The present document includes the analytical steps implemented to compute the descriptive statistics from the retrospective and daily diary data collected with the Qualtrics platform (Qualtrics, Seattle, WA, USA) from an heterogeneous samples of workers over two weeks, pre-processed as shown in Supplementary Material S3 and aggregated as shown in Supplementary Material S4. The document also depicts the procedure used to select the covariates to be included in the following multilevel models (see Supplementary Material S6).
Here, we remove all objects from the R global environment.
# removing all objets from the workspace
The following R packages are used in this document (see References section):
# required packages
packages <- c("knitr","Rmisc","Hmisc","lme4","ggplot2","reshape2","MuMIn")
# generate packages references
knitr::write_bib(c(.packages(), packages),"packagesDesc.bib")
## tweaking Hmisc
# # run to install missing packages
# xfun::pkg_attach2(packages, message = FALSE); rm(list=ls())
First, we read daily diary dataset diary
and we rebuild
the preliminary questionnaire prelqs
exported from the
previous step (Supplementary
Material S4).
# loading data
# rebuilding the prelqs dataset (only including variables from the preliminary questionnaire)
prelqs <- diary[!duplicated(diary$ID),c(1,which(colnames(diary)=="gender"):ncol(diary))]
# original sample sizes
cat("diary:",nrow(diary),"responses (days) from",nlevels(diary$ID),"participants")
## diary: 1084 responses (days) from 135 participants
cat("prelqs:",nrow(prelqs),"responses from",nlevels(prelqs$ID),"participants")
## prelqs: 135 responses from 135 participants
As we pre-registered here, we filter the data based on participant compliance with the protocol, that is we exclude the participants with less than 3 full days of participation (i.e., with nonmissing response to the afternoon, evening, and morning questionnaire).
# filtering participants with less than 3 observations
clean <- diary[0,]
for(ID in levels(diary$ID)){
if(nrow(diary[diary$ID==ID & diary$aft==1 & diary$eve==1 & diary$mor==1,]) >= 3){
clean <- rbind(clean,diary[diary$ID==ID,]) }}
clean$ID <- as.factor(as.character(clean$ID)) # resetting ID levels
clean_prelqs <- prelqs[prelqs$ID %in% levels(clean$ID),] # filtering prelqs data
clean_prelqs$ID <- as.factor(as.character(clean_prelqs$ID)) # resetting ID levels
cat("diary: Excluded",nlevels(diary$ID)-nlevels(clean$ID),"participants and",nrow(diary)-nrow(clean),"observations")
## diary: Excluded 21 participants and 126 observations
# updating sample sizes
cat("diary:",nrow(clean),"responses from",nlevels(clean$ID),"participants")
## diary: 958 responses from 114 participants
prelqs <- prelqs[prelqs$ID %in% levels(clean$ID),] # filtering prelqs data
prelqs$ID <- as.factor(as.character(prelqs$ID)) # resetting ID levels
cat("prelqs:",nrow(prelqs),"responses from",nlevels(prelqs$ID),"participants")
## prelqs: 114 responses from 114 participants
First, we describe the sample and compute the descriptive statistics
and correlations of the core study variables (i.e., workaholism,
; afternoon, evening, and morning blood pressure,
, DBP_aft
, SBP_eve
; emotional exhaustion, EE
; sleep
disturbances, SD
, and recovery experiences,
and RRel
) and a set of potential
quantitative covariates (i.e., workhours, workHours
; time
since waking-up, hhFromAwake
; age, age
; BMI,
, and weekly working hours, weekHours
The following packages and functions are used to optimize the analysis.
library(knitr); library(ggplot2); library(reshape2)
#' @title Descriptive statistics (mean and SD) and intraclass correlation of multilevel datasets
#' @param long = long-form data.frame including all time-varying variables with one row per observation
#' @param wide = wide-form data.frame including all time-invariant variables with one row per subject
#' @param cluster = character string indicating the name of the column with the subject identifiers
#' @param lv1 = character vector indicating the column names of the time-varying variables in the long dataset
#' @param lv2 = character vector indicating the column names of the time-invariant variables in the wide dataset
#' @param group = character string indicating the name of the column of the grouping variable (defult: NA for no group specification)
#' @param group.labels = character vector indicating the name of the group variable levels (default: NA)
multidesc <- function(long,wide,cluster="ID",lv1,lv2){ require(Rmisc); require(lme4)
# lv1 data
out <- data.frame(Measure=lv1[1],
Mean=paste(round(summarySE(long,lv1[1],na.rm=TRUE)[,3],2)," (",
for(i in 2:length(lv1)){
out <- rbind(out,
Mean=paste(round(summarySE(long,lv1[i],na.rm=TRUE)[,3],2)," (",
# lv2 data
for(i in 1:length(lv2)){
out <- rbind(out,
Mean=paste(round(summarySE(wide,lv2[i],na.rm=TRUE)[,3],2)," (",
out$ICC <- NA
for(i in 1:length(lv1)){
m <- lmer(formula=gsub("var",lv1[i],gsub("ID",cluster,"var~(1|ID)")),data=long) # VAR_between / (VAR_between + VAR_within)
out[out$Measure==lv1[i],"ICC"] <- round([1,4]/
rownames(out) <- gsub(".cm","",rownames(out))
Computes and prints descriptive statistics (mean and SD) and intraclass correlation of a multilevel dataset.
#' @title Correlation matrix of multilevel datasets
#' @param long = long-form data.frame including all time-varying variables with one row per observation
#' @param wide = wide-form data.frame including all time-invariant variables with one row per subject
#' @param cluster = character string indicating the name of the column with the subject identifiers
#' @param lv1 = character vector indicating the column names of the time-varying variables in the long dataset
#' @param lv2 = character vector indicating the column names of the time-invariant variables in the wide dataset
#' @param pvalue = logical value specifying whether p-values should be reported or not (default: FALSE)
#' @param correction = character specifying the type of correction to be applied to the computed p-values (see ?p.adjust), default is "bonferroni"
multicorr <- function(long,wide,lv1,lv2,cluster="ID",pvalue=FALSE,correction="bonferroni"){
require(Rmisc); require(Hmisc); require(plyr)
# renaming cluster as "ID"
colnames(long)[which(colnames(long)==cluster)] <- "ID"
# person-mean-centering lv-1 variables
for(Var in lv1){
wide <- cbind(wide,aggregate(long[,Var],list(long$ID),mean,na.rm=TRUE)[,2]) # computing individual means
colnames(wide)[ncol(wide)] <- paste0(Var,".cm")
long <- join(long,wide[,c("ID",paste0(Var,".cm"))],by="ID",type="left") # joining with long-form data
long[,paste(Var,".mc")] <- long[,Var] - long[,paste0(Var,".cm")] # computing mean-centered scores
colnames(long)[ncol(long)] <- paste0(Var,".mc") }
# between-subjects correlations (lv2)
out <- rcorr(as.matrix(wide[,c(paste0(lv1,".cm"),lv2)]), type = "pearson")
} else { out <- rcorr(as.matrix(wide[,paste0(lv1,".cm")]), type = "pearson") }
rb <- round(out$r,2) # corr coefficients
rb[lower.tri(rb)] <- NA
rownames(rb) <- gsub(".cm","",rownames(rb))
colnames(rb) <- gsub(".cm","",colnames(rb))
rb.p <- out$P # pvalues
rb.p[lower.tri(rb.p)] <- NA
# within-participant correlations (lv1)
out <- rcorr(as.matrix(long[,paste(lv1,".mc",sep="")]), type = "pearson")
rw <- round(out$r,2) # corr coeff.
rw[upper.tri(rw)] <- NA
rownames(rw) <- gsub(".mc","",rownames(rw))
colnames(rw) <- gsub(".mc","",colnames(rw))
rw.p <- out$P # pvalues
rw.p[upper.tri(rw.p)] <- NA
# adjusting p-values
adj <- data.frame(original=c(rb.p[!],rw.p[!]),
adj$level <- "w"
adj[1:length(rb.p[!]),"level"] <- "b"
# significance level
adj[adj$adjusted<.05,"sig"] <- "*"
adj[adj$adjusted<.01,"sig"] <- "**"
adj[adj$adjusted<.001,"sig"] <- "***"
adj[$sig),"sig"] <- ""
adjb <- adj[adj$level=="b",]
adjw <- adj[adj$level=="w",]
for(i in 1:nrow(adjb)){ rb.p[! & rb.p==adjb[i,"original"]] <- adjb[i,"sig"] }
for(i in 1:nrow(adjw)){ rw.p[! & rw.p==adjw[i,"original"]] <- adjw[i,"sig"] }
for(i in 1:nrow(rb.p)){ for(j in 1:ncol(rb.p)){
if(![i,j])){ rb[i,j] <- paste(round(as.numeric(rb[i,j]),2),rb.p[i,j],sep="")}}}
for(i in 1:nrow(rw.p)){ for(j in 1:ncol(rw.p)){
if(![i,j])){ rw[i,j] <- paste(round(as.numeric(rw[i,j]),2),rw.p[i,j],sep="")}}}}
# filling rb empty cells
rb[1:length(lv1),1:length(lv1)][lower.tri(rb[1:length(lv1),1:length(lv1)])] <- rw[lower.tri(rw)]
rb <- t(rb) # transposing the matrix (correlations within-individual are shown above the main diagonal)
computes the correlation matrix of a multilevel dataset.
Here, we describe the sample by providing frequencies and other descriptive statistics of sociodemographic and work-related variables collected with the preliminary questionnaire, considering the included subsample.
# gender (freq; %)
summary(prelqs$gender); round(100*summary(prelqs$gender)/nrow(prelqs),1)
## F M
## 59 55
## F M
## 51.8 48.2
# age (mean, SD)
round(mean(prelqs$age),2); round(sd(prelqs$age),2)
## [1] 42.12
## [1] 12.61
# BMI (mean, SD)
round(mean(prelqs$BMI),2); round(sd(prelqs$BMI),2)
## [1] 23.91
## [1] 3.53
# education (freq; %)
summary(prelqs$edu); round(100*summary(prelqs$edu)/nrow(prelqs),1)
## highschool- university+
## 45 69
## highschool- university+
## 39.5 60.5
# job sector (freq; %)
summary(prelqs$sector); round(100*summary(prelqs$sector)/nrow(prelqs),1)
## Private Public
## 91 23
## Private Public
## 79.8 20.2
# job position (freq; %)
summary(prelqs$position); round(100*summary(prelqs$position)/nrow(prelqs),1)
## Employee Manager/Employers Project
## 57 53 4
## Employee Manager/Employers Project
## 50.0 46.5 3.5
# occupational groups (%)
jobs <- round(100*summary(prelqs$job)/nrow(prelqs),1)
## Business and administration associate professionals
## 15.8
## Business and administration professionals
## 13.2
## Legal, social and cultural professionals
## 10.5
## Science and engineering professionals
## 10.5
## Teaching professionals
## 9.6
## Science and engineering associate professionals
## 8.8
## Health professionals
## 5.3
## Production and specialised services managers
## 3.5
## Chief executives, senior officials and legislators
## 2.6
## Health associate professionals
## 2.6
## Hospitality, retail and other services managers
## 2.6
## Information and communications technology professionals
## 2.6
## Administrative and commercial managers
## 1.8
## Personal service workers
## 1.8
## Sales workers
## 1.8
## Stationary plant and machine operators
## 1.8
## Assemblers
## 0.9
## Customer services clerks
## 0.9
## Electrical and electronic trades workers
## 0.9
## Handicraft and printing workers
## 0.9
## Legal, social, cultural and related associate professionals
## 0.9
## Metal, machinery and related trades workers
## 0.9
# weekly working time (mean; SD)
round(mean(prelqs$weekHours),2); round(sd(prelqs$weekHours),2)
## [1] 41.22
## [1] 9.76
# having a partner (freq; %)
summary(prelqs$partner); round(100*summary(prelqs$partner)/nrow(prelqs),1)
## No Yes
## 61 53
## No Yes
## 53.5 46.5
# having a children (freq; %)
summary(prelqs$children); round(100*summary(prelqs$children)/nrow(prelqs),1)
## No Yes
## 56 58
## No Yes
## 49.1 50.9
# living arrangements (freq; %)
summary(prelqs$home); round(100*summary(prelqs$home)/nrow(prelqs),1)
## alone partner children parents others
## 13 28 45 19 9
## alone partner children parents others
## 11.4 24.6 39.5 16.7 7.9
# smoking status (freq; %)
summary(prelqs$smoker); round(100*summary(prelqs$smoker)/nrow(prelqs),1)
## No Yes
## 83 31
## No Yes
## 72.8 27.2
Here, we report the total number of observations and response rate for each variable, considering the included subsample.
