease (e.g., insomnia, parasomnia, sleep apnea)
Occupational variables
= participant’s job recoded using the ISCO-08
classification of occupations (level 2) (Ganzeboom, 2010
= participant’s job position (“Employee”,
“Project”, “Manager”, “(Self-)Employer”)
= participant’s job sector (“Private” or
= participant’s self-reported mean number
of working hours per week (No.)
Here, we export the recoded and pre-processed diary_wide
dataset (renamed as diary
) to be used for further analyses.
The datasets is exported in both CSV and RData format.
# exporting diary data
diary <- diary_wide # renamed as 'diary'
save(diary,file="DATI/diary_processed.RData") # RData
write.csv2(diary,file="DATI/diary_processed.csv", row.names=FALSE) # csv with ";"