# total number of diary entries, days, and participants
cat(nrow(clean[clean$aft==1,])+nrow(clean[clean$eve==1,])+nrow(clean[clean$mor==1,]),"diary entry,",
nrow(clean),"daily observations from",nlevels(clean$ID),"participants")
## 2534 diary entry, 958 daily observations from 114 participants
# computing Nweeks, Nobs, and complDays variables
prelqs$Nweeks <- prelqs$complObs <- prelqs$complDays <- 1
for(i in 1:nrow(prelqs)){
if(max(clean[clean$ID==prelqs[i,"ID"],"day"])>6){ prelqs[i,"Nweeks"] <- 2 } # No. of weeks
prelqs[i,"complObs"] <- nrow(clean[clean$ID==prelqs[i,"ID"] & clean$aft==1,]) + # No. of complete observations
nrow(clean[clean$ID==prelqs[i,"ID"] & clean$eve==1,]) + nrow(clean[clean$ID==prelqs[i,"ID"] & clean$mor==1,])
prelqs[i,"complDays"] <- nrow(clean[clean$ID==prelqs[i,"ID"] & clean$aft==1 & clean$eve==1 & clean$aft==1,]) } # No. full days
cat("Sanity check:",min(prelqs$complDays)==3 & max(prelqs$Nweeks)==2) # min 3 complete days and max 2 weeks
## Sanity check: TRUE
# number and % of participants involved for 1 vs. 2 weeks
## 1 2
## 31 83
## 1 2
## 27.2 72.8
# computing respRate
prelqs[prelqs$Nweeks==1,"respRate"] <- round(100*prelqs[prelqs$Nweeks==1,"complObs"]/15,2) # max 15 obs when Nweeks = 1
prelqs[prelqs$Nweeks==2,"respRate"] <- round(100*prelqs[prelqs$Nweeks==2,"complObs"]/30,2) # max 30 obs when Nweeks = 2
# computing complDaysRate
prelqs[prelqs$Nweeks==1,"complDaysRate"] <- round(100*prelqs[prelqs$Nweeks==1,"complDays"]/5,2) # max 5 days when Nweeks = 1
prelqs[prelqs$Nweeks==2,"complDaysRate"] <- round(100*prelqs[prelqs$Nweeks==2,"complDays"]/10,2) # max 10 days when Nweeks = 2
# printing info
cat("- No. complete responses per participants:",round(mean(prelqs$complObs),2),", SD =",round(sd(prelqs$complObs),2),
"\n- response rate per participants:",round(mean(prelqs$respRate),2),"%, SD =",round(sd(prelqs$respRate),2),
"%\n- No. complete days (Aft + Eve + Mor) per participants",round(mean(prelqs$complDays),2),
", SD =",round(sd(prelqs$complDays),2),"\n- complete days rate per participants:",round(mean(prelqs$complDaysRate),2),
"%, SD =",round(sd(prelqs$complDaysRate),2),"%","\n-",nrow(prelqs[prelqs$Nweeks==2,]),"on",nrow(prelqs),
"participants involved for two weeks (",round(100*nrow(prelqs[prelqs$Nweeks==2,])/nrow(prelqs)),
"% )\n- mean No. of complete responses for those participating over 2 weeks =",
"\n- mean No. of complete responses for those participating over 1 week =",
## - No. complete responses per participants: 22.23 , SD = 6.09
## - response rate per participants: 86.87 %, SD = 12.85 %
## - No. complete days (Aft + Eve + Mor) per participants 6.86 , SD = 2.23
## - complete days rate per participants: 80.61 %, SD = 18.64 %
## - 83 on 114 participants involved for two weeks ( 73 % )
## - mean No. of complete responses for those participating over 2 weeks = 25.27
## - mean No. of complete responses for those participating over 1 week = 14.1
In addition to filtering participant based on their compliance, we
pre-registered the exclusion of all participants reporting
taking blood pressure medications bp_drugs
or suffering
from a cardiovascular dysfunction cv_dysf
from the analyses
of blood pressure. Here, we describe such excluded participants
and the subsample of participants included in blood pressure
# filtering participants with bp_drugs or cv_dysf
BPout <- prelqs[prelqs$bp_drugs=="Yes" | prelqs$cv_dysf=="Yes",]
BPin <- prelqs[prelqs$bp_drugs=="No" & prelqs$cv_dysf=="No",]
# sample size for blood pressure
cat(nrow(clean[clean$ID %in% levels(as.factor(as.character(BPin$ID))),]),"ovservations (days) from",
nlevels(as.factor(as.character(BPin$ID))),"participants included in BP analyses")
## 898 ovservations (days) from 106 participants included in BP analyses
# sociodemographics in excluded participants
summary(BPout$gender); 100*summary(BPout$gender)/nrow(BPout) # gender (freq; %)
## F M
## 3 5
## F M
## 37.5 62.5
mean(BPout$age); sd(BPout$age) # age (mean, SD)
## [1] 56
## [1] 5.529144
mean(BPout$BMI); sd(BPout$BMI) # BMI (mean, SD)
## [1] 26.49418
## [1] 3.793512
# response rate in included participants
cat("- No. complete responses per participants:",round(mean(BPin$complObs),2),", SD =",round(sd(BPin$complObs),2),
"\n- response rate per participants:",round(mean(BPin$respRate),2),"%, SD =",round(sd(BPin$respRate),2),
"%\n- No. complete days (Aft + Eve + Mor) per participants",round(mean(BPin$complDays),2),
", SD =",round(sd(BPin$complDays),2),"\n- complete days rate per participants:",round(mean(BPin$complDaysRate),2),
"%, SD =",round(sd(BPin$complDaysRate),2),"%","\n-",nrow(BPin[BPin$Nweeks==2,]),"on",nrow(BPin),
"participants involved for two weeks (",round(100*nrow(BPin[BPin$Nweeks==2,])/nrow(BPin)),"% )")
## - No. complete responses per participants: 22.26 , SD = 5.98
## - response rate per participants: 86.13 %, SD = 12.96 %
## - No. complete days (Aft + Eve + Mor) per participants 6.85 , SD = 2.19
## - complete days rate per participants: 79.72 %, SD = 18.64 %
## - 79 on 106 participants involved for two weeks ( 75 % )
Here, we use the multidesc()
function for computing the
descriptive statistics (mean, SD and ICC) of level-1 and level-2
variables. We can see that WHLSM
shows an ICC of .60,
indicating that most variance is located at the between-individual
level, but within-individual variance is still substantial. Similar
results are shown by blood pressure (ICC ranging from .61 to .73) and
emotional exhaustion (ICC = .56), whereas higher proportions of
within-individual variability are estimated for SD
, and RRel
# selecting level-1 quantitative variables
lv1 <- c("WHLSM","SBP_aft","DBP_aft", # afternoon
"SBP_eve","DBP_eve","EE","PD", # evening
"SD") # next morning
# selecting level-2 quantitative variables
lv2 <- c("age","BMI")
# computing descriptives
desc <- multidesc(long=clean,wide=prelqs,lv1=lv1,lv2=lv2)
Measure | N | Mean | ICC |
WHLSM | 847 | 3.43 (1.54) | 0.61 |
SBP_aft | 843 | 122.18 (19.56) | 0.70 |
DBP_aft | 843 | 78.17 (14.6) | 0.61 |
SBP_eve | 841 | 115.58 (18.22) | 0.69 |
DBP_eve | 841 | 72.96 (14.26) | 0.64 |
EE | 841 | 3.24 (1.57) | 0.56 |
PD | 841 | 4.38 (1.85) | 0.35 |
SD | 842 | 2.57 (1.4) | 0.39 |
age | 114 | 42.12 (12.61) | NA |
BMI | 114 | 23.91 (3.53) | NA |
Here, we inspect the mean, standard deviation, and distribution of diary survey durations. We can see that, after excluding a few outliers taking more than 30 minutes, the average response time to diary surveys was 4.02 minutes (SD = 3.51 min).
# computing durations in minutes
clean$dur_aft <- difftime(clean$end_aft,clean$start_aft,units="mins")
clean$dur_eve <- difftime(clean$end_eve,clean$start_eve,units="mins")
clean$dur_mor <- difftime(clean$end_mor,clean$start_mor,units="mins")
vars <- paste0("dur_",c("aft","eve","mor"))
clean[,vars] <- lapply(clean[,vars],as.numeric)
clean$dur_mean <- apply(clean[,c("dur_aft","dur_eve","dur_mor")],1,mean,na.rm=TRUE)
# plotting durations
par(mfrow=c(1,4)); for(Var in c(vars,"dur_mean")){
hist(clean[,Var],breaks=100,main=paste(Var,"N =",length(na.omit(clean[,Var])))) }
# No. cases > 30 min (8 to 15)
for(Var in c(vars,"dur_mean")){
colnames(clean)[which(colnames(clean)==Var)] <- "Var"
cat(Var,"> 60 min:",nrow(clean[!$Var) & clean$Var > 30,])," ")
colnames(clean)[which(colnames(clean)=="Var")] <- Var }
## dur_aft > 60 min: 10 dur_eve > 60 min: 8 dur_mor > 60 min: 15 dur_mean > 60 min: 13
# mean and standard deviation (in minutes) without considering such outliers
## [1] 4.02
## [1] 3.51
# removing variables
clean[,c(vars,"dur_mean")] <- NULL
Second, we use the multicorr
function to compute the
between-individual (shown below the main diagonal) and the
within-individual correlations (shown above the main diagonal) among the
same continuous variables.
cors <- multicorr(long=clean,wide=prelqs,lv1=lv1,lv2=lv2)
WHLSM | SBP_aft | DBP_aft | SBP_eve | DBP_eve | EE | PD | SD | age | BMI | |
WHLSM | 1.00 | 0.14 | 0.14 | 0.04 | 0.08 | 0.18 | -0.08 | 0.13 | NA | NA |
SBP_aft | 0.12 | 1.00 | 0.46 | 0.18 | 0.12 | 0.05 | -0.02 | 0.09 | NA | NA |
DBP_aft | 0.13 | 0.83 | 1.00 | 0.10 | 0.12 | 0.08 | -0.02 | 0.06 | NA | NA |
SBP_eve | 0.11 | 0.90 | 0.77 | 1.00 | 0.56 | 0.06 | -0.10 | 0.03 | NA | NA |
DBP_eve | 0.04 | 0.77 | 0.86 | 0.87 | 1.00 | 0.08 | -0.03 | 0.09 | NA | NA |
EE | 0.49 | 0.24 | 0.22 | 0.21 | 0.17 | 1.00 | -0.13 | 0.09 | NA | NA |
PD | -0.14 | -0.01 | -0.05 | -0.07 | -0.08 | -0.13 | 1.00 | -0.06 | NA | NA |
SD | 0.43 | 0.09 | 0.15 | 0.12 | 0.13 | 0.47 | -0.16 | 1.00 | NA | NA |
age | -0.14 | 0.35 | 0.35 | 0.34 | 0.38 | -0.05 | 0.06 | 0.02 | 1.00 | NA |
BMI | 0.06 | 0.33 | 0.33 | 0.40 | 0.40 | 0.06 | 0.07 | -0.03 | 0.22 | 1 |
Correlations are also graphically visualized below (blue = negative, white = uncorrelated, red = positive).
ggplot(melt(as.matrix(multicorr(long=clean,wide=prelqs,lv1=lv1,lv2=lv2))),aes(x=Var1, y=Var2, fill=value)) + geom_tile() +
geom_text(aes(x = Var1, y = Var2, label = round(value,2)),color="black",size=5)+labs(x="",y="") +
scale_fill_gradient2(low="darkblue",high="#f03b20",mid="white",midpoint=0,limit = c(-1,1), space = "Lab",
guide="legend",breaks=round(seq(1,-1,length.out = 11),2))+
Fourth, we visualize the univariate distributions of the focal variables, for each class of variables. We can see that level-1 self-reported predictors show quite skewed distributions. However, person-mean centered scores are approximately normally distributed.
# level-2
par(mfrow=c(3,6)); for(Var in c(lv2,"gender","edu","mStatus","home_partner","children","home_child","position","sector",
if(class(clean[,Var])%in%c("factor","logical")){ plot(clean[!duplicated(clean$ID),Var],main=Var,xlab="")
} else { hist(clean[!duplicated(clean$ID),Var],main=Var,xlab="") }}
# level-1 (composite scores)
par(mfrow=c(3,6)); for(Var in c(lv1,"dailyHassles_eve","lateWorkHours","flagTime",
if(class(clean[,Var])%in%c("factor","logical")){ plot(clean[!duplicated(clean$ID),Var],main=Var,xlab="")
} else { hist(clean[!duplicated(clean$ID),Var],main=Var,xlab="") }}
# level-1 (person-mean-centered scores)
for(Var in lv1){ wide <- clean[!duplicated(clean$ID),]
wide[,paste0(Var,".cm")] <- aggregate(clean[,Var],list(clean$ID),FUN=mean,na.rm=TRUE)[,2]
clean <- plyr::join(clean,wide[,c("ID",paste0(Var,".cm"))],by="ID",type="left")
clean[,paste0(Var,".mc")] <- clean[,Var] - clean[,paste0(Var,".cm")]
clean <- clean[,1:(ncol(clean)-2)]}
Fifth, we visualize the distribution of each focal variable (i.e., workaholism, blood pressure, emotional exhaustion, and sleep disturbances) and potential covariate against the following categorical variables:
Demographics: gender
, educational
level edu
, marital status mStatus
and living
with a partner home_partner
, having children
and living with children home_child
job position position
and sector
Inclusion criteria: blood pressure
, hormonal horm_drugs
, and
psychoactive medication psy_drugs
, cardiovascular
and sleep dysfunctions
Level-2 confounders: being a smoker
or a careless respondent
Level-1 confounders: daily nonwork hassles in
the evening dailyHassles_eve
, presence of late working
hours in the evening lateWorkHours
, atypical response times
Level-1 covariates: survey location in the
afternoon where_aft
, remote working
BP confounders: aggregated confounders score
and confounders_eve
; coffee
, coffe_eve
; smoking
, smoke_eve
; vigorous physical
activity sport_aft
, sport_eve
, having a meal
, meal_eve
; and flagged BP cases
, flagBP_eve
(see Supplementary
Material S3)
The bivPlot
function is used to optimize the data
bivPlot <- function(data,resp,preds){ require(ggplot2)
for(Var in preds){
ggplot(na.omit(data[,c(resp,Var)]),aes_string(x=Var,y=resp,fill=Var)) +
geom_point(col="gray",position=position_jitter(width=.15)) + # data points
geom_violin(alpha=.4) + geom_boxplot(width=0.3,alpha=0.2) + # violin & boxplot
ggtitle(paste(resp,"by",Var)) + theme(legend.position="none") # title and removing legend
Higher WHLSM
can be observed in cases where
children = "No"
or home_child = "No"
larger differences for the latter), where partner = "No"
and where edu = "university+"
Blood pressure is mainly affected by children
, with
, SBP_eve
and morning blood pressure
also showing differences by gender
, while morning blood
pressure is also affected by partner
Higher SBP_aft
can be observed in cases where
gender = "M"
, children = "Yes"
home_child = "Yes"
(with larger differences for the
former), with slightly higher SBP_aft
in cases where
partner = "Yes"
, where edu = "highschool-"
and where position = "employer_mng"
Higher DBP_aft
can be observed in cases where
children = "Yes"
or home_child = "Yes"
larger differences for the former), with slightly higher
in cases where partner = "Yes"
, and
where sector = "public"
Higher SBP_eve
can be observed in cases where
gender = "M"
, children = "Yes"
home_child = "Yes"
(with larger differences for the
former), with slightly higher SBP_aft
in cases where
partner = "Yes"
, where edu = "highschool+"
and where sector = "Public"
Slightly higher DBP_eve
can be observed in cases where
children = "Yes"
or home_child = "Yes"
larger differences for the former), were partner = "Yes"
and where sector = "public"
Higher EE
can be observed in cases where
home_child = "No"
Higher SD
can be observed in cases where
gender = "F"
, where home_child = "Yes"
, where
home_partner = "No"
, and where
position = "employee_proj"
Higher WHLSM
can be observed in cases where
bp_drugs = "Yes"
bivPlot(diary,resp="WHLSM",pred=c("bp_drugs", "horm_drugs", "psy_drugs", "cv_dysf", "sleep_dysf"))
Blood pressure is mainly affected by bp_drugs
, and
, which further corroborate the validity of our
blood pressure measurements and the importance of our pre-registered
exclusion criteria.
Higher SBP_aft
can be observed in cases where
bp_drugs = "Yes"
and cv_dysf = "Yes"
, with
only a slightly lower SBP_aft
in cases where
horm_drugs = "No"
bivPlot(diary,resp="SBP_aft",pred=c("bp_drugs", "horm_drugs", "psy_drugs", "cv_dysf", "sleep_dysf"))
Higher DBP_aft
can be observed in cases where
bp_drugs = "Yes"
and cv_dysf = "Yes"
, with
only a slightly lower DBP_aft
in cases where
horm_drugs = "No"
bivPlot(diary,resp="DBP_aft",pred=c("bp_drugs", "horm_drugs", "psy_drugs", "cv_dysf", "sleep_dysf"))
Higher SBP_eve
can be observed in cases where
bp_drugs = "Yes"
and cv_dysf = "Yes"
bivPlot(diary,resp="SBP_eve",pred=c("bp_drugs", "horm_drugs", "psy_drugs", "cv_dysf", "sleep_dysf"))
Higher DBP_eve
can be observed in cases where
bp_drugs = "Yes"
and cv_dysf = "Yes"
bivPlot(diary,resp="DBP_eve",pred=c("bp_drugs", "horm_drugs", "psy_drugs", "cv_dysf", "sleep_dysf"))
Higher EE
can be observed in cases where
bp_drugs = "Yes"
or psy_drugs = "Yes"
bivPlot(diary,resp="EE",pred=c("bp_drugs", "horm_drugs", "psy_drugs", "cv_dysf", "sleep_dysf"))
does not substantially differ across inclusion
criteria levels, with only slightly higher SD
for those
reporting bp_drugs = "Yes"
. Critically, SD
does not substantially differ across sleep_dysf
corroborating our choice to not rely on this inclusion criterion (see Supplementary Material S7).
bivPlot(diary,resp="SD",pred=c("bp_drugs", "horm_drugs", "psy_drugs", "cv_dysf", "sleep_dysf"))
does not substantially differ across level-2
confounders levels, with only slightly higher WHLSM
those with smoker = "quit_less
Blood pressure is not substantially affected by level-2 confounders.
Although it is lower in potentially careless
this might be due to the very small number of such cases.
does not substantially differ across level-2
confounders levels. Although it is lower in potentially
participants, this might be due to the very small
number of such cases.
is slightly lower in smoker
participants. Although it is lower in potentially careless
participants, this might be due to the very small number of such
does not substantially differ across level-2
confounders levels. Although it is lower in potentially
participants, this might be due to the very small
number of such cases.
is slightly lower in smoker
participants. Although it is lower in potentially careless
participants, this might be due to the very small number of such
does not substantially differ across level-2
confounders levels.
is lower in individuals with
smoker = "Yes"
Slightly higher WHLSM
can be observed in cases where
lateWorkHours = TRUE
Blood pressure is not substantially affected by level-1 confounders.
does not substantially differ across level-1
confounders levels.
does not substantially differ across level-1
confounders levels, with only slightly higher DBP_aft
cases where lateWorkHours = TRUE
does not substantially differ across level-1
confounders levels, with only slightly higher SBP_eve
cases where lateWorkHours = TRUE
does not substantially differ across level-1
confounders levels, with only slightly lower DBP_eve
cases where flagTime = TRUE
Lower EE
can be observed in cases where
dailyHassles_eve = "Yes"
Higher SD
can be observed in cases where
dailyHassles_eve = "Yes"
Higher WHLSM
can be observed in cases where
where_aft = "workplace"
Blood pressure is not substantially affected by level-1 confounders,
with only slightly lower SBP_aft
in cases where
teleWork = "Yes"
is slightly lower in cases where
teleWork = "teleWork"
does not substantially differ across the levels
of level-1 covariates. Although slightly higher DBP_aft
shown in cases where teleWork = "both"
, this might be due
to the small number of such cases.
does not substantially differ across the levels
of level-1 covariates. Although slightly higher SBP_eve
shown in cases where teleWork = "both"
or where
where_aft = "other"
, this might be due to the small number
of such cases.
does not substantially differ across the levels
of level-1 covariates. Although slightly higher DBP_eve
shown in cases where teleWork = "both"
, this might be due
to the small number of such cases.
Slightly higher EE
can be observed in cases where
teleWork = "both"
Lower SD
can be observed in cases where
teleWork = "both"
Higher WHLSM
can be observed in all cases where
confounders = FALSE
, with larger differences by
. Differences by specific confounder are in
line with those showed by the aggregated scores. Lower
can be observed in cases where
flagBP_eve = TRUE
bivPlot(diary,resp="WHLSM",pred=c("confounders_aft", "confounders_eve",
"coffee_aft", "coffee_eve", "smoke_aft", "smoke_eve",
"sport_aft", "sport_eve", "meal_aft", "meal_eve",
"flagBP_aft", "flagBP_eve"))
Only systolic blood pressure is slightly affected by BP confounders.
Only afternoon confounders are considered for SBP_aft
which is only slightly higher in cases where
confounders_aft = TRUE
Only afternoon confounders are considered for DBP_aft
which is only slightly lower in cases where coffe_aft
smoke_aft = 1
, slightly higher in cases where
or meal_aft = TRUE
. Although higher
is shown in cases where
flagBP_aft = TRUE
, this might be due to the small number of
such cases.
Only evening confounders are considered for SBP_eve
which is slightly higher in cases where
confounders_eve = TRUE
, and higher in cases where
flagBP_eve = TRUE
Only evening confounders are considered for DBP_eve
which does not substantially differ across the levels of
, whereas slightly higher
can be observed in cases where
flagBP_eve = TRUE
does not substantially differ across blood pressure
confounder levels, with only higher EE
sport_eve = "TRUE"
bivPlot(diary,resp="EE",pred=c("confounders_aft", "confounders_eve",
"coffee_aft", "coffee_eve", "smoke_aft", "smoke_eve",
"sport_aft", "sport_eve", "meal_aft", "meal_eve"))
does not substantially differ across blood pressure
confounder levels, with only a slightly lower SD
smoke_eve = "TRUE"
bivPlot(diary,resp="SD",pred=c("confounders_aft", "confounders_eve",
"coffee_aft", "coffee_eve", "smoke_aft", "smoke_eve",
"sport_aft", "sport_eve", "meal_aft", "meal_eve"))
As pre-registered, for maximizing model parsimony while minimizing the risk of non-convergence, the covariates to be included in the following regression analyses are selected based on an empirical approach accounting for the following criteria:
The No. of cases in each level, prioritizing categorical covariates with balanced number of cases
The bivariate distributions and correlations with the response variable, prioritizing covariates showing some potential covariance trend with the response variable
Linear modeling, prioritizing the covariates whose inclusion as predictor of the corresponding response variable shows stronger evidence (i.e., higher Akaike weight) than more parsimonious models and absolute t-value of 2 or higher
However, deviating from the pre-registration (see Supplementary Material S7), we also consider theoretical arguments concerning some important covariates. Particularly, we prioritize level-1 over level-2 covariates as our study is focused on within-individual relationships. Moreover, following Spector (2021), we attempt to avoid risking to rule out variables acting as potential exploratory mechanisms (e.g., mediators) of the focused relationships. Theoretical arguments are detailed below for each response variable.
The following packages are used to optimize the analyses.
library(lme4); library(MuMIn)
For afternoon systolic and diastolic blood pressure, the pre-registered potential covariates to be considered are:
, in light of the robust literature on sex
differences in blood pressure and hypertension (e.g., [Sandberg &
Ji, 2012]), with gender having been highlighted as a potential moderator
of the straining effects of trait workaholism (e.g., Bladucci et al., 2018; 2021).
, in light of the consolidated relationship
between aging and high blood pressure; however, no clear differences
have been highlighted on the relationship between age and workaholism
(Clark et al., 2016).
, in light of the robust literature on the
increased risk for hypertension and CVD in individuals with higher BMI
(e.g., Gregg et al., 2005); however, no clear
differences have been highlighted, to our knowledge, on the relationship
between BMI and workaholism.
Participants’ smoking status smoker
, in light of the
widely acknowledged relationship between smoking and hypertension;
however, no clear differences have been highlighted, to our knowledge,
on the relationship between smoking status and workaholism.
The daily number of worked hours workHours
, as long
working hours is a definitional aspect of workaholism which has been
found positively associated with higher blood pressure and other
cardiovascular risks (Virtanen, 2012); however,
controlling for this variable might risk to artificially deflate the
relationship between workaholism and blood pressure since the former
might influence the latter through working hours. That is, working hours
is a potential explanatory mechanism of the focused
relationship, and including it as a control variable might bias rather
than strengthening the results (see Spector et al.,
Remote work teleWork
, although with no clear
expectations on its relationship with blood pressure, while we
originally hypothesized that remote working might act as a moderator of
the straining effect of workaholism.
BP confounders_aft
identifying behavioral factors
(e.g., smoking, physical activity) that might affect blood pressure,
although with no clear expectation on their relationship with
Further pre-registered level-2 covariates (i.e., retrospective measures of trait workaholism, technostress creators) are not included due to our aim to focus the study on the focused level-1 variables, whereas recovery experiences will be included in all models. Moreover, we do not include the previous BP measure as we focus on the covariance of intra-individual fluctuations between workaholism and blood pressure, rather than the change of the latter over time (see Supplementary material S7). In contrast, additional (i.e., not pre-registered) level-2 covariates potentially moderating the relationship between workaholism and afternoon blood pressure are considered as potentially confounding factors.
Prior to evaluate the inclusion of each covariate, we prepare the
data for the analyses. That is, we remove cases of missing responses in
the response variable or any covariate (list-wise
deletion) and we center level-1 continuous covariates on the
individual mean (person-mean-centering). Moreover, we
apply our inclusion criteria by removing all cases with
or cv_dysf = "Yes"
# inclusion criteria
cleanBP <- clean[clean$bp_drugs=="No" & clean$cv_dysf=="No",]
# list-wise deletion
cleanBP <-[,c("ID","day","SBP_aft","DBP_aft",
cat("Considering",nrow(cleanBP),"complete observations from",nlevels(as.factor(as.character(cleanBP$ID))),"participants")
## Considering 719 complete observations from 106 participants
# mean centering lv-1 continuous covariates
for(Var in c("workHours")){
wide <- prelqs[prelqs$ID%in%levels(as.factor(as.character(cleanBP$ID))),]
wide <- cbind(wide,aggregate(cleanBP[,Var],list(cleanBP$ID),mean)[,2]) # computing individual means
colnames(wide)[ncol(wide)] <- paste0(Var,".cm")
cleanBP <- join(cleanBP,wide[,c("ID",paste0(Var,".cm"))],by="ID",type="left") # joining with long-form data
cleanBP[,paste0(Var,".mc")] <- cleanBP[,Var] - cleanBP[,paste0(Var,".cm")] } # computing mean-centered scores
is a categorical variable with a roughly balanced
number of participants. In section 3.5 we observed some tendency with
higher SBP_aft
in men than in women. Consistently, its
inclusion in the null model shows improved evidence (i.e., higher Akaike
weight) compared to the null model, although the estimated t-value is
lower than 2, with a particularly low value for DBP_aft
. In
both cases, also considering its theoretical relevance as a potential
moderator of the straining effects of workaholism (e.g., Balducci et al. (2018; 2021)) we include
as a covariate.
# number of cases by covariate level
summary(cleanBP[!duplicated(cleanBP$ID),"gender"]) # No. participants
## F M
## 56 50
summary(cleanBP$gender) # No. cases
## F M
## 389 330
# model comparison
m0 <- lmer(SBP_aft ~ (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
m1 <- lmer(SBP_aft ~ gender + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence including gender
## model weights
## [1] 0.059 0.941
summary(m1)$coefficients # coefficient: proximal to |t|=2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 118.249199 2.138441 55.296928
## genderM 5.785312 3.114885 1.857312
# model comparison
m0d <- lmer(DBP_aft ~ (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
m1d <- lmer(DBP_aft ~ gender + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0d,m1d)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence including gender
## model weights
## [1] 0.317 0.683
summary(m1d)$coefficients # coefficient: lower than |t|=2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 76.7945450 1.598385 48.045090
## genderM 0.2649914 2.328735 0.113792
is a level-2 continuous variable that in section 3.2
showed moderate-to-strong positive relationships with blood pressure
(r from .42 to .52). Consistently, its inclusion in the model
including gender
implies stronger evidence than more
parsimonious models, with an absolute t-value higher than 2. Thus,
despite the uncertainty on its relationship with workaholism, we
include age
as a covariate for afternoon
blood pressure.
# model comparison vs null
m1.bis <- lmer(SBP_aft ~ age + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1.bis)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than null model
## model weights
## [1] 0.041 0.959
summary(m1.bis)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| > 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 104.2508117 5.2271705 19.944024
## age 0.4070428 0.1218572 3.340327
# model comparison vs gender
m2 <- lmer(SBP_aft ~ gender + age + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1,m2)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than previous model
## model weights
## [1] 0.001 0.015 0.984
summary(m2)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| > 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 99.6056504 5.4739198 18.196403
## genderM 7.0313855 2.9637550 2.372458
## age 0.4394154 0.1199469 3.663417
# model comparison vs null
m1.bisd <- lmer(DBP_aft ~ age + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0d,m1.bisd)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than null model
## model weights
## [1] 0.049 0.951
summary(m1.bis)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| > 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 104.2508117 5.2271705 19.944024
## age 0.4070428 0.1218572 3.340327
# model comparison vs gender
m2d <- lmer(DBP_aft ~ gender + age + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0d,m1d,m2d)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than previous model
## model weights
## [1] 0.021 0.044 0.935
summary(m2)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| > 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 99.6056504 5.4739198 18.196403
## genderM 7.0313855 2.9637550 2.372458
## age 0.4394154 0.1199469 3.663417
is a level-2 continuous variable that in section 3.2
showed weak-to-moderate positive relationships with blood pressure
(r from .28 to .43). Consistently, its inclusion in the model
including gender
and age
implies stronger
evidence than more parsimonious models, with an absolute t-value higher
than 2. Thus, despite the uncertainty on its relationship with
workaholism, we include BMI
as a covariate
for afternoon blood pressure.
# model comparison vs null
m1.bis <- lmer(SBP_aft ~ BMI + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1.bis)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than null model
## model weights
## [1] 0.008 0.992
summary(m1.bis)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| > 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 85.026929 10.4387588 8.145310
## BMI 1.515511 0.4355548 3.479496
# model comparison vs previous model
m3 <- lmer(SBP_aft ~ gender + age + BMI + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1,m2,m3)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than previous model
## model weights
## [1] 0.000 0.001 0.080 0.919
summary(m3)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| > 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 75.9904976 10.4542585 7.268856
## genderM 5.3399277 2.9528268 1.808412
## age 0.3781251 0.1189131 3.179845
## BMI 1.1352957 0.4326673 2.623946
# model comparison vs null
m1.bisd <- lmer(DBP_aft ~ BMI + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0d,m1.bisd)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than null model
## model weights
## [1] 0.007 0.993
summary(m1.bisd)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| > 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 49.600097 7.6470113 6.486207
## BMI 1.151826 0.3190604 3.610055
# model comparison vs previous model
m3d <- lmer(DBP_aft ~ gender + age + BMI + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0d,m1d,m2d,m3d)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than previous model
## model weights
## [1] 0.001 0.001 0.029 0.969
summary(m3d)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| > 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 42.7168148 7.78109757 5.4898187
## genderM -0.3646649 2.19626487 -0.1660387
## age 0.2532776 0.08837419 2.8659682
## BMI 1.0105432 0.32190699 3.1392395
is a level-2 categorical variable that in section
3.5 did not show substantially relationships with blood pressure.
Consistently, both models show an absolute t-value lower than 2,
although its inclusion implies stronger evidence than more parsimonious
models. Also considering the uncertainty of its relationship with
workaholism, we do not include it as a covariate for
afternoon blood pressure.
# model comparison vs null
m1.bis <- lmer(SBP_aft ~ smoker + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1.bis)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than null model
## model weights
## [1] 0.155 0.845
summary(m1.bis)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 121.9556 1.844173 66.130213
## smokerYes -3.5964 3.534608 -1.017482
# model comparison vs previous model
m4 <- lmer(SBP_aft ~ gender + age + BMI + smoker + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1,m2,m3,m4)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than previous model
## model weights
## [1] 0.000 0.000 0.013 0.148 0.838
summary(m4)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 78.0843784 10.6162759 7.355157
## genderM 6.2564672 3.0660002 2.040596
## age 0.3664817 0.1192519 3.073173
## BMI 1.0912172 0.4340473 2.514051
## smokerYes -3.6844451 3.3666439 -1.094397
# model comparison vs null
m1.bisd <- lmer(DBP_aft ~ smoker + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0d,m1.bisd)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than null model
## model weights
## [1] 0.05 0.95
summary(m1.bis)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 121.9556 1.844173 66.130213
## smokerYes -3.5964 3.534608 -1.017482
# model comparison vs previous model
m4d <- lmer(DBP_aft ~ gender + age + BMI + smoker + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0d,m1d,m2d,m3d,m4d)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than previous model
## model weights
## [1] 0.000 0.000 0.003 0.097 0.900
summary(m4d)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 45.0927640 7.84320044 5.7492811
## genderM 0.6816631 2.26441229 0.3010331
## age 0.2403700 0.08793307 2.7335567
## BMI 0.9596918 0.32054971 2.9938940
## smokerYes -4.1730935 2.48797620 -1.6773044
is a level-1 continuous variable that in
section 3.2 was weakly correlated with afternoon blood pressure
(r = .12-.04). Here, its inclusion implies stronger evidence
(i.e., higher Akaike weight) than more parsimonious models, with an
estimated absolute t-value higher than 2. However, we consider the
theoretical importance of this variable, which might be a potential
explanatory mechanism (e.g., mediator) through which workaholism might
impact on blood pressure, and thus, we do not include
it as a covariate for afternoon blood pressure.
# model comparison vs null
m1.bis <- lmer(SBP_aft ~ + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1.bis)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than null model
## model weights
## [1] 0.015 0.985
summary(m1.bis)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| > 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 120.976976 1.5735066 76.883679
## 1.039052 0.3140563 3.308489
# model comparison vs previous model
m4 <- lmer(SBP_aft ~ gender + age + BMI + + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1,m2,m3,m4)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than previous model
## model weights
## [1] 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.015 0.984
summary(m4)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| > 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 75.9955836 10.4538297 7.269640
## genderM 5.3388469 2.9527772 1.808076
## age 0.3781262 0.1189145 3.179816
## BMI 1.1351249 0.4326554 2.623623
## 1.0390519 0.3140932 3.308100
# model comparison vs null
m1.bisd <- lmer(DBP_aft ~ + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0d,m1.bisd)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than null model
## model weights
## [1] 0.142 0.858
summary(m1.bis)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| > 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 120.976976 1.5735066 76.883679
## 1.039052 0.3140563 3.308489
# model comparison vs previous model
m4d <- lmer(DBP_aft ~ gender + age + BMI + + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0d,m1d,m2d,m3d,m4d)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than previous model
## model weights
## [1] 0.000 0.000 0.004 0.142 0.854
summary(m4d)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| > 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 42.7211824 7.78035413 5.490905
## genderM -0.3652985 2.19609521 -0.166340
## age 0.2532791 0.08836923 2.866146
## BMI 1.0103643 0.32187966 3.138950
## 0.7109242 0.28329330 2.509499
is a level-1 categorical variable that in
section 3.5 only showed some slight difference in afternoon blood
pressure. Here, whereas its inclusion implies weaker evidence than more
parsimonious models, absolute t-values are lower than 2. Thus, also
considering the unbalanced number of cases per level and the uncertainty
of its relationship with both workaholism and blood pressure, we
do not include it as a covariate for afternoon blood
# number of cases by covariate level
summary(cleanBP$teleWork) # currently 4 categories
## office teleWork both dayOff
## 543 133 43 0
cleanBP$teleWork <- as.factor(gsub("both","teleWork",gsub("dayOff","teleWork",cleanBP$teleWork))) # recoding to 2 categories
## office teleWork
## 543 176
# model comparison vs null
m1.bis <- lmer(SBP_aft ~ teleWork + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1.bis)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than null model
## model weights
## [1] 0.187 0.813
summary(m1.bis)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 121.565029 1.627667 74.686690
## teleWorkteleWork -2.330782 1.572030 -1.482657
# model comparison vs previous model
m4 <- lmer(SBP_aft ~ gender + age + BMI + teleWork + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1,m2,m3,m4)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than previous model
## model weights
## [1] 0.000 0.000 0.014 0.165 0.821
summary(m4)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 76.3138065 10.4787050 7.282752
## genderM 5.6385384 2.9652628 1.901531
## age 0.3740369 0.1191998 3.137899
## BMI 1.1489370 0.4336873 2.649229
## teleWorkteleWork -2.4552154 1.5545308 -1.579393
# model comparison vs null
m1.bisd <- lmer(DBP_aft ~ teleWork + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0d,m1.bisd)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than null model
## model weights
## [1] 0.424 0.576
summary(m1.bis)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 121.565029 1.627667 74.686690
## teleWorkteleWork -2.330782 1.572030 -1.482657
# model comparison vs previous model
m4d <- lmer(DBP_aft ~ gender + age + BMI + teleWork + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0d,m1d,m2d,m3d,m4d)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than previous model
## model weights
## [1] 0.000 0.001 0.013 0.426 0.560
summary(m4d)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 42.7764078 7.80143722 5.4831445
## genderM -0.3118548 2.20747157 -0.1412724
## age 0.2525514 0.08861229 2.8500713
## BMI 1.0129252 0.32275646 3.1383576
## teleWorkteleWork -0.4412502 1.35200750 -0.3263667
is a level-1 categorical variable that
in section 3.5 only showed some slight difference in afternoon blood
pressure. Consistently, its inclusion implies weaker evidence than more
parsimonious models. However, absolute t-values are lower than 2. Thus,
also considering the unbalanced number of cases per level and the
uncertainty of its relationship with workaholism, we do not
include it as a covariate for afternoon blood pressure.
# number of cases by covariate level
## logical 603 116
# model comparison vs null
m1.bis <- lmer(SBP_aft ~ confounders_aft + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1.bis)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than null model
## model weights
## [1] 0.396 0.604
summary(m1.bis)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 121.0797775 1.599142 75.7154629
## confounders_aftTRUE -0.5699072 1.543322 -0.3692729
# model comparison vs previous model
m4 <- lmer(SBP_aft ~ gender + age + BMI + confounders_aft + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1,m2,m3,m4)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than previous model
## model weights
## [1] 0.000 0.001 0.032 0.371 0.596
summary(m4)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 76.0718943 10.4567638 7.2748984
## genderM 5.3736525 2.9539259 1.8191562
## age 0.3804731 0.1190172 3.1967893
## BMI 1.1330399 0.4327424 2.6182782
## confounders_aftTRUE -0.7757918 1.5303890 -0.5069246
# model comparison vs null
m1.bisd <- lmer(DBP_aft ~ confounders_aft + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0d,m1.bisd)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than null model
## model weights
## [1] 0.415 0.585
summary(m1.bis)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 121.0797775 1.599142 75.7154629
## confounders_aftTRUE -0.5699072 1.543322 -0.3692729
# model comparison vs previous model
m4d <- lmer(DBP_aft ~ gender + age + BMI + confounders_aft + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0d,m1d,m2d,m3d,m4d)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than previous model
## model weights
## [1] 0.000 0.001 0.012 0.391 0.597
summary(m4d)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| > 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 42.8075146 7.77106123 5.5085803
## genderM -0.3255433 2.19385493 -0.1483887
## age 0.2558796 0.08833487 2.8967000
## BMI 1.0080372 0.32146015 3.1358076
## confounders_aftTRUE -0.8695439 1.34340881 -0.6472668
In addition to the pre-registered covariates, we consider a
further level-2 covariate that in section 3.5 showed
substantial trends in both afternoon blood pressure and workaholism, and
whose potential influence on both variables can be theoretically argued,
namely having children children
or living
with children home_child
. Indeed, respondents reporting to
live with their children reported higher afternoon blood pressure,
whereas those reporting to have children reported slightly lower
workaholism (see section 3.5). Theoretically, it is plausible although
not consistently reported by previous research (see Clark
et al., 2016) that workaholism levels and overall investment in the
work vs. family domain are influenced by family needs and presence of
children in the household. On the other hand, family needs and living
with children might negatively impact on blood pressure. Thus, both
and home_child
might be a common
external variable influencing both workaholism and afternoon, and we
consider it as a further potential covariate.
Although both children
and home_child
an acceptably balanced number of cases per level and both imply stronger
evidence than more parsimonious models, none of them show an absolute
t value higher than 2. Thus, also in this case, we do
not include these two variables as covariates for afternoon
blood pressure.
# number of cases by covariate level
summary(cleanBP[!duplicated(cleanBP$ID),"children"]) # children: No. participants
## No Yes
## 55 51
summary(cleanBP$children) # children: No. cases
## No Yes
## 389 330
summary(cleanBP[!duplicated(cleanBP$ID),"home_child"]) # home_child: No. participants
## No Yes
## 66 40
summary(cleanBP$home_child) # home_child: No. cases
## No Yes
## 454 265
# model comparison children vs null
m1.bis <- lmer(SBP_aft ~ children + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1.bis)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than null model
## model weights
## [1] 0.02 0.98
summary(m1.bis)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| > 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 117.406750 2.132033 55.067976
## childrenYes 7.443637 3.079216 2.417381
# model comparison home_child vs null
m1.bis <- lmer(SBP_aft ~ home_child + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1.bis)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than null model
## model weights
## [1] 0.03 0.97
summary(m1.bis)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| > 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 118.321044 1.957441 60.446809
## home_childYes 7.050187 3.190032 2.210068
# model comparison children vs previous model
m4 <- lmer(SBP_aft ~ gender + age + BMI + children + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1,m2,m3,m4)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than previous model
## model weights
## [1] 0.000 0.000 0.017 0.201 0.782
summary(m4)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 76.3480979 10.8616067 7.0291717
## genderM 5.3307009 2.9678555 1.7961457
## age 0.3620579 0.1730404 2.0923323
## BMI 1.1373504 0.4350812 2.6141107
## childrenYes 0.5394472 4.2020256 0.1283779
# model comparison home_child vs previous model
m4 <- lmer(SBP_aft ~ gender + age + BMI + home_child + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1,m2,m3,m4)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than previous model
## model weights
## [1] 0.000 0.000 0.018 0.211 0.770
summary(m4)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 76.8276612 10.9164560 7.0377842
## genderM 5.4351193 2.9860037 1.8201984
## age 0.3530459 0.1493131 2.3644662
## BMI 1.1246307 0.4362791 2.5777780
## home_childYes 1.0671470 3.8114921 0.2799814
# model comparison children vs null
m1.bisd <- lmer(DBP_aft ~ children + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0d,m1.bisd)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than null model
## model weights
## [1] 0.055 0.945
summary(m1.bis)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| > 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 118.321044 1.957441 60.446809
## home_childYes 7.050187 3.190032 2.210068
# model comparison home_child vs null
m1.bisd <- lmer(DBP_aft ~ home_child + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0d,m1.bisd)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than null model
## model weights
## [1] 0.094 0.906
summary(m1.bis)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| > 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 118.321044 1.957441 60.446809
## home_childYes 7.050187 3.190032 2.210068
# model comparison children vs previous model
m4d <- lmer(DBP_aft ~ gender + age + BMI + children + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0d,m1d,m2d,m3d,m4d)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than previous model
## model weights
## [1] 0.000 0.000 0.007 0.242 0.751
summary(m4d)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 41.9172261 8.0757799 5.1904864
## genderM -0.3432938 2.2059915 -0.1556188
## age 0.2898331 0.1284984 2.2555391
## BMI 1.0052550 0.3234879 3.1075510
## childrenYes -1.2278268 3.1216864 -0.3933216
# model comparison home_child vs previous model
m4d <- lmer(DBP_aft ~ gender + age + BMI + home_child + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0d,m1d,m2d,m3d,m4d)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than previous model
## model weights
## [1] 0.000 0.000 0.007 0.238 0.755
summary(m4d)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 41.3410570 8.1077717 5.0989419
## genderM -0.5201802 2.2160967 -0.2347281
## age 0.2949959 0.1109493 2.6588355
## BMI 1.0274123 0.3239097 3.1719098
## home_childYes -1.7699884 2.8327357 -0.6248336
As a final, not pre-registered, control, we inspect the
linear time trends of the outcome variable. This is
done by including the number of day
s since the beginning of
the study as a further covariate. We can see that the inclusion of
does not imply stronger evidence than more parsimonious
models, with an absolute t value lower than 2. Thus, we chose
to not include day
as a covariate for
afternoon blood pressure.
# plotting SBP_aft by day
boxplot(SBP_aft ~ day,data=cleanBP)
# model comparison vs null
m1.bis <- lmer(SBP_aft ~ day + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1.bis)) # Akaike weights: weaker evidence than null model
## model weights
## [1] 0.492 0.508
summary(m1.bis)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 122.2885438 1.6916467 72.28965
## day -0.2625006 0.1253453 -2.09422
# model comparison vs previous model
m4 <- lmer(SBP_aft ~ gender + age + BMI + day + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1,m2,m3,m4)) # Akaike weights: weaker evidence than previous model
## model weights
## [1] 0.000 0.001 0.042 0.479 0.479
summary(m4)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 77.1827708 10.4582311 7.380098
## genderM 5.1907294 2.9503987 1.759332
## age 0.3765780 0.1187832 3.170297
## BMI 1.1456268 0.4322120 2.650613
## day -0.2605224 0.1252345 -2.080277
# plotting DBP_aft by day
boxplot(DBP_aft ~ day,data=cleanBP)
# model comparison vs null
m1.bisd <- lmer(DBP_aft ~ day + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0d,m1.bisd)) # Akaike weights: weaker evidence than null model
## model weights
## [1] 0.889 0.111
summary(m1.bis)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 122.2885438 1.6916467 72.28965
## day -0.2625006 0.1253453 -2.09422
# model comparison vs previous model
m4d <- lmer(DBP_aft ~ gender + age + BMI + day + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0d,m1d,m2d,m3d,m4d)) # Akaike weights: weaker evidence than previous model
## model weights
## [1] 0.001 0.001 0.025 0.862 0.111
summary(m4d)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 43.05205334 7.79302433 5.5244346
## genderM -0.40633049 2.19572316 -0.1850554
## age 0.25285381 0.08831641 2.8630445
## BMI 1.01347650 0.32172096 3.1501725
## day -0.07331483 0.11250810 -0.6516405
For evening systolic and diastolic blood pressure, the pre-registered potential covariates to be considered are:
, in light of the robust literature on sex
differences in blood pressure and hypertension (e.g., [Sandberg &
Ji, 2012]), with gender having been highlighted as a potential moderator
of the straining effects of trait workaholism (e.g., Bladucci et al., 2018; 2021).
, in light of the consolidated relationship
between aging and high blood pressure; however, no clear differences
have been highlighted on the relationship between age and workaholism
(Clark et al., 2016).
, in light of the robust literature on the
increased risk for hypertension and CVD in individuals with higher BMI
(e.g., Gregg et al., 2005); however, no clear
differences have been highlighted, to our knowledge, on the relationship
between BMI and workaholism.
Participants’ smoking status smoker
, in light of the
widely acknowledged relationship between smoking and hypertension;
however, no clear differences have been highlighted, to our knowledge,
on the relationship between smoking status and workaholism.
The daily number of worked hours workHours
, as long
working hours is a definitional aspect of workaholism which has been
found positively associated with higher blood pressure and other
cardiovascular risks (Virtanen, 2012); however,
controlling for this variable might risk to artificially deflate the
relationship between workaholism and blood pressure since the former
might influence the latter through working hours. That is, working hours
is a potential explanatory mechanism of the focused
relationship, and including it as a control variable might bias rather
than strengthening the results (see Spector et al.,
The occurrence of late working hours in the evening
, consistently with what argued above for
; also in this case, controlling for this variable
might risk to rule out a potential explanatory
mechanism of the relationship between workaholism and blood
Nonwork hassles in the evening dailyHassles_eve
, as
hassles have been related to high blood pressure (e.g., Nyklíček et al. 1999) and nonwork hassles such as
relationship tension have been recently related to state workaholism (Clark et al., 2021); also in this case, such an argument
imply that nonwork hassles are a potential explanatory
mechanism of the focused relationship.
Remote work teleWork
, although with no clear
expectations on its relationship with blood pressure, while we
originally hypothesized that remote working might act as a moderator of
the straining effect of workaholism.
BP confounders_eve
identifying behavioral factors
(e.g., smoking, physical activity) that might affect blood pressure,
although with no clear expectation on their relationship with
Further pre-registered level-2 covariates (i.e., retrospective measures of trait workaholism, technostress creators) are not included due to our aim to focus the study on the focused level-1 variables, whereas recovery experiences will be included in all models. Moreover, we do not include the previous BP measure as we focus on the covariance of intra-individual fluctuations between workaholism and blood pressure, rather than the change of the latter over time (see Supplementary material S7). In contrast, additional (i.e., not pre-registered) level-2 covariates potentially moderating the relationship between workaholism and evening blood pressure are considered as potentially confounding factors.
Prior to evaluate the inclusion of each covariate, we prepare the
data for the analyses. That is, we remove cases of missing responses in
the response variable or any covariate (list-wise
deletion) and we center level-1 continuous covariates on the
individual mean (person-mean-centering). Moreover, we
apply our inclusion criteria by removing all cases with
or cv_dysf = "Yes"
# inclusion criteria
cleanBP <- clean[clean$bp_drugs=="No" & diary$cv_dysf=="No",]
## Warning in clean$bp_drugs == "No" & diary$cv_dysf == "No": longer object length
## is not a multiple of shorter object length
# list-wise deletion
cleanBP <-[,c("ID","day","SBP_eve","DBP_eve",
cat("Considering",nrow(cleanBP),"complete observations from",nlevels(as.factor(as.character(cleanBP$ID))),"participants")
## Considering 692 complete observations from 104 participants
# mean centering lv-1 continuous covariates
for(Var in c("workHours")){
wide <- prelqs[prelqs$ID%in%levels(as.factor(as.character(cleanBP$ID))),]
wide <- cbind(wide,aggregate(cleanBP[,Var],list(cleanBP$ID),mean)[,2]) # computing individual means
colnames(wide)[ncol(wide)] <- paste0(Var,".cm")
cleanBP <- join(cleanBP,wide[,c("ID",paste0(Var,".cm"))],by="ID",type="left") # joining with long-form data
cleanBP[,paste0(Var,".mc")] <- cleanBP[,Var] - cleanBP[,paste0(Var,".cm")] } # computing mean-centered scores
is a categorical variable with a roughly balanced
number of participants. In section 3.5 we observed some tendency with
higher SBP_aft
in men than in women. Consistently, its
inclusion in the null model shows improved evidence (i.e., higher Akaike
weight) compared to the null model, although the estimated t-value is
lower than 2, with a particularly low value for DBP_eve
. In
both cases, also considering its theoretical relevance as a potential
moderator of the straining effects of workaholism (e.g., Balducci et al. (2018; 2021)) we include
as a covariate for evening blood
# number of cases by covariate level
summary(cleanBP[!duplicated(cleanBP$ID),"gender"]) # No. participants
## F M
## 56 48
summary(cleanBP$gender) # No. cases
## F M
## 378 314
# model comparison
m0 <- lmer(SBP_eve ~ (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
m1 <- lmer(SBP_eve ~ gender + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence including gender
## model weights
## [1] 0.182 0.818
summary(m1)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 112.772030 2.047974 55.0651613
## genderM 2.947148 3.009381 0.9793205
# model comparison
m0d <- lmer(DBP_eve ~ (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
m1d <- lmer(DBP_eve ~ gender + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0d,m1d)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence including gender
## model weights
## [1] 0.283 0.717
summary(m1d)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 72.612532 1.623491 44.7261620
## genderM -1.276225 2.385144 -0.5350723
is a level-2 continuous variable that in section 3.2
showed moderate-to-strong positive relationships with blood pressure
(r from .42 to .52). Consistently, its inclusion in the model
including gender
implies stronger evidence than more
parsimonious models, with an absolute t-value higher than 2. Thus,
despite the uncertainty on its relationship with workaholism, we
include age
as a covariate for evening
blood pressure.
# model comparison vs null
m1.bis <- lmer(SBP_eve ~ age + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1.bis)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than null model
## model weights
## [1] 0.092 0.908
summary(m1.bis)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| > 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 99.4140642 5.0313896 19.758769
## age 0.3586221 0.1174414 3.053627
# model comparison vs gender
m2 <- lmer(SBP_eve ~ gender + age + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1,m2)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than previous model
## model weights
## [1] 0.013 0.060 0.926
summary(m2)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| > 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 96.7850331 5.353289 18.079544
## genderM 4.0251342 2.902976 1.386555
## age 0.3772338 0.117619 3.207252
# model comparison vs null
m1.bisd <- lmer(DBP_eve ~ age + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0d,m1.bisd)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than null model
## model weights
## [1] 0.02 0.98
summary(m1.bisd)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| > 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 58.3154142 3.90114715 14.948273
## age 0.3339043 0.09107584 3.666222
# model comparison vs gender
m2d <- lmer(DBP_eve ~ gender + age + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0d,m1d,m2d)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than previous model
## model weights
## [1] 0.009 0.023 0.968
summary(m2d)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| > 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 58.5253156 4.19231174 13.960154
## genderM -0.3232550 2.27397847 -0.142154
## age 0.3324499 0.09212372 3.608733
is a level-2 continuous variable that in section 3.2
showed weak-to-moderate positive relationships with blood pressure
(r from .28 to .43). Consistently, its inclusion in the model
including gender
and age
implies stronger
evidence than more parsimonious models, with an absolute t-value higher
than 2. Thus, despite the uncertainty on its relationship with
workaholism, we include BMI
as a covariate
for evening blood pressure.
# model comparison vs null
m1.bis <- lmer(SBP_eve ~ BMI + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1.bis)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than null model
## model weights
## [1] 0.001 0.999
summary(m1.bis)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| > 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 74.637445 9.6936361 7.699634
## BMI 1.666018 0.4047412 4.116254
# model comparison vs previous model
m3 <- lmer(SBP_eve ~ gender + age + BMI + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1,m2,m3)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than previous model
## model weights
## [1] 0.000 0.000 0.008 0.992
summary(m3)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| > 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 66.7536942 9.9521132 6.7074895
## genderM 1.8651042 2.8177119 0.6619215
## age 0.3015323 0.1134012 2.6589857
## BMI 1.4399848 0.4105817 3.5071816
# model comparison vs null
m1.bisd <- lmer(DBP_eve ~ BMI + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0d,m1.bisd)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than null model
## model weights
## [1] 0.002 0.998
summary(m1.bisd)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| > 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 41.647371 7.6992896 5.409249
## BMI 1.281191 0.3214748 3.985353
# model comparison vs previous model
m3d <- lmer(DBP_eve ~ gender + age + BMI + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0d,m1d,m2d,m3d)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than previous model
## model weights
## [1] 0.000 0.000 0.005 0.995
summary(m3d)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| > 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 33.7373006 7.75857430 4.3483892
## genderM -2.1071024 2.19458836 -0.9601356
## age 0.2703706 0.08827595 3.0627886
## BMI 1.1879624 0.32009100 3.7113271
is a level-2 categorical variable that in section
3.5 did not show substantially relationships with blood pressure.
Consistently, both models show an absolute t-value lower than 2 when the
other covariates are considered, although its inclusion implies stronger
evidence than more parsimonious models. Also considering the uncertainty
of its relationship with workaholism, we do not include
it as a covariate for evening blood pressure.
# model comparison vs null
m1.bis <- lmer(SBP_eve ~ smoker + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1.bis)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than null model
## model weights
## [1] 0.178 0.822
summary(m1.bis)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 114.979132 1.770017 64.9593428
## smokerYes -3.013209 3.348420 -0.8998896
# model comparison vs previous model
m4 <- lmer(SBP_eve ~ gender + age + BMI + smoker + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1,m2,m3,m4)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than previous model
## model weights
## [1] 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.213 0.786
summary(m4)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 67.9810435 10.1460246 6.7002640
## genderM 2.4284192 2.9485341 0.8236022
## age 0.2944551 0.1142132 2.5781170
## BMI 1.4147582 0.4134176 3.4221048
## smokerYes -2.1451698 3.2071411 -0.6688729
# model comparison vs null
m1.bisd <- lmer(DBP_eve ~ smoker + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0d,m1.bisd)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than null model
## model weights
## [1] 0.06 0.94
summary(m1.bisd)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| > 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 73.437284 1.377685 53.304850
## smokerYes -5.072819 2.605867 -1.946692
# model comparison vs previous model
m4d <- lmer(DBP_eve ~ gender + age + BMI + smoker + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0d,m1d,m2d,m3d,m4d)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than previous model
## model weights
## [1] 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.155 0.845
summary(m4d)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 35.6083679 7.85886356 4.5309818
## genderM -1.2444063 2.28168622 -0.5453889
## age 0.2595295 0.08832129 2.9384706
## BMI 1.1495439 0.32023108 3.5897325
## smokerYes -3.2765622 2.48102605 -1.3206481
is a level-1 continuous variable that in
section 3.2 was not substantially correlated with evening blood pressure
(r = .03-.06). Here, its inclusion implies weaker evidence
(i.e., lower Akaike weight) than more parsimonious models, with an
estimated absolute t-value lower than 2. Thus, also considering the
theoretical importance of this variable, which might be a potential
explanatory mechanism (e.g., mediator) through which workaholism might
impact on blood pressure, we do not include it as a
covariate for evening blood pressure.
# model comparison vs null
m1.bis <- lmer(SBP_eve ~ + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1.bis)) # Akaike weights: weaker evidence than null model
## model weights
## [1] 0.783 0.217
summary(m1.bis)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 114.13682845 1.5009580 76.04265396
## 0.02148807 0.3004189 0.07152703
# model comparison vs previous model
m4 <- lmer(SBP_eve ~ gender + age + BMI + + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1,m2,m3,m4)) # Akaike weights: weaker evidence than previous model
## model weights
## [1] 0.000 0.000 0.006 0.778 0.216
summary(m4)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 66.75274308 9.9521610 6.70736164
## genderM 1.86520431 2.8177044 0.66195883
## age 0.30152409 0.1134005 2.65893175
## BMI 1.44003076 0.4105838 3.50727617
## 0.02148807 0.3004662 0.07151576
# model comparison vs null
m1.bisd <- lmer(DBP_eve ~ + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0d,m1.bisd)) # Akaike weights: weaker evidence than null model
## model weights
## [1] 0.799 0.201
summary(m1.bisd)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 72.02074791 1.1848960 60.7823382
## -0.08479742 0.2585833 -0.3279307
# model comparison vs previous model
m4d <- lmer(DBP_eve ~ gender + age + BMI + + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0d,m1d,m2d,m3d,m4d)) # Akaike weights: weaker evidence than previous model
## model weights
## [1] 0.000 0.000 0.004 0.796 0.200
summary(m4d)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 33.73656247 7.75869758 4.3482250
## genderM -2.10699373 2.19460644 -0.9600782
## age 0.27036578 0.08827629 3.0627223
## BMI 1.18799666 0.32009611 3.7113749
## -0.08479742 0.25853889 -0.3279871
is a level-1 categorical variable that in
section 3.5 only showed slight differences in evening systolic blood
pressure. Consistently, its inclusion implies stronger evidence than
more parsimonious models, with an absolute t-value higher than 2 for
. However, we consider its role as a potential
explanatory mechanism (e.g., mediator) through which workaholism might
impact on blood pressure. Thus, also in light of the unbalanced number
of cases, we do not include it as a covariate for
evening blood pressure.
# summary of cases
## logical 530 162
# model comparison vs null
m1.bis <- lmer(SBP_eve ~ lateWorkHours + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1.bis)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than null model
## model weights
## [1] 0.072 0.928
summary(m1.bis)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| > 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 113.488306 1.522966 74.517927
## lateWorkHoursTRUE 2.607868 1.169246 2.230385
# model comparison vs previous model
m4 <- lmer(SBP_eve ~ gender + age + BMI + lateWorkHours + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1,m2,m3,m4)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than previous model
## model weights
## [1] 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.056 0.943
summary(m4)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 65.6998746 9.8959439 6.6390710
## genderM 1.9966948 2.7994116 0.7132552
## age 0.2998013 0.1126424 2.6615311
## BMI 1.4562411 0.4079060 3.5700411
## lateWorkHoursTRUE 2.7321405 1.1628043 2.3496133
# model comparison vs null
m1.bisd <- lmer(DBP_eve ~ lateWorkHours + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0d,m1.bisd)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than null model
## model weights
## [1] 0.459 0.541
summary(m1.bisd)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 71.8475051 1.208679 59.4429936
## lateWorkHoursTRUE 0.6972278 1.004637 0.6940097
# model comparison vs previous model
m4d <- lmer(DBP_eve ~ gender + age + BMI + lateWorkHours + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0d,m1d,m2d,m3d,m4d)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than previous model
## model weights
## [1] 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.438 0.559
summary(m4d)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 33.4270451 7.74499888 4.3159522
## genderM -2.0683839 2.18856218 -0.9450880
## age 0.2698522 0.08801337 3.0660368
## BMI 1.1927294 0.31920098 3.7366095
## lateWorkHoursTRUE 0.8089683 0.99692009 0.8114675
is a level-1 categorical variable that
in section 3.5 predicted slightly higher evening systolic blood
pressure. Consistently, its inclusion implies stronger evidence (i.e.,
higher Akaike weight) than more parsimonious models, with an estimated
absolute t-value higher than 2 for both systolic and diastolic evening
blood pressure. However, the variable shows a strongly unbalanced number
of cases, with only 10% of cases with some evening hassle. Moreover, we
consider the theoretical importance of this variable, which might be a
potential explanatory mechanism (e.g., mediator) through which
workaholism might impact on strain. Thus, we do not
include it as a covariate for evening blood pressure.
# number of cases by covariate level
## No Yes
## 620 72
# model comparison vs null
m1.bis <- lmer(SBP_eve ~ dailyHassles_eve + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1.bis)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than null model
## model weights
## [1] 0.045 0.955
summary(m1.bis)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| > 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 113.796757 1.512925 75.216380
## dailyHassles_eveYes 3.382891 1.430865 2.364227
# model comparison vs previous model
m4 <- lmer(SBP_eve ~ gender + age + BMI + dailyHassles_eve + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1,m2,m3,m4)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than previous model
## model weights
## [1] 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.041 0.959
summary(m4)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| > 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 66.0268707 9.9807438 6.6154258
## genderM 2.0319644 2.8255272 0.7191452
## age 0.2990615 0.1136900 2.6305004
## BMI 1.4570446 0.4116337 3.5396631
## dailyHassles_eveYes 3.4402674 1.4282481 2.4087324
# model comparison vs null
m1.bisd <- lmer(DBP_eve ~ dailyHassles_eve + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0d,m1.bisd)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than null model
## model weights
## [1] 0.022 0.978
summary(m1.bisd)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| > 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 71.685385 1.196960 59.889560
## dailyHassles_eveYes 3.330774 1.226915 2.714755
# model comparison vs previous model
m4d <- lmer(DBP_eve ~ gender + age + BMI + dailyHassles_eve + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0d,m1d,m2d,m3d,m4d)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than previous model
## model weights
## [1] 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.023 0.977
summary(m4d)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| > 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 33.0442605 7.80296420 4.2348343
## genderM -1.9474501 2.20697544 -0.8824068
## age 0.2679757 0.08875228 3.0193674
## BMI 1.2041648 0.32180164 3.7419473
## dailyHassles_eveYes 3.3028539 1.22338067 2.6997761
is a level-1 categorical variable that in
section 3.5 only showed some slight difference in evening blood
pressure. Here, although its inclusion implies stronger evidence than
more parsimonious models, absolute t-values are lower than 2. Thus, also
considering the unbalanced number of cases per level and the uncertainty
of its relationship with both workaholism and blood pressure, we
do not include it as a covariate for evening blood
# number of cases by covariate level
summary(cleanBP$teleWork) # currently 4 categories
## office teleWork both dayOff
## 521 129 42 0
cleanBP$teleWork <- as.factor(gsub("both","teleWork",gsub("dayOff","teleWork",cleanBP$teleWork))) # recoding to 2 categories
## office teleWork
## 521 171
# model comparison vs null
m1.bis <- lmer(SBP_eve ~ teleWork + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1.bis)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than null model
## model weights
## [1] 0.323 0.677
summary(m1.bis)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 113.794472 1.544992 73.6537680
## teleWorkteleWork 1.366617 1.508391 0.9060097
# model comparison vs previous model
m4 <- lmer(SBP_eve ~ gender + age + BMI + teleWork + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1,m2,m3,m4)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than previous model
## model weights
## [1] 0.000 0.000 0.003 0.335 0.663
summary(m4)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 66.6300806 9.9413202 6.7023372
## genderM 1.7281196 2.8189077 0.6130458
## age 0.3030699 0.1132787 2.6754370
## BMI 1.4317496 0.4102103 3.4902823
## teleWorkteleWork 1.2733757 1.4912985 0.8538705
# model comparison vs null
m1.bisd <- lmer(DBP_eve ~ teleWork + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0d,m1.bisd)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than null model
## model weights
## [1] 0.379 0.621
summary(m1.bisd)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 71.760041 1.224678 58.5950051
## teleWorkteleWork 1.039961 1.282581 0.8108345
# model comparison vs previous model
m4d <- lmer(DBP_eve ~ gender + age + BMI + teleWork + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0d,m1d,m2d,m3d,m4d)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than previous model
## model weights
## [1] 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.361 0.637
summary(m4d)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 33.6242929 7.73173940 4.3488653
## genderM -2.2298695 2.19081519 -1.0178264
## age 0.2717364 0.08796724 3.0890637
## BMI 1.1805730 0.31905459 3.7002226
## teleWorkteleWork 1.1519514 1.26191981 0.9128563
is a level-1 categorical variable that
in section 3.5 showed some slight difference in afternoon blood
pressure. Here, although its inclusion implies weaker evidence than more
parsimonious models, absolute t-values are lower than 2. Thus, also
considering the unbalanced number of cases per level and the uncertainty
of its relationship with workaholism, we do not include
it as a covariate for evening blood pressure.
# number of cases by covariate level
## logical 556 136
# model comparison vs null
m1.bis <- lmer(SBP_eve ~ confounders_eve + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1.bis)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than null model
## model weights
## [1] 0.408 0.592
summary(m1.bis)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 114.2968993 1.531994 74.6066118
## confounders_eveTRUE -0.7463954 1.353309 -0.5515335
# model comparison vs previous model
m4 <- lmer(SBP_eve ~ gender + age + BMI + confounders_eve + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1,m2,m3,m4)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than previous model
## model weights
## [1] 0.000 0.000 0.003 0.415 0.582
summary(m4)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 66.9646776 9.9856414 6.7060968
## genderM 1.9679221 2.8324620 0.6947744
## age 0.3032453 0.1137364 2.6662115
## BMI 1.4321009 0.4118961 3.4768496
## confounders_eveTRUE -0.6633106 1.3466258 -0.4925723
# model comparison vs null
m1.bisd <- lmer(DBP_eve ~ confounders_eve + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0d,m1.bisd)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than null model
## model weights
## [1] 0.477 0.523
summary(m1.bisd)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 71.9611667 1.210820 59.4317760
## confounders_eveTRUE 0.2791632 1.156894 0.2413041
# model comparison vs previous model
m4d <- lmer(DBP_eve ~ gender + age + BMI + confounders_eve + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0d,m1d,m2d,m3d,m4d)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than previous model
## model weights
## [1] 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.469 0.528
summary(m4d)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| > 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 33.609966 7.76754741 4.3269728
## genderM -2.169489 2.20197992 -0.9852447
## age 0.269359 0.08832794 3.0495338
## BMI 1.192690 0.32039420 3.7225691
## confounders_eveTRUE 0.401611 1.14812688 0.3497967
In addition to the pre-registered covariates, we consider a
further level-2 covariate that in section 3.5 showed
substantial trends in both evening blood pressure and workaholism, and
whose potential influence on both variables can be theoretically argued,
namely having children children
or living
with children home_child
. Indeed, respondents reporting to
live with their children reported higher evening blood pressure, whereas
those reporting to have children reported slightly lower workaholism
(see section 3.5). Theoretically, it is plausible although not
consistently reported by previous research (see Clark et
al., 2016) that workaholism levels and overall investment in the
work vs. family domain are influenced by family needs and presence of
children in the household. On the other hand, family needs and living
with children might negatively impact on blood pressure. Thus, both
and home_child
might be a common
external variable influencing both workaholism and evening, and we
consider it as a further potential covariate.
Although both children
and home_child
an acceptably balanced number of cases per level and both imply stronger
evidence than more parsimonious models, none of them show an absolute
t value higher than 2. Thus, also in this case, we do
not include these two variables as covariates for evening blood
# number of cases by covariate level
summary(cleanBP[!duplicated(cleanBP$ID),"children"]) # children: No. participants
## No Yes
## 54 50
summary(cleanBP$children) # children: No. cases
## No Yes
## 384 308
summary(cleanBP[!duplicated(cleanBP$ID),"home_child"]) # home_child: No. participants
## No Yes
## 65 39
summary(cleanBP$home_child) # home_child: No. cases
## No Yes
## 446 246
# model comparison children vs null
m1.bis <- lmer(SBP_eve ~ children + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1.bis)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than null model
## model weights
## [1] 0.044 0.956
summary(m1.bis)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| > 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 111.253421 2.043111 54.452940
## childrenYes 6.052529 2.961321 2.043861
# model comparison home_child vs null
m1.bis <- lmer(SBP_eve ~ home_child + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1.bis)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than null model
## model weights
## [1] 0.071 0.929
summary(m1.bis)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 112.128619 1.875623 59.782080
## home_childYes 5.403577 3.077756 1.755687
# model comparison children vs previous model
m4 <- lmer(SBP_eve ~ gender + age + BMI + children + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1,m2,m3,m4)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than previous model
## model weights
## [1] 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.214 0.784
summary(m4)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 66.6125958 10.3254484 6.45130299
## genderM 1.8685767 2.8328983 0.65959896
## age 0.3083002 0.1636152 1.88430051
## BMI 1.4387451 0.4129912 3.48371830
## childrenYes -0.2271017 3.9672903 -0.05724352
# model comparison home_child vs previous model
m4 <- lmer(SBP_eve ~ gender + age + BMI + home_child + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1,m2,m3,m4)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than previous model
## model weights
## [1] 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.226 0.773
summary(m4)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 66.0912873 10.3746008 6.3704897
## genderM 1.7842699 2.8503310 0.6259869
## age 0.3217752 0.1414442 2.2749274
## BMI 1.4481325 0.4139393 3.4984179
## home_childYes -0.8711060 3.6150390 -0.2409672
# model comparison children vs null
m1.bisd <- lmer(DBP_eve ~ children + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0d,m1.bisd)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than null model
## model weights
## [1] 0.032 0.968
summary(m1.bisd)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 69.461465 1.604318 43.29656
## childrenYes 5.381759 2.327368 2.31238
# model comparison home_child vs null
m1.bisd <- lmer(DBP_eve ~ home_child + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0d,m1.bisd)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than null model
## model weights
## [1] 0.073 0.927
summary(m1.bisd)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 70.336214 1.477690 47.598754
## home_childYes 4.539922 2.426653 1.870858
# model comparison children vs previous model
m4d <- lmer(DBP_eve ~ gender + age + BMI + children + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0d,m1d,m2d,m3d,m4d)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than previous model
## model weights
## [1] 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.255 0.744
summary(m4d)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 33.2719874 8.0446895 4.1358945
## genderM -2.0934794 2.2056867 -0.9491282
## age 0.2919544 0.1272977 2.2934770
## BMI 1.1845708 0.3218551 3.6804475
## childrenYes -0.7287210 3.0872911 -0.2360390
# model comparison home_child vs previous model
m4d <- lmer(DBP_eve ~ gender + age + BMI + home_child + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0d,m1d,m2d,m3d,m4d)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than previous model
## model weights
## [1] 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.228 0.771
summary(m4d)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 32.1652186 8.0651917 3.9881530
## genderM -2.2924693 2.2132622 -1.0357875
## age 0.3181343 0.1099083 2.8945428
## BMI 1.2073609 0.3217968 3.7519356
## home_childYes -2.0562008 2.8095946 -0.7318496
As a final, not pre-registered, control, we inspect the
linear time trends of the outcome variable. This is
done by including the number of day
s since the beginning of
the study as a further covariate. We can see that the inclusion of
implies stronger evidence than more parsimonious
models, with an absolute t value higher than 2. However, a
better inspection of blood pressure distributions through
levels shows that such effect is likely due to
measurement reactivity (i.e., increased physiological activation during
the first - less familiar - blood pressure recordings). Consistently the
linear time trend is no longer substantial after the removal of
observations collected on the first day, whereas the effect is larger
when day
is included as a categorical variable with day 1
vs. other days. Thus, we do not include
as a covariate** for evening blood pressure, but we
will consider it as a robustness check.
# plotting SBP_eve by day
boxplot(SBP_eve ~ day,data=cleanBP)
# model comparison vs null
m1.bis <- lmer(SBP_eve ~ day + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1.bis)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than null model
## model weights
## [1] 0.369 0.631
summary(m1.bis)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| > 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 115.623226 1.6314245 70.872558
## day -0.293606 0.1264509 -2.321897
# removing day 1
Weights(AIC(update(m0,data=cleanBP[cleanBP$day!=1,]),update(m1.bis,data=cleanBP[cleanBP$day!=1,]))) # weaker evidence than null
## model weights
## [1] 0.887 0.113
summary(update(m1.bis,data=cleanBP[cleanBP$day!=1,]))$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 113.53298973 1.6680511 68.0632574
## day -0.02416865 0.1360193 -0.1776855
# model comparison vs previous model
m4 <- lmer(SBP_eve ~ gender + age + BMI + day + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1,m2,m3,m4)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than previous model
## model weights
## [1] 0.000 0.000 0.003 0.343 0.654
summary(m4)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| > 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 67.9672248 9.9542768 6.8279420
## genderM 1.7906621 2.8148466 0.6361491
## age 0.2999060 0.1132825 2.6474161
## BMI 1.4569939 0.4101931 3.5519709
## day -0.2990559 0.1262507 -2.3687457
# removing day 1
update(m4,data=cleanBP[cleanBP$day!=1,]))) # weaker evidence than null
## model weights
## [1] 0.000 0.001 0.008 0.878 0.112
summary(update(m4,data=cleanBP[cleanBP$day!=1,]))$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 67.97278905 9.8950264 6.8693894
## genderM 1.67363662 2.8021972 0.5972587
## age 0.27923260 0.1128915 2.4734595
## BMI 1.40698848 0.4069752 3.4571847
## day -0.02865996 0.1357925 -0.2110570
# isolating day 1 as a factor
cleanBP$day1 <- 0
cleanBP[cleanBP$day==1,"day1"] <- 1
cleanBP$day1 <- as.factor(cleanBP$day1)
summary(cleanBP$day1) # number of cases
## 0 1
## 614 78
boxplot(SBP_eve ~ day1,data=cleanBP) # plotting SBP by day
# model comparison considering day1 vs previous model
m4 <- lmer(SBP_eve ~ gender + age + BMI + day1 + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1,m2,m3,m4)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than previous model
## model weights
## [1] 0 0 0 0 1
summary(m4)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| > 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 65.8641068 9.9030861 6.6508668
## genderM 1.8273418 2.8034531 0.6518182
## age 0.2961376 0.1128389 2.6244291
## BMI 1.4590298 0.4084938 3.5717305
## day11 5.2651024 1.2107433 4.3486530
# plotting DBP_eve by day
boxplot(DBP_eve ~ day,data=cleanBP)
# model comparison vs null
m1.bisd <- lmer(DBP_eve ~ day + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0d,m1.bisd)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than null model
## model weights
## [1] 0.308 0.692
summary(m1.bisd)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| > 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 73.3960692 1.3062922 56.186565
## day -0.2714198 0.1085932 -2.499417
# model comparison vs previous model
m4d <- lmer(DBP_eve ~ gender + age + BMI + day + (1|ID),data=cleanBP)
Weights(AIC(m0d,m1d,m2d,m3d,m4d)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than previous model
## model weights
## [1] 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.274 0.725
summary(m4d)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 34.8733854 7.75960457 4.4942220
## genderM -2.1772548 2.19155573 -0.9934745
## age 0.2688984 0.08815066 3.0504415
## BMI 1.2034270 0.31967205 3.7645675
## day -0.2778330 0.10831674 -2.5650056
For emotional exhaustion, the pre-registered potential covariates to be considered are:
, as previous evidence highlighted higher
emotional exhaustion in women compared to men (e.g., Purvanova et al 2010) and gender has been highlighted as
a potential moderator of the straining effects of trait workaholism
(e.g., Bladucci et al., 2018; 2021).
, as previous evidence highlighted some emotional
exhaustion trend over age (e.g., Brewer et al.,
2004); however, no clear differences have been highlighted for
workaholism over age (Clark et al., 2016).
The daily number of worked hours workHours
, as long
working hours is a definitional aspect of workaholism which has been
found associated with emotional exhaustion (Seidler et
al, 2014); however, controlling for this variable might risk to
artificially deflate the relationship between workaholism and sleep
disturbances since the former might influence the latter through working
hours. That is, working hours is a potential explanatory
mechanism of the focused relationship, and including it as a
control variable might bias rather than strengthening the results (see
Spector et al., 2021).
The occurrence of late working hours in the evening
, consistently with what argued above for
; also in this case, controlling for this variable
might risk to rule out a potential explanatory
mechanism of the relationship between workaholism and sleep
Nonwork hassles in the evening dailyHassles_eve
, as
private life hassles have been related to emotional exhaustion (e.g., Klusmann et al., 2021) and nonwork hassles such as
relationship tension have been recently related to state workaholism (Clark et al., 2021); also in this case, such an argument
imply that nonwork hassles are a potential explanatory
mechanism of the focused relationship.
Remote work teleWork
, as emotional exhaustion might
be different during remote work days (e.g., Abdel Hadi et
al., 2021), although with no clear expectations on its relationship
with workaholism.
Further pre-registered level-2 covariates (i.e., retrospective measures of trait workaholism, technostress creators) are not included due to our aim to focus the study on the focused level-1 variables, whereas recovery experiences will be included in all models (see Supplementary material S7). Blood pressure confounders are not considered as well, due to the lack of clear link with exhaustion and workaholism. In contrast, additional (i.e., not pre-registered) level-2 covariates potentially moderating the relationship between workaholism and emotional exhaustion are considered as potentially confounding factors.
Prior to evaluate the inclusion of each covariate, we prepare the data for the analyses. That is, we remove cases of missing responses in the response variable or any covariate (list-wise deletion) and we center level-1 continuous covariates on the individual mean (person-mean-centering).
# list-wise deletion culo
cleanEE <-[,c("ID","day","EE","gender","age","workHours","lateWorkHours",
cat("Considering",nrow(cleanEE),"complete observations from",nlevels(as.factor(as.character(cleanEE$ID))),"participants")
## Considering 774 complete observations from 114 participants
# mean centering lv-1 continuous covariates
for(Var in c("workHours")){
prelqs <- cbind(prelqs,aggregate(cleanEE[,Var],list(cleanEE$ID),mean)[,2]) # computing individual means
colnames(prelqs)[ncol(prelqs)] <- paste0(Var,".cm")
cleanEE <- join(cleanEE,prelqs[,c("ID",paste0(Var,".cm"))],by="ID",type="left") # joining with long-form data
cleanEE[,paste0(Var,".mc")] <- cleanEE[,Var] - cleanEE[,paste0(Var,".cm")] } # computing mean-centered scores
is a categorical variable with a roughly balanced
number of participants. In section 3.5 we did not observed substantial
gender differences in emotional exhaustion. Consistently, its inclusion
in the null model shows weaker evidence (i.e., lower Akaike weight),
with an estimated t-value lower than 2. However, considering its
theoretical relevance as a potential moderator of the straining effects
of workaholism (e.g., Balducci et al. (2018))
we include gender
as a covariate for sleep
# number of cases by covariate level
summary(cleanEE[!duplicated(cleanEE$ID),"gender"]) # No. participants
## F M
## 59 55
summary(cleanEE$gender) # No. cases
## F M
## 411 363
# model comparison
m0 <- lmer(EE ~ (1|ID),data=cleanEE)
m1 <- lmer(EE ~ gender + (1|ID),data=cleanEE)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1)) # Akaike weights: weaker evidence including gender
## model weights
## [1] 0.725 0.275
summary(m1)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 3.1002605 0.1608989 19.268382
## genderM 0.2485523 0.2318810 1.071896
is a level-2 continuous variable that in section 3.2
was uncorrelated with emotional exhaustion (r = 0.00).
Consistently, its inclusion in the model including gender
implies weaker evidence than more parsimonious models, with an absolute
t-value lower than 2. Thus, also considering the uncertainty on its
relationship with workaholism, we do not include it as
a covariate for emotional exhaustion.
# model comparison vs null
m1.bis <- lmer(EE ~ age + (1|ID),data=cleanEE)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1.bis)) # Akaike weights: weaker evidence than null model
## model weights
## [1] 0.99 0.01
summary(m1.bis)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 3.429317614 0.406974930 8.4263608
## age -0.004969458 0.009255897 -0.5368964
# model comparison vs gender
m2 <- lmer(EE ~ gender + age + (1|ID),data=cleanEE)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1,m2)) # Akaike weights: weaker evidence than previous model
## model weights
## [1] 0.723 0.275 0.003
summary(m2)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 3.281307057 0.431683535 7.6011865
## genderM 0.240100182 0.233541082 1.0280854
## age -0.004200372 0.009285946 -0.4523365
is a level-1 continuous variable that in
section 3.2 was positively correlated with emotional exhaustion
(r = 0.22). Consistently, its inclusion implies stronger
evidence than more parsimonious models, with an absolute t-value higher
than 2. However, considering its role as a potential explanatory
mechanism (e.g., mediator) through which workaholism might impact on
strain, we do not include it as a covariate for
emotional exhaustion.
# model comparison vs null
m1.bis <- lmer(EE ~ + (1|ID),data=cleanEE)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1.bis)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than null model
## model weights
## [1] 0.004 0.996
summary(m1.bis)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| > 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 3.2199170 0.11590941 27.779599
## 0.1257082 0.02941963 4.272938
# model comparison vs gender
m2 <- lmer(EE ~ gender + + (1|ID),data=cleanEE)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1,m2)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than previous model
## model weights
## [1] 0.012 0.004 0.984
summary(m2)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| > 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 3.1001459 0.16091111 19.266201
## genderM 0.2487437 0.23189176 1.072671
## 0.1257082 0.02941813 4.273155
is a level-1 categorical variable that in
section 3.5 did not predict substantial differences in emotional
exhaustion. Consistently, its inclusion implies weaker evidence than
more parsimonious models, with an absolute t-value lower than 2. Thus,
also considering its role as a potential explanatory mechanism (e.g.,
mediator) through which workaholism might impact on strain, we
do not include it as a covariate for emotional exhaustion.
# number of cases by covariate level
## logical 584 190
# model comparison vs null
m1.bis <- lmer(EE ~ lateWorkHours + (1|ID),data=cleanEE)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1.bis)) # Akaike weights: weaker evidence than null model
## model weights
## [1] 0.794 0.206
summary(m1.bis)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 3.1805575 0.1190303 26.720560
## lateWorkHoursTRUE 0.1526904 0.1126787 1.355095
# model comparison vs gender
m2 <- lmer(EE ~ gender + lateWorkHours + (1|ID),data=cleanEE)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1,m2)) # Akaike weights: weaker evidence than previous model
## model weights
## [1] 0.675 0.256 0.068
summary(m2)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 3.0580254 0.1631294 18.746014
## genderM 0.2534415 0.2308978 1.097635
## lateWorkHoursTRUE 0.1546659 0.1126817 1.372591
is a level-1 categorical variable that
in section 3.5 predicted higher emotional exhaustion. Consistently, its
inclusion implies stronger evidence (i.e., higher Akaike weight) than
more parsimonious models, with an estimated absolute t-value higher than
2. However, the variable shows a strongly unbalanced number of cases,
with only 10% of cases with some evening hassles. Moreover, we consider
the theoretical importance of this variable, which might be a potential
explanatory mechanism (e.g., mediator) through which workaholism might
impact on strain. Thus, we do not include it as a
covariate for emotional exhaustion.
# number of cases by covariate level
## No Yes
## 696 78
# model comparison dailyHassles_eve vs null
m1.bis <- lmer(EE ~ dailyHassles_eve + (1|ID),data=cleanEE)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1.bis)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than null model
## model weights
## [1] 0.001 0.999
summary(m1.bis)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| > 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 3.1576786 0.1150583 27.444156
## dailyHassles_eveYes 0.6301497 0.1437826 4.382657
# model comparison vs gender
m2 <- lmer(EE ~ gender + dailyHassles_eve + (1|ID),data=cleanEE)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1,m2)) # Akaike weights: weaker evidence than previous model
## model weights
## [1] 0.001 0.000 0.998
summary(m2)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| > 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 3.0172110 0.1592633 18.944797
## genderM 0.2901592 0.2281258 1.271926
## dailyHassles_eveYes 0.6379189 0.1438860 4.433503
is a level-1 categorical variable that in
section 3.5 did not predict substantial differences in emotional
exhaustion. Consistently, its inclusion implies weaker evidence than
more parsimonious models, with an absolute t-value lower than 2. Thus,
also considering the unbalanced number of cases per level and the
uncertainty of its relationship with workaholism, we do not
include it as a covariate for emotional exhaustion.
# number of cases by covariate level
summary(cleanEE$teleWork) # currently 4 categories
## office teleWork both dayOff
## 580 143 51 0
cleanEE$teleWork <- as.factor(gsub("both","teleWork",gsub("dayOff","teleWork",cleanEE$teleWork))) # recoding to 2 categories
## office teleWork
## 580 194
# model comparison vs null
m1.bis <- lmer(EE ~ teleWork + (1|ID),data=cleanEE)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1.bis)) # Akaike weights: weaker evidence than null model
## model weights
## [1] 0.818 0.182
summary(m1.bis)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 3.2568184 0.1218023 26.738560
## teleWorkteleWork -0.1465454 0.1457767 -1.005273
# model comparison vs gender + dailyHassles_eve
m2 <- lmer(EE ~ gender + teleWork + (1|ID),data=cleanEE)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1,m2)) # Akaike weights: weaker evidence than previous model
## model weights
## [1] 0.680 0.258 0.062
summary(m2)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 3.1316744 0.1637507 19.124646
## genderM 0.2658847 0.2327925 1.142153
## teleWorkteleWork -0.1579611 0.1460864 -1.081285
In addition to the pre-registered covariates, we consider a
further level-2 covariate that in section 3.5 showed
substantial trends in both emotional exhaustion and workaholism, and
whose potential influence on both variables can be theoretically argued,
namely having children
or living with children
. Indeed, respondents reporting to live with
their children showed lower emotional exhaustion, whereas those
reporting to have children reported slightly lower workaholism (see
section 3.5). Theoretically, it is plausible although not consistently
reported by previous research (see Clark et al.,
2016) that workaholism levels and overall investment in the work
vs. family domain are influenced by family needs and presence of
children in the household. Thus, both children
might be a common external variable influencing
both workaholism and emotional exhaustion, and we consider it as a
further potential covariate.
Although both children
and home_child
an acceptably balanced number of cases per level, none of them implied
stronger evidence than the more parsimonious models. Thus, also in this
case, we do not include these two variables as
covariates for emotional exhaustion.
# children...........................................................
# number of cases by covariate level
summary(cleanEE[!duplicated(cleanEE$ID),"children"]) # children: No. participants
## No Yes
## 56 58
summary(cleanEE$children) # children: No. cases
## No Yes
## 398 376
# model comparison home_child vs null
m1.bis <- lmer(EE ~ home_child + (1|ID),data=cleanEE)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1.bis)) # Akaike weights: weaker evidence than null model
## model weights
## [1] 0.525 0.475
summary(m1.bis)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 3.3766989 0.1476390 22.871319
## home_childYes -0.3985085 0.2354001 -1.692899
# model comparison children vs gender
m2 <- lmer(EE ~ gender + children + (1|ID),data=cleanEE)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1,m2)) # Akaike weights: weaker evidence than previous model
## model weights
## [1] 0.637 0.242 0.121
summary(m2)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 3.2623275 0.2028118 16.0854889
## genderM 0.2293104 0.2317081 0.9896521
## childrenYes -0.3024936 0.2315611 -1.3063232
# home_child...........................................................
summary(cleanEE[!duplicated(cleanEE$ID),"home_child"]) # home_child: No. participants
## No Yes
## 69 45
summary(cleanEE$home_child) # home_child: No. cases
## No Yes
## 474 300
# model comparison children vs null
m1.bis <- lmer(EE ~ children + (1|ID),data=cleanEE)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1.bis)) # Akaike weights: weaker evidence than null model
## model weights
## [1] 0.647 0.353
summary(m1.bis)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 3.3800736 0.1641959 20.585610
## childrenYes -0.3170249 0.2310272 -1.372241
# model comparison home_child vs gender
m2 <- lmer(EE ~ gender + home_child + (1|ID),data=cleanEE)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1,m2)) # Akaike weights: weaker evidence than previous model
## model weights
## [1] 0.606 0.230 0.164
summary(m2)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 3.2727244 0.1954395 16.745456
## genderM 0.1901306 0.2336362 0.813789
## home_childYes -0.3669013 0.2389737 -1.535321
As a final, not pre-registered, control, we inspect the
linear time trends of the outcome variable. This is
done by including the number of day
s since the beginning of
the study as a further covariate. We can see that the inclusion of
implies stronger evidence than the null model unless
the model only including gender
is considered, with a
t-value higher than 2. However, we cannot see a clear linear trend of
over time. Thus, we do not include
as a covariate for emotional exhaustion, but we will
consider it as a robustness check.
# plotting SD by day
boxplot(EE ~ day,data=cleanEE)
# model comparison day vs null
m1.bis <- lmer(EE ~ day + (1|ID),data=cleanEE)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1.bis)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than null model
## model weights
## [1] 0.084 0.916
summary(m1.bis)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| > 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 2.98448068 0.13223588 22.569372
## day 0.04712845 0.01268082 3.716516
# model comparison day vs gender + dailyHassles_eve
m2 <- lmer(EE ~ gender + day + (1|ID),data=cleanEE)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1,m2)) # Akaike weights: same evidence than previous models
## model weights
## [1] 0.175 0.066 0.759
summary(m2)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| > 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 2.85932351 0.17354282 16.476184
## genderM 0.25831871 0.23214377 1.112753
## day 0.04728344 0.01268074 3.728761
For sleep disturbances, the pre-registered potential covariates to be considered are:
, as previous evidence highlighted poorer
sleep quality in women compared to men (e.g., Zeng et
al., 2022) and gender has been highlighted as a potential moderator
of the straining effects of trait workaholism (e.g., Bladucci et al., 2018; 2021).
, as previous evidence highlighted poorer sleep
quality in aging (e.g., Floyd et al., 2000); however,
no clear differences have been highlighted for workaholism over age (Clark et al., 2016).
The time since waking up hhFromAwake
, as perceived
sleep disturbances might change with the time between awakening and the
subsequent survey response; however, we have no clear expectation on its
relationship with workaholism, and the two variables are uncorrelated
(r = 0.02).
The daily number of worked hours workHours
, as long
working hours is a definitional aspect of workaholism which has been
found associated with sleep disturbances (Virtanen,
2009); however, controlling for this variable might risk to
artificially deflate the relationship between workaholism and sleep
disturbances since the former might influence the latter through working
hours. That is, working hours is a potential explanatory
mechanism of the focused relationship, and including it as a
control variable might bias rather than strengthening the results (see
Spector et al., 2021).
The occurrence of late working hours in the evening
, consistently with what argued above for
; also in this case, controlling for this variable
might risk to rule out a potential explanatory
mechanism of the relationship between workaholism and sleep
Nonwork hassles in the evening dailyHassles_eve
, as
hassles have been related to sleep disturbances (e.g., Dahl et al., 2007) and nonwork hassles such as
relationship tension have been recently related to state workaholism (Clark et al., 2021); also in this case, such an argument
imply that nonwork hassles are a potential explanatory
mechanism of the focused relationship.
Remote work teleWork
, although with no clear
expectations on its relationship with sleep disturbances, while we
originally hypothesized that remote working might act as a moderator of
the straining effect of workaholism.
Further pre-registered level-2 covariates (i.e., retrospective measures of trait workaholism, technostress creators) are not included due to our aim to focus the study on the focused level-1 variables, whereas recovery experiences will be included in all models (see Supplementary material S7). In contrast, additional (i.e., not pre-registered) level-2 covariates potentially moderating the relationship between workaholism and sleep disturbances are considered as potentially confounding factors.
Prior to evaluate the inclusion of each covariate, we prepare the data for the analyses. That is, we remove cases of missing responses in the response variable or any covariate (list-wise deletion) and we center level-1 continuous covariates on the individual mean (person-mean-centering).
# list-wise deletion
cleanSD <-[,c("ID","day","SD",
cat("Considering",nrow(cleanSD),"complete observations from",nlevels(as.factor(as.character(cleanSD$ID))),"participants")
## Considering 768 complete observations from 114 participants
# mean centering lv-1 continuous covariates
for(Var in c("hhFromAwake","workHours")){
prelqs <- cbind(prelqs,aggregate(cleanSD[,Var],list(cleanSD$ID),mean)[,2]) # computing individual means
colnames(prelqs)[ncol(prelqs)] <- paste0(Var,".cm")
cleanSD <- join(cleanSD,prelqs[,c("ID",paste0(Var,".cm"))],by="ID",type="left") # joining with long-form data
cleanSD[,paste0(Var,".mc")] <- cleanSD[,Var] - cleanSD[,paste0(Var,".cm")] } # computing mean-centered scores
is a categorical variable with a roughly balanced
number of participants. Although in section 3.5 we only observed some
slight tendency, its inclusion in the null model shows improved evidence
(i.e., higher Akaike weight) compared to the null model, with an
estimated t-value close to 2. Thus, also considering its theoretical
relevance as a potential moderator of the straining effects of
workaholism (e.g., Balducci et al. (2018)) we
include gender
as a covariate for sleep
# number of cases by covariate level
summary(cleanSD[!duplicated(cleanSD$ID),"gender"]) # No. participants
## F M
## 59 55
summary(cleanSD$gender) # No. cases
## F M
## 410 358
# model comparison
m0 <- lmer(SD ~ (1|ID),data=cleanSD)
m1 <- lmer(SD ~ gender + (1|ID),data=cleanSD)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence including gender
## model weights
## [1] 0.468 0.532
summary(m1)$coefficients # coefficient: proximal to |t|=2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 2.7377768 0.1267734 21.595831
## genderM -0.3588516 0.1829553 -1.961417
is a level-2 continuous variable that in section 3.2
was unrelated with sleep disturbances (r = 0.02). Consistently,
its inclusion in the model including gender
implies weaker
evidence than more parsimonious models, with an absolute t-value lower
than 2. Thus, also considering the uncertainty on its relationship with
workaholism, we do not include it as a covariate for
sleep disturbances.
# model comparison vs null
m1.bis <- lmer(SD ~ age + (1|ID),data=cleanSD)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1.bis)) # Akaike weights: weaker evidence than null model
## model weights
## [1] 0.992 0.008
summary(m1.bis)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 2.402643598 0.324103465 7.4131993
## age 0.003861789 0.007368504 0.5240941
# model comparison vs gender
m2 <- lmer(SD ~ gender + age + (1|ID),data=cleanSD)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1,m2)) # Akaike weights: weaker evidence than previous model
## model weights
## [1] 0.466 0.530 0.004
summary(m2)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 2.618859240 0.339967408 7.7032656
## genderM -0.353330171 0.184161326 -1.9185905
## age 0.002758294 0.007311898 0.3772336
is a level-1 continuous variable that in
section 3.2 was unrelated to sleep disturbances (r = 0.02).
Consistently, its inclusion implies weaker evidence than more
parsimonious models, with an absolute t-value lower than 2. Thus, also
considering the uncertainty of its relationship with both workaholism
and sleep disturbances, we do not include it as a
covariate for sleep disturbances.
# model comparison vs null
m1.bis <- lmer(SD ~ + (1|ID),data=cleanSD)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1.bis)) # Akaike weights: weaker evidence than null model
## model weights
## [1] 0.957 0.043
summary(m1.bis)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 2.56542218 0.09247725 27.74111643
## -0.00449394 0.04905488 -0.09161045
# model comparison vs gender
m2 <- lmer(SD ~ gender + + (1|ID),data=cleanSD)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1,m2)) # Akaike weights: weaker evidence than previous model
## model weights
## [1] 0.457 0.520 0.024
summary(m2)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 2.73777344 0.1267739 21.59572270
## genderM -0.35883930 0.1829568 -1.96133389
## -0.00449394 0.0490475 -0.09162423
is a level-1 continuous variable that in
section 3.2 was uncorrelated with sleep disturbances (r =
0.02). Consistently, its inclusion implies weaker evidence than more
parsimonious models, with an absolute t-value lower than 2. Thus, also
considering its role as a potential explanatory mechanism (e.g.,
mediator) through which workaholism might impact on strain, we
do not include it as a covariate for sleep disturbances.
# model comparison vs null
m1.bis <- lmer(SD ~ + (1|ID),data=cleanSD)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1.bis)) # Akaike weights: weaker evidence than null model
## model weights
## [1] 0.961 0.039
summary(m1.bis)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 2.56563093 0.09248917 27.7397989
## -0.02634331 0.03074465 -0.8568419
# model comparison vs gender
m2 <- lmer(SD ~ gender + + (1|ID),data=cleanSD)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1,m2)) # Akaike weights: weaker evidence than previous model
## model weights
## [1] 0.458 0.521 0.021
summary(m2)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 2.73777677 0.12679557 21.5920533
## genderM -0.35841232 0.18298806 -1.9586651
## -0.02616138 0.03073998 -0.8510541
is a level-1 categorical variable that in
section 3.5 did not predict substantial differences in sleep
disturbances. Consistently, its inclusion implies weaker evidence than
more parsimonious models, with an absolute t-value lower than 2. Thus,
also considering its role as a potential explanatory mechanism (e.g.,
mediator) through which workaholism might impact on strain, we
do not include it as a covariate for sleep disturbances.
# number of cases by covariate level
## logical 580 188
# model comparison vs null
m1.bis <- lmer(SD ~ lateWorkHours + (1|ID),data=cleanSD)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1.bis)) # Akaike weights: weaker evidence than null model
## model weights
## [1] 0.699 0.301
summary(m1.bis)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 2.516734 0.09642726 26.099821
## lateWorkHoursTRUE 0.190358 0.11271379 1.688861
# model comparison vs gender
m2 <- lmer(SD ~ gender + lateWorkHours + (1|ID),data=cleanSD)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1,m2)) # Akaike weights: weaker evidence than previous model
## model weights
## [1] 0.383 0.436 0.180
summary(m2)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 2.6873902 0.1297561 20.711094
## genderM -0.3537025 0.1821281 -1.942053
## lateWorkHoursTRUE 0.1873724 0.1125491 1.664806
is a level-1 categorical variable that
in section 3.5 predicted slightly higher sleep disturbances.
Consistently, its inclusion implies stronger evidence (i.e., higher
Akaike weight) than more parsimonious models, with an estimated absolute
t-value higher than 2. However, the variable shows a strongly unbalanced
number of cases, with only 10% of cases with some evening hassle.
Moreover, we consider the theoretical importance of this variable, which
might be a potential explanatory mechanism (e.g., mediator) through
which workaholism might impact on strain. Thus, we do not
include it as a covariate for sleep disturbances.
# number of cases by covariate level
## No Yes
## 690 78
# model comparison dailyHassles_eve vs null
m1.bis <- lmer(SD ~ dailyHassles_eve + (1|ID),data=cleanSD)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1.bis)) # Akaike weights: stronger evidence than null model
## model weights
## [1] 0.096 0.904
summary(m1.bis)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| > 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 2.5225367 0.09252243 27.264057
## dailyHassles_eveYes 0.4270638 0.14607846 2.923523
# model comparison vs gender
m2 <- lmer(SD ~ gender + dailyHassles_eve + (1|ID),data=cleanSD)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1,m2)) # Akaike weights: weaker evidence than previous model
## model weights
## [1] 0.095 0.109 0.796
summary(m2)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| > 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 2.6833050 0.1269841 21.131025
## genderM -0.3320883 0.1814007 -1.830689
## dailyHassles_eveYes 0.4142470 0.1461602 2.834199
is a level-1 categorical variable that in
section 3.5 did not predict substantial differences in sleep
disturbances. Consistently, its inclusion implies weaker evidence than
more parsimonious models, with an absolute t-value lower than 2. Thus,
also considering the unbalanced number of cases per level and the
uncertainty of its relationship with both workaholism and sleep
disturbances, we do not include it as a covariate for
sleep disturbances.
# number of cases by covariate level
summary(cleanSD$teleWork) # currently 4 categories
## office teleWork both dayOff
## 575 143 50 0
cleanSD$teleWork <- as.factor(gsub("both","teleWork",gsub("dayOff","teleWork",cleanSD$teleWork))) # recoding to 2 categories
## office teleWork
## 575 193
# model comparison vs null
m1.bis <- lmer(SD ~ teleWork + (1|ID),data=cleanSD)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1.bis)) # Akaike weights: weaker evidence than null model
## model weights
## [1] 0.875 0.125
summary(m1.bis)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 2.5814746 0.09907303 26.0562796
## teleWorkteleWork -0.0637545 0.14035665 -0.4542322
# model comparison vs gender + dailyHassles_eve
m2 <- lmer(SD ~ gender + teleWork + (1|ID),data=cleanSD)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1,m2)) # Akaike weights: weaker evidence than previous model
## model weights
## [1] 0.437 0.496 0.067
summary(m2)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 2.74618253 0.1300248 21.1204479
## genderM -0.35438961 0.1838099 -1.9280224
## teleWorkteleWork -0.04188835 0.1403313 -0.2984961
In addition to the pre-registered covariates, we consider a
further level-2 covariate that in section 3.5 showed
substantial trends in both sleep disturbances and workaholism, and whose
potential influence on both variables can be theoretically argued,
namely having children children
or living
with children home_child
. Indeed, respondents reporting to
live with their children reported slightly higher sleep disturbances,
whereas those reporting to have children reported slightly lower
workaholism (see section 3.5). Theoretically, it is plausible although
not consistently reported by previous research (see Clark
et al., 2016) that workaholism levels and overall investment in the
work vs. family domain are influenced by family needs and presence of
children in the household. On the other hand, family needs and living
with children have been shown to negatively impact on sleep disturbances
(e.g., Gay et al., 20040). Thus, both
and home_child
might be a common
external variable influencing both workaholism and sleep disturbances,
and we consider it as a further potential covariate.
Although both children
and home_child
an acceptably balanced number of cases per level, none of them implies
stronger evidence than the more parsimonious models. Thus, also in this
case, we do not include these two variables as
covariates for sleep disturbances.
# children.....................................................
# number of cases by covariate level
summary(cleanSD[!duplicated(cleanSD$ID),"children"]) # children: No. participants
## No Yes
## 56 58
summary(cleanSD$children) # children: No. cases
## No Yes
## 395 373
# model comparison children vs null
m1.bis <- lmer(SD ~ children + (1|ID),data=cleanSD)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1.bis)) # Akaike weights: weaker evidence than null model
## model weights
## [1] 0.829 0.171
summary(m1.bis)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 2.5078091 0.1314603 19.0765451
## childrenYes 0.1145479 0.1853899 0.6178756
# model comparison home_child vs null
m1.bis <- lmer(SD ~ home_child + (1|ID),data=cleanSD)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1.bis)) # Akaike weights: weaker evidence than null model
## model weights
## [1] 0.637 0.363
summary(m1.bis)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 2.451325 0.1179382 20.784826
## home_childYes 0.290675 0.1882206 1.544332
# home_child.....................................................
summary(cleanSD[!duplicated(cleanSD$ID),"home_child"]) # home_child: No. participants
## No Yes
## 69 45
summary(cleanSD$home_child) # home_child: No. cases
## No Yes
## 470 298
# model comparison home_child vs gender
m2 <- lmer(SD ~ gender + home_child + (1|ID),data=cleanSD)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1,m2)) # Akaike weights: weaker evidence than previous model
## model weights
## [1] 0.388 0.442 0.170
summary(m2)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 2.6264209 0.1542313 17.029100
## genderM -0.3216865 0.1847922 -1.740801
## home_childYes 0.2382180 0.1890599 1.260013
# model comparison children vs gender
m2 <- lmer(SD ~ gender + children + (1|ID),data=cleanSD)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1,m2)) # Akaike weights: weaker evidence than previous model
## model weights
## [1] 0.424 0.483 0.093
summary(m2)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| < 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 2.68790172 0.1602551 16.772642
## genderM -0.35332513 0.1838018 -1.922316
## childrenYes 0.09391617 0.1836596 0.511360
As a final, not pre-registered, control, we inspect the
linear time trends of the outcome variable. This is
done by including the number of day
s since the beginning of
the study as a further covariate. We can see that the inclusion of
does not imply stronger evidence than more parsimonious
models, although a negative time trend (|t| > 2) is
estimated for sleep disturbances. Thus, we chose to not
include day
as a covariate for sleep
# plotting SD by day
boxplot(SD ~ day,data=cleanSD)
# model comparison day vs null
m1.bis <- lmer(SD ~ day + (1|ID),data=cleanSD)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1.bis)) # Akaike weights: weaker evidence than null model
## model weights
## [1] 0.875 0.125
summary(m1.bis)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| > 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 2.42071158 0.11263873 21.490935
## day 0.02891444 0.01296795 2.229684
# model comparison day vs gender + dailyHassles_eve
m2 <- lmer(SD ~ gender + day + (1|ID),data=cleanSD)
Weights(AIC(m0,m1,m2)) # Akaike weights: weaker evidence than previous models
## model weights
## [1] 0.437 0.497 0.067
summary(m2)$coefficients # coefficient: |t| > 2
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 2.59157797 0.14266096 18.165992
## genderM -0.35197859 0.18226085 -1.931180
## day 0.02854292 0.01296185 2.202072
Here, we summarize the results of our covariate selection procedure:
for SBP_aft
and DBP_aft
, we selected
, age
, and BMI
for SBP_eve
and DBP_eve
, we selected
, age
, and BMI
for EE
, we selected gender
as a
for SD
, we selected gender
as a
Here, we export the formulas of the models including the covariates selected for each response variable (see section 4).
# specifying model formulas
mformulas <- c("SBP_aft ~ gender + age + BMI",
"DBP_aft ~ gender + age + BMI",
"SBP_eve ~ gender + age + BMI",
"DBP_eve ~ gender + age + BMI",
"EE ~ gender",
"SD ~ gender")
# exporting model formula
Finally, we generate and export the outputs to be included in the manuscript, namely the table with the descriptive statistics and correlations that only includes the focused variables and the selected covariates.
# selecting level-1 quantitative variables
lv1 <- c("WHLSM","SBP_aft","DBP_aft", # afternoon
"SBP_eve","DBP_eve","EE","PD", # evening
"SD") # next morning
lv2 <- c("age","BMI")
# computing descriptives
tab1 <- cbind(multidesc(long=clean,wide=prelqs,lv1=lv1,lv2=lv2),
Measure | N | Mean | ICC | WHLSM | SBP_aft | DBP_aft | SBP_eve | DBP_eve | EE | PD | SD | age | BMI |
WHLSM | 847 | 3.43 (1.54) | 0.61 | 1 | 0.14*** | 0.14*** | 0.04 | 0.08 | 0.18*** | -0.08* | 0.13** | NA | NA |
SBP_aft | 843 | 122.18 (19.56) | 0.70 | 0.12 | 1 | 0.46*** | 0.18*** | 0.12** | 0.05 | -0.02 | 0.09* | NA | NA |
DBP_aft | 843 | 78.17 (14.6) | 0.61 | 0.13 | 0.83*** | 1 | 0.1* | 0.12** | 0.08* | -0.02 | 0.06 | NA | NA |
SBP_eve | 841 | 115.58 (18.22) | 0.69 | 0.11 | 0.9*** | 0.77*** | 1 | 0.56*** | 0.06 | -0.1* | 0.03 | NA | NA |
DBP_eve | 841 | 72.96 (14.26) | 0.64 | 0.04 | 0.77*** | 0.86*** | 0.87*** | 1 | 0.08* | -0.03 | 0.09* | NA | NA |
EE | 841 | 3.24 (1.57) | 0.56 | 0.49*** | 0.24* | 0.22* | 0.21 | 0.17 | 1 | -0.13*** | 0.09* | NA | NA |
PD | 841 | 4.38 (1.85) | 0.35 | -0.14 | -0.01 | -0.05 | -0.07 | -0.08 | -0.13 | 1 | -0.06 | NA | NA |
SD | 842 | 2.57 (1.4) | 0.39 | 0.43*** | 0.09 | 0.15 | 0.12 | 0.13 | 0.47*** | -0.16 | 1 | NA | NA |
age | 114 | 42.12 (12.61) | NA | -0.14 | 0.35*** | 0.35*** | 0.34*** | 0.38*** | -0.05 | 0.06 | 0.02 | 1 | NA |
BMI | 114 | 23.91 (3.53) | NA | 0.06 | 0.33*** | 0.33** | 0.4*** | 0.4*** | 0.06 | 0.07 | -0.03 | 0.22* | 1 |
